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- The public chat will be available for paricipants from 14:00 to 17:00 -
WELCOME to the EOJD EURES Italy for Big Science Business Forum (BSBF2024)!
BSBF is a business oriented congress, focused on high technology and innovation with the aim to be the main meeting point between Research Infrastructures and industry across Europe. Its 3rd edition will be physically hosted in Trieste, in the region Friuli Venezia Giulia, in the north-east of Italy, from 1st to 4th October 2024.
Mark your calendars for 4th October 2024! Join us online for the EOJD EURES Italy for BSBF2024, as a targeted entry point connecting Candidates and Employers across Europe to the world of Big Science!
Its focus, the Big Science Market, a multidimensional and multifaceted environment, including a multitude of different entities, industries and domains of science: from inventions changing & supporting our daily life to scientific discoveries reaching the stars!
Career opportunities span across a wide range of profiles in Big Science Organizations & Industries, covering development and production of advanced technological products in offshore, wind power, defense, medical, and aerospace sectors. Roles include scientists, technicians, engineers (electrical, mechanical, construction), materials specialists, electronics experts, ICT professionals, mechatronics specialists, superconducting magnet engineers, 3D printing experts, software developers, laser and optics technicians, maintenance service providers, HR specialists, economists, communicators, legal experts, and managers...
…but these are only a few examples of the diverse needs within Big Science!
Here’s a quick recap:
Event Details:
- Date: October 4, 2024
- Type: Recruitment Event
- Location: Online
Employers/Organizations: Open for registration from 24/01/2024.
Once validated, companies can post their job vacancies!
- Jobseekers/Candidates: Open for registration from 01/04/2024.
- Talent Access: Employers tap into a pool of skilled professionals driving technology and innovation forward.
- Career Growth: Job seekers unlock diverse opportunities from research to industry within the Big Science Market.
Then, ready to access your opportunity within the Big Science Market?
We look forward to meeting you online!
Know more about the BIG SCIENCE MARKET
Curious to know more about the Big Science Market?
The Big Science Market is a multidimensional and multifaceted environment, operating internationally, and including a multitude of different entities, industries and domains of science: from inventions changing & supporting our daily life to scientific discoveries reaching the stars!
Big Science is a market based on business partnership of Big Science Organisations (BSOs) with companies – smaller and larger ones, operating in various market sectors, as SMEs, Industries and Entrepreneurs.
For example, a supplier of specialised installations or components of scientific equipment and a construction company may win a contract with a BSO.
For entrepreneurs, Big Science may therefore be a sound investment, an opportunity for development that cannot be missed.
Big Science drives the development of industry directly by transferring millions assigned to the pursuit of their objectives to different types of market subcontractors, and indirectly by generating and commercialising technologies creating an innovative, high-tech economy.
Big Science is also a force creating an immense number of workplaces:
- as a result of the operations of international organisations,
- by the expansion of a new sector of economy, combining science and business.
Big Science is all the large-scale instruments and facilities, supported by funding from governments or international agencies, in which research is conducted by teams or groups of scientists and technicians from different countries. CERN, ESA, ESO, F4E, ESRF, ESS, European XFEL, FAIR, ILL, SKAO are amongst the most known Big Science facilities in the market.
These complex infrastructures are in constant need of advanced engineering, electrical and mechanical products, sophisticated materials, and maintenance services in many fields.
A range of suppliers, contractors, consultants, and other stakeholders are working in this growing Big Science market.
Career opportunities include therefore profiles for the development and production of advanced technological products such as the offshore, wind power, defense, medico and aerospace, industries scientists and technicians, advanced engineering, electrical and mechanical products professionals, sophisticated materials, construction engineering and electronics to precise mechanics, ICT solutions, electric vehicles, actuators, custom-designed mechatronic products, superconducting magnets, 3D printing parts, software and computation hardware architectures, lasers, and optics, and maintenance services professionals in many fields,
as well as HR, economists, communication professionals, legal experts, managers…
…but these are only a few examples of what Big Science Organizations & Industry need!
The Big Science market is huge and getting bigger!
You see?!
There are a ton of reasons to engage your Company within the Big Science Market &
this is why the EOJD EURES Italy for BSBF2024 born to support specifically the recruitment process within the Big Science Market, giving the opportunity to all the interested current and potential Businesses, as SMEs, Industries and Companies of any size in Europe, as well as to Candidates,
to be visible, to get in touch with each other, to promote their opportunities and to access the Market!
