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Data dell’evento:
04 Ottobre 2024
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Know more about the BIG SCIENCE MARKET

Curious to know more about the Big Science Market?

The Big Science Market is a multidimensional and multifaceted environment, operating internationally, and including a multitude of different entities, industries and domains of science: from inventions changing & supporting our daily life to scientific discoveries reaching the stars!

Big Science is a market based on business partnership of Big Science Organisations (BSOs) with companies – smaller and larger ones, operating in various market sectors, as SMEs, Industries and Entrepreneurs.

For example, a supplier of specialised installations or components of scientific equipment and a construction company may win a contract with a BSO. 

For entrepreneurs, Big Science may therefore be a sound investment, an opportunity for development that cannot be missed.

Big Science drives the development of industry directly by transferring millions assigned to the pursuit of their objectives