Seize the Summer with EURES 2024
Informazioni su questo evento
Are you a young European willing to work in entertainment, dancing, acting, fitness, sports or leisure activities with children? Are you qualified or experienced in Tourism, Hospitality or Catering? Looking for some experience abroad?
Do you want to spend your Summer in one of the most attractive European destinations, meet new people and have the time of your life?
Seize the Summer with EURES is back this year! Together we aim to put jobseekers from all EU/EEA countries in touch with employers looking for motivated staff with different language skills and backgrounds, willing to work during the 2024 Summer season.
As a jobseeker,
you can register online prior to the event, browse through registered employers and apply for vacant positions. During the event, you may:
- follow interesting presentations about certain employers and what they have on offer, as well as on living and working in the Tourism sector, in specific European countries;
- be invited for one or more online interviews;
- get one-to-one advice from EURES staff on living and working conditions in Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain.
If you are an employer,
the event will be an ideal opportunity for you to promote your recruitment needs throughout Europe and meet a wide range of jobseekers with different language skills, qualifications and experience.
The event is exclusively focused on Tourism, Entertainment, Hospitality and Catering employers based in Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain.
We look forward to welcoming you on February 21-22 at
www.europeanjobdays.eu/seizethesummer2024 !
Contact us @ info@seizethesummer.eu. We will get back to you ASAP.
Don’t miss the chance to Seize the Summer in 2024 with EURES!
Are you a non-EU national?
If you’re not an EU/EFTA national...
Please bear in mind that, while you may participate and apply for jobs during this event, you are still subject to immigration rules and procedures if you want to move to one of these 13 countries to work.
Immigration policy, as well as its laws, regulations and procedures, are specific to each EU Member State.
Find out more about:
- the basic EU labour market accessing principles for different non-EU country nationals,
- the EU Immigration Portal.
Special conditions apply (such as a Temporary Protection Status) if you are a Ukrainian citizen currently fleeing from the war. Please check further info HERE...
Having into account this is an event particularly focused in seasonal jobs for the Spring-Summer 2024 campaign, many employers may decide not to go through your application, due to complex immigration procedures which would not allow them to timely meet their recruitment needs.
If you are already living in a EU Member State, namely in one of these 13 countries, you're very welcome to apply to jobs in the country where you're living.
If you have lived for over 5 years in one of these Member States and hold a long-term resident status, you have equal treatment in that Member State to country and EU nationals, with regard to access to employment and self-employment, education and vocational training and tax benefits, for example.
In this particular case, you may be entitled to moving to another country for work. Please bear in mind, however, that this is not granted automatically, as it is subject to meeting certain conditions, namely related to labour market situation, which are defined by each Member State. As a rule, you will have to apply for and be granted a residence permit in that country before you are entitled to work there.
During the event, there will be an Info Point where you can get first-level information on these procedures and be referred to the competent authorities | links in each country.
Are you a jobseeker?
If you are a jobseeker...Welcome onboard!
- Register for the event
If you still don't have an account in this platform, do it HERE. Find out how
Login first if you already have an account and go to My Events to join Seize the Summer.
- Check your profile | CV
This is your introduction to employers who may be looking for you. Make it as appealing as you can! Go through your language, skills and education fields - and don’t forget to add your picture.
VERY IMPORTANT! have your CV uploaded, ideally in English (use Europass if you still don’t have one). You can as well add your video CV (on Youtube or Vimeo), LinkedIn profile or any other online portfolio you have.
Add your contacts on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype or any other tool employers can use to reach you - before, during or after the event.
- Apply for jobs
To date over 200 employers based in one of the 13 participating countries have joined the event. There are nearly 500 job opportunities (over 3400 vacant positions) waiting for you and more will become available during these days. Browse through these jobs and apply today to those matching your skills and expectations.
PLEASE NOTE: employers will only view your profile | CV once you apply for their jobs.
- Confirm your participation in interview(s)
Some employers may invite you for one or more online interviews, to take place on the platform during the event days and up until February 27th.
You may have some invitations pending your confirmation. You will receive a notification by employer(s) on possible time slots for interview (on the platform or by e-mail), to which you should answer ASAP.
Visit on a regular basis My job applications (to check the overall status of your applications), select Interview Invitations, click on Accept Invitation and select the time slot most convenient for you, to confirm your participation. Options available on your Dashboard, once you login.
- Get ready for the interview(s)
Go through available information on the participating companies, their main activities and recruitment needs. Check the ones who have invited you for an interview, identify the questions you want to ask and try to anticipate possible questions by the employer.