Don’t forget that the Big Science Market is operative within the EU Single Market as well, as a sector-specific market, in broad development, around which European and international, as well as national and territorial, Institutions and Entities encourage the building of awareness to allow access to qualified and qualifying opportunities for Companies and Candidates all over Europe!
Discover more on European Commission activities and priorities working on market, growing and jobs:
Research and Innovation
This Commission department is responsible for EU policy on research, science and innovation, with a view to help create growth and jobs and tackle our biggest societal challenges.
Defence Industry and Space
This Commission department is responsible for EU policy on defence industry and space.
Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
The Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs is the Commission department that works to support an open, seamless and resilient Single Market, with open borders and free flow of goods and services.
Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion
The Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion has the task of contributing to the development of a modern, innovative and sustainable European social model with more and better jobs in an inclusive society based on equal opportunities.
And a quick look into the EURES network: within the Directorate, the UNIT E.1, is responsible for Labour mobility, Public Employment Services and ELA, as well as of the joint management of the EURES network with the European Labour Authority (ELA), operating under the REGULATION (EU) 2016/589 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 13 April 2016 on a European network of employment services (EURES), workers' access to mobility services and the further integration of labour markets, and amending Regulations (EU) No 492/2011 and (EU) No 1296/2013 establishing the common framework under which the network structure and activities are organized and managed, as well as their guiding principles. The EURopean Employment Services network, EURES is a European network established in 1994 to support fair job mobility all over Europe. The Network counts 31 Countries, including the 27 Member States plus Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein and Switzerland.
Register and participate for FREE as an EMPLOYER
Dear Organisation/Company, the Italian EURES network is undertaking a specific initiative directly linked to the Big Science Business Forum 2024.
An online dynamic recruitment event, namely EURES Italy for BSBF2024, will take place online through this EOJD platform managed by the EURES network, on 4th October 2024.
The event born to support specifically the recruitmentand matching of candidates within the Big Science Market, including the Big Science Organisations and especially targeting all the interested Businesses serving that market: SMEs, Industries and Companies of any size in Europe!
The event “EURES Italy for BSBF2024”, is already available for the registrations.
You can participate to the event with your own VIRTUAL EXHIBITOR STAND, to promote your Organisation/Company all over Europe & more:
- Promoting your business
- Promoting your needs through job vacancies publication
- Receiving & access many CVs
- Interacting with candidates via a one-to-one chat
- Scheduling and conducting interviews with selected candidates
- Following the Agenda’s streaming & webinars
- Being supported by the EURES staff
The EOJD participation it’s free & accessible from everywhere, both for Exhibitors/Employers and for Visitors/Candidates.
Then, take action and create “Your virtual exhibitor stand in 3 steps”:
- Click on the LOG IN icon
- Create your ACCOUNT as an Employer
- Tell us more about YOUR ORGANISATION, upload your LOGO & create your JOB VACANCIES
And start to use your DASHBOARD functionalities:
- Set timeslots for interviews
- Check & evaluate the applications received
- Chat with candidates during the live event
- Schedule & carry out interviews during & after the event
- Follow the live Agenda
To ENHANCE your chances of recruiting TOP TALENTS,
if you haven't posted your JOB OPENINGS yet,
it's CRUCIAL to get them on the platform without delay!
Watch our video tutorials on:
- Registration for Employers
- Creating a job vacancy
Register and participate for FREE as a JOBSEEKER
Dear Jobseeker, the Italian EURES network is undertaking a specific initiative directly linked to the Big Science Business Forum 2024.
An online dynamic recruitment event, namely EURES Italy for BSBF2024, will take place online through this EOJD platform managed by the EURES network, on 4th October 2024.
The event born to support specifically the recruitment and matching of candidates within the Big Science Market, including the Big Science Organisations, and especially targeting all the interested Businesses serving that market: SMEs, Industries and Companies of any size in Europe!
The event “EURES Italy for BSBF2024”, is already available for the registrations.
Career opportunities include profiles for the development and production of advanced technological products such as the offshore, wind power, defense, medico and aerospace, industries scientists and technicians, advanced engineering, electrical and mechanical products professionals, sophisticated materials, construction engineering and electronics to precise mechanics, ICT solutions, electric vehicles, actuators, custom-designed mechatronic products, superconducting magnets, 3D printing parts, software and computation hardware architectures, lasers, and optics, and maintenance services professionals in many fields, as well as HR, economists, communication professionals, legal experts, managers…
…but these are only a few examples of what Big Science Organizations & Industry need!
You can participate to the event by creating your own ACCOUNT AS A JOBSEEKER, and telling us more about YOU!
- Manage your profile & upload your CV
- Register to specific EOJD events (EURES Italy for BSBF24)
- Apply for jobs & check the status of your job applications
- Express your interest in registered Organisations
- Join chat with exhibitors
- Join job interviews
Remember that the more information you provide, the more accurate match you can get!
The EOJD participation it’s free & accessible from everywhere, both for Exhibitors/Employers and for Visitors/Candidates.
Then, take action and create “Your Jobseeker profile in 3 steps”:
- Click on the LOG IN icon
- Create your ACCOUNT
- Tell us more about YOU
Watch our video tutorials on:
- Registration for Jobseekers
- Applying for a job and scheduling a job interview as a jobseeker
- - How to use the chat with employers (Jitsi)
Info for EU nationals
EURES Italy - WORK IN ITALY – Info for EU nationals
EURES Italy promotes conscious, quality and circular professional mobility.
Its actions are aimed at matching demand and supply of labor according to the legal status of the subjects in mobility."
We have a wide array of job openings across many fields of expertise. EURES Italy is arranging this online recruitment event together with other countries, where you have the chance to connect with Italian companies and find job opportunities in Italy.
Work in Italy is a Presidium created by the EURES Italy to provide adequate information and guidance to those who intend to have work experience in Italy for short or long term.
Every citizen of the European Union has the right to move and reside freely in Italy or within the territory of another Member State other than that of which he/she is a national. Different formalities are required depending on the length of stay (exceeding three months or shorter stay).
EU nationals and on their own nationality. Due to complex immigration procedures, employers may as well decide not to go through your application. In order to be able to work in Italy and/or other European countries you will still have additional legal obligations and administrative procedures to go through to get access to the European labour market – and you’re not entitled to EURES mobility schemes.
It provides general information for Non-EU nationals about living and working conditions in Italy.
In order to be able to work in Italy and/or other European countries you will still have additional legal obligations and administrative procedures to go through to get access to the European labour market – and you’re not entitled to EURES mobility schemes.
As it is reiterated by the European Commission: Employment, social affairs and inclusion for non-EU citizens: “The freedom to move to another EU country to work without a work permit is a right for EU nationals”.
For more information and insights, follow the Guides - factsheets:
<<< New_Eu_How to entry in Italy rev_ 1>>>
On this page you will find information on how European Union citizens can stay and work in Italy
ClicLavoro | Lavoratori UE che intendono soggiornare e lavorare in Italia
Further useful information:
Registration at the Anagrafe (Registry Office)
Codice Fiscale (tax code) for foreign nationals
Tax identification number
A means of identification of foreign citizens in their relations with public authorities and other administrations
In 15 languages, explains what CF is, what it is for, and how to apply
Codice Fiscale (tax code) for foreign nationals (integrazionemigranti.gov.it)
Tax incentives for attracting human capital in Italy
Benefits dedicated to people who decide to move to Italy to work or live here, such as professors, researchers, graduates, managers and high-net-worth individuals
Double taxation relief
Italy has bilateral agreements with many foreign Countries to avoid double taxation on income and capital
Info for non-EU nationals
Info for Non-EU nationals
EURES Italy - WORK IN ITALY – Info for: Non-EU national
Work in Italy is a Presidium created by the EURES Italy to provide adequate information and guidance to those who intend to have work experience in Italy for short or long term.
In EOJD events it operates mainly as an Info Point with the goal to offer a place (even virtual) to companies to meet their employment needs by meeting foreign candidates and at the same time support, both, to find the appropriate tools for a matching.
Many of EURES' services (in particular EURES on-line services) are freely available for any user with access to the web. If you already live and work in the EEA territory or Switzerland, you can contact a local or regional EURES Adviser to get advice. However, finding a job via EURES does not change the legal obligations and administrative procedures that may apply to non-EU citizens.
Non-EU nationals may have the right to work in an EU country or to be treated equally with EU nationals as regards conditions of work. These rights depend on their status as family members of EU nationals and on their own nationality. Due to complex immigration procedures, employers may as well decide not to go through your application.
If you intend to move from a non-EEA country (except Switzerland) to live and work in the European Economic Area or Switzerland, often your own Ministry of Foreign Affairs can provide you with information on legal requirements to move abroad or refer you to useful information Centre’s.