Please make sure you have: 1 PC, laptop or another mobile device; a stable internet connection; and a headset with microphone and a webcam
If you have a confirmed interview, you should join the video-chat on the agreed time by logging in to the platform, going to My job applications and clicking on the Join interview button.
- Chat with exhibitors on the days
On the event day you can as well make exploratory contacts with available exhibitors (companies, EURES services per country and Info Points aimed at supporting your move) via one-to-one live videochats.
- Make use of the live streamed Programme
You should also try to take full advantage of the Programme to be live streamed on the 21st and 22nd, from 10:00 to 15:00 CET (if logged in, you will see the Agenda in your own time zone).
You can get information about existing opportunities for the 13 participating countries, as well as job search, living and working tips – and two round tables on what are companies looking for, in terms of profiles and skills, and what to bear in mind when looking for, and accepting, a (Summer) job in another country. You will also get informed about how EURES mobility schemes can support you in your move.
Select the presentations of interest to you, watch and ask questions to the speakers on the open chat.
- Help us promote the event
Inform your friends and relatives on social media you will be participating in this event! We have created 2 events, on Facebook and on LinkedIn, which you can join and share.
Still pending questions?
- e-mail us your questions at any time: info@seizethesummer.eu
- on the 21-22 February: contact our Help Centre
Are you an employer?
If you are an employer...
You should already be registered by now.
Please bear in mind these last-minute tips to make the best out of your participation:
- Publish your jobs ASAP
Only this way you may get applications matching your recruitment needs and setup interviews in the platform, up until February 27th.
Once logged in, go to My jobs under the Jobs Panel.
When drafting the job descriptions, fill in as much information as possible in the language, education, skills, contract type and wage fields.
Pay attention, not only to profile and skills requirements, but also to benefits (conditions) offered - including relocation package (if any), accommodation, meals and/or others.
Need help? Get back to your EURES contact point, (s)he will be glad to assist you on this.
- Improve | update your company profile
This is your public introduction to potential applicants. It should cover your main activities and projects, which type of profiles you are looking for (e.g. under Hotjobs) and what your organization expects from them.
To reach out to jobseekers all over Europe, add at least a small introduction in English.
You should as well add your logo – and, under the Websites section, your web and social media accounts.
If you have any videos (on Youtube or Vimeo) or images (pictures, infographics, …) which can make your profile more appealing and informative, add them to the Media Gallery. Ideally these should be recruitment-focused and in English (or subtitled in English).
How to register / improve a company profile
- Go through your applicants and invite them for interviews
Jobseekers are applying for your jobs. You can pre-select a few for online interviews between February 21st and 27th.
Once logged in, go to Job Applications, where you will find an overview of all applications. To check their CVs, click on the Pending job applications tab. Click on the jobseeker’s name, go through the profile, check the attached CV or online profile. If it matches your requirements, invite him/her for an online interview.
Pre-define your availability for interviews on the same page, by clicking on the Set timeslots button. By default, slots last 30 minutes. If you have several colleagues engaged for the event days, you can setup up to 5 interviews per slot and assign them to different recruiters.
The applicants you invite will choose the most suitable slot for them out of those you have available. Your schedule is automatically updated as applicants confirm their attendance.
You can check and download your interview agenda at any time, from Job Applications, Scheduled tab, to know who you will be meeting via the platform video-chat (Jitsi) on each day and time. You can also download applicants’ CVs.
- Ask your colleagues to join the event
If you want other company colleagues to help you out in the event days (either on the 101 Chat, in the application screening or in the interview handling), they can easily register for the event and get associated to your company profile, by selecting the tab Join an already existing Organisation.
- Make use of the 101 exploratory video-chat
On February 21st and 22nd, make exploratory one-to-one contact with jobseekers by joining the video-chat, open from 10:00 to 15:00 (CET – Central Europe Time Zone).
You can choose to be available during 1, 2 hours or during the whole 5-hour day – on one or both days. Please let us know during which period(s) (in your time zone) you will be on the video-chat and add this info to your Contact Details in the company profile.
(Bear in mind that jobseekers may be more active during the Break periods in the Programme – CHAT WITH EMPLOYERS NOW!)
On the event days, access to the Chat is available from your Dashboard, if you select Join chat with jobseekers at the bottom of your left-hand menu.
- Help us promote the event
Inform your social media followers you will be participating in this event! We have created 2 events, on Facebook and on LinkedIn, which you can join and share.
Still pending questions?
- e-mail us your questions at any time: info@seizethesummer.eu
- on the 21-22 February: contact our Help Centre