Work in Italy’s mission is to assist Italian companies in attracting and recruiting qualified foreign candidates in sectors, where Italian companies face skills shortages.
We remind you that the Italian Authority responsible for the entry and stay of non-EU citizens is the Ministry of the Interior.
If you’re not an EU/EFTA national please bear in mind that, while you may participate and apply for jobs during this event, you are still subject to immigration rules and procedures if you want to move to one of these 13 countries to work.
Immigration policy, as well as its laws, regulations and procedures, are specific to each EU Member State.
If you have lived for over 5 years in one of these Member States and hold a long-term resident status, you have equal treatment in that Member State to country and EU nationals, with regard to access to employment and self-employment, education and vocational training and tax benefits, for example.
In this particular case, you may be entitled to moving to another country for work. Please bear in mind, however, that this is not granted automatically, as it is subject to meeting certain conditions, namely related to labour market situation, which are defined by each Member State. As a rule, you will have to apply for and be granted a residence permit in that country before you are entitled to work there.
Find out more about:
the basic EU labour market accessing principles for different non-EU country nationals,
Special conditions apply (such as a Temporary Protection Status) if you are a Ukrainian citizen currently fleeing from the war. Please check further info HERE...
For more information and insights, follow the Guides - factsheets:
<<<New_Non Eu_How to entry in Italy rev_Finale>>>
Information and tools to enter/stay in Italy
- The Ministry of the Interior
One of the functions of this ministry: Protection of civil rights, including religious belief, citizenship, immigration, and asylum.
The online services available to the citizen, range from filling in to sending applications depending on the type (e.g. citizenship application, clearance to work, family reunification, etc.).
- Ministry of Labour and Social Policy
On this page you will find information on how entry into Italy and access to work for citizens of countries that do not belong to the European Union is regulated.
ClicLavoro | Lavoratori extra UE in Italia
In-depth analysis dedicated to the obligations to which employers who intend to hire non-EU workers are required.
Provides news and documents regarding how to “live and work in Italy.” Coordinated by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, and involves other government institutions with the intention of facilitating migrants in accessing services.
Prenot@Mi, a new platform to book appointments with Italian consulates
Prenota Facile, a new platform that allows the booking and management of appointments of residence permits
- Further useful information:
Registration at the Anagrafe (Registry Office)
Codice Fiscale (tax code) for foreign nationals
Tax identification number
A means of identification of foreign citizens in their relations with public authorities and other administrations
In 15 languages, explains what CF is, what it is for, and how to apply
Codice Fiscale (tax code) for foreign nationals (integrazionemigranti.gov.it)
- Tax incentives for attracting human capital in Italy
Benefits dedicated to people who decide to move to Italy to work or live here, such as professors, researchers, graduates, managers and high-net-worth individuals
- Double taxation relief
Italy has bilateral agreements with many foreign Countries to avoid double taxation on income and capital
- The EU Blue Card for highly skilled foreign workers
EU blue card: attracting talent
The EU is increasingly competing with other destinations in the global race for talent. To attract and retain highly qualified workers – particularly in sectors facing skills shortages – the EU updated the blue card directive in October 2021.
The new rules harmonise the conditions of entry and residence for highly qualified workers from non-EU countries and increase the attractiveness of the EU blue card.
Member states are able to maintain national schemes for highly qualified workers alongside the EU blue card scheme. However, the new rules introduce a number of provisions to ensure that holders of EU blue cards and their families are not at a disadvantage compared with holders of national permits.
This infographic explains what the EU blue card is, who is eligible and what the rights of blue card holders are.
Highly qualified workers from non-EU countries can apply for an EU blue card that allows them to live and work in the European Union. The card applies in all EU countries with the exception of Denmark and Ireland.
What are the rights of EU blue card holders?
- enter, re-enter and stay in the territory of the EU country issuing the card
- access highly qualified employment in the member state issuing the card
- be treated in the same way as nationals in terms of working conditions, education and training, social security and access to services
- request family reunification permits for the same duration as the EU blue card
- accumulate periods of residence in different member states to be eligible for an EU long-term residence permit
What are the conditions to apply?
- have a valid work contract or binding offer of highly qualified employment for at least six months
- be offered a gross annual salary that meets the threshold set by member states
- for regulated professions: fulfil the conditions for carrying out the profession
- for unregulated professions: have relevant higher professional qualifications
- for IT workers: have relevant higher professional skills
Applicants are notified of the decision within 90 days of submitting the application.
How long is the permit valid?
If the work contract is 2 years or more: the permit is valid for the standard period decided by member states (minimum 24 months).
If the work contract is less 2 years: the permit is valid for the duration of the contract + 3 months (maximum 24 months).
Can blue card holders move within the EU?
Yes, blue card holders can move within the European Union.
Short-term mobility: they can travel to other EU countries for up to three months during a six-month period for the purpose of carrying out a business activity.
Long-term mobility: after one year in an EU country, they may also reside and work in another member state and apply for a new blue card via a quick and simple procedure.
Are there exceptions?
EU countries may apply simplified procedures for recognised employers, including:
- exempting applicants from having to provide certain documents
- shorter deadlines for notification of the decision
Overview on Career Opportunities within the Big Science Market
Career Opportunities in the Big Science Market:
these roles encompass positions within Big Science Organizations and various entities operating within the Big Science Market, including SMEs, entrepreneurs, and industries. Educational backgrounds range from technicians, associate's or bachelor's degrees for entry-level positions to master's or doctoral degrees for advanced roles. Continuous learning, professional development, and practical experience are essential for career progression in this dynamic sector, where technological innovation and scientific advancement are paramount.
- Scientists and Researchers:
- Physicists
- Astronomers
- Materials Scientists
- Biologists (in relevant fields like astrobiology)
- Chemists (especially in materials science and environmental research)
- Data Scientists and Computational Biologists
- Engineers and Technologists:
- Electrical Engineers
- Mechanical Engineers
- Aerospace Engineers
- Materials Engineers
- Software Engineers
- Control Systems Engineers
- Technicians and Technical Support:
- Laboratory Technicians
- Instrumentation Technicians
- Engineering Technicians
- Electronics Technicians
- Mechanical Technicians
- IT Support Specialists
- Advanced Technologists:
- Photonics Engineers
- Superconducting Magnet Specialists
- 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Experts
- Laser Technicians
- Optics Specialists
- Vacuum Technology Specialists
- Environmental and Earth Sciences:
- Environmental Engineers
- Geoscientists
- Climate Scientists
- Atmospheric Scientists
- Oceanographers
- Remote Sensing Specialists
- Management, Administration, and Support Roles:
- Project Managers
- Research Administrators
- Business Development Managers
- Communications Specialists
- Legal Advisors
- Human Resources Managers
- Business and Industry Liaison:
- Technology Transfer Specialists
- Industry Engagement Managers
- Partnership Development Officers
- Grant Managers
- Contract Negotiators
- Compliance Officers
…but these are only a few examples of what Big Science Organizations & Industry need!
The Big Science Organizations show up!
The Big Science Organisations, shortly known as BSOs, are the Organizers of the Big Science Business Forum, a dedicated business oriented congress, focused on high technology and innovation with the aim to be the main meeting point between Research Infrastructures and Industry in Europe.
In October 2024, Italy will host the third edition of the event in the city of Trieste (Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy).
Then, are you curious about the BSOs activities and structures?
Let’s discover the largest Big Science Organizations (BSOs) in Europe, read more about their mission and understand why they are so relevant for the future and the lives of all of us!
BSOs are mostly qualified as public bodies and agencies, with offices throughout Europe, which initiate public selection procedures through opportunities that can be consulted and accessed directly from dedicated sections within their portals.
Career opportunities within BSOs are of a diverse nature and may require different skills and experience, in the fields of research, science, engineering and technology, physics, but also communication, human resources, economics and management!
A wide range of career possibilities for students, graduates and experienced professionals: from traineeships and apprenticeships to PhDs, and more!
A very wide range of profiles and professions then, and below, a brief introduction to their activities and the links to their webportals.
Our mission is to:
- perform world-class research in fundamental physics.
- provide a unique range of particle accelerator facilities that enable research at the forefront of human knowledge, in an environmentally responsible and sustainable way.
- unite people from all over the world to push the frontiers of science and technology, for the benefit of all.
- train new generations of physicists, engineers and technicians, and engage all citizens in research and in the values of science.
The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe's gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe's space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. ESA is an international organisation with 22 Member States.
In short, ESA’s job is to draw up the European space programme and carry it through. ESA's programmes are designed to find out more about Earth, its immediate space environment, our Solar System and the Universe, as well as to develop satellite-based technologies and services, and to promote European industries. ESA also works closely with space organisations outside Europe.
👉 ESO - European Southern Observatory Germany
ESO is the pre-eminent intergovernmental science and technology organisation in astronomy. It carries out an ambitious programme focused on the design, construction and operation of powerful ground-based observing facilities for astronomy, in order to enable important scientific discoveries. ESO also plays a leading role in promoting and organising cooperation in astronomical research.
F4E counts more than 450 members of staff, mostly engineers, physicists, project managers and specialised administrative staff, engaged in delivering Europe’s contribution in the various projects involved. F4E has offices in four different locations across the world: Barcelona (Spain), Cadarache (France), Garching (Germany) and Rokkasho (Japan).
👉 ESRF – The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility France
With a brand-new generation of high-energy synchrotron, the ESRF is the world's brightest synchrotron light source and a centre of excellence for fundamental and innovation-driven research in condensed and living matter science. Located in Grenoble, France, the European Synchrotron owes its success to the international cooperation of 21 partner countries.
👉 ESS – European Spallation Source Sweden
The European Spallation Source, a partnership of European countries, is hiring motivated and inspired people to plan, design, and construct the world’s most powerful neutron source. As one of the largest active infrastructure projects in Europe, our team attracts leaders in science and engineering from all over the world. We seek ambitious, talented people who are excited about playing a part in the future of science in Europe.
European XFEL offers ultrashort X-ray pulses of outstanding spatial coherence and spectral brilliance. In collaboration with international user communities, especially from our shareholder countries, we perform world-class experiments for a broad range of scientific applications. By creating research opportunities, developing novel scientific methods, and pioneering beyond state-of-the-art technologies, we strengthen the competitiveness of European science. As a culturally diverse workforce with a collaborative spirit we place user support, research and knowledge transfer at the core of our mission.
The European XFEL comprises a superconducting electron accelerator, magnet structures for the generation of the X-ray radiation, photon beamlines, and scientific instruments for a wide range of experimental techniques.
👉 FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research Germany
The international accelerator facility FAIR, one of the largest research projects worldwide. FAIR and GSI offer a variety of different job opportunities, e. g. in our workshops, our electronic labs, in vacuum technology, IT and many more. You will always deal with technology at the state of science.
To perform world-class science we depend on highly qualified personnel.
For the many students and PhD candidates conducting experiments at the accelerator facility GSI and FAIR offer special programs.
👉 ILL Institut Laue-Langevin NEUTRONS FOR SOCIETY France
The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) is funded and managed by France, Germany and the United Kingdom, in partnership with 11 other European countries.
The research conducted at the ILL is dedicated to both fundamental science (60%) and the modern societal challenges (40%). It covers topics in biology, (green) chemistry and materials science, as well as condensed matter, nuclear and particle physics.
👉 SKAO - Square Kilometre Array Observatory United Kingdom
The SKAO is a next-generation radio astronomy-driven Big Data facility that will revolutionise our understanding of the Universe and the laws of fundamental physics. Enabled by cutting-edge technology, it promises to have a major impact on society, in science and beyond.
The SKA Observatory, or SKAO for short, is an intergovernmental organisation bringing together nations from around the world.
Its mission is to build and operate cutting-edge radio telescopes to transform our understanding of the Universe, and deliver benefits to society through global collaboration and innovation.
The observatory has a global footprint and consists of the SKAO Global Headquarters in the UK, the SKAO’s two telescopes at radio-quiet sites in South Africa and Australia, and associated facilities to support the operations of the telescopes.
Constructing and operating these telescopes will position the SKAO as the leading research infrastructure for radio astronomy globally, providing science capabilities to the international astronomical community for decades to come.
✨ ILOs Industrial Liaison Officers
- PERIIA Network
Ana Belén del Cerro Gordo – CDTI, Chair of PERIIA
- Danish ILO
Nikolaj Zangenberg – DTI, ILO for CERN
- Spanish ILO
Javier Echávarri – CDTI, ILO for ESO, SKA
Francesco D’Acapito – CNR, ILO for ESFR & XFEL
Mauro Morandin – INFN, ILO for CERN
Elisabetta Narducci – CNR, ILO for ESRF
Corrado Perna – INAF, ILO for ESO & SKAO
Host Organizer BSBF Trieste 2024
Mr Massimiliano Fedriga, President of Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (IOC President)
Ms Ketty Segatti, Deputy Director of Training and Research Department of Region Friuli Venezia Giulia
Mr Paolo Acunzo, ILO Network Italia, ENEA (IOC Coordinator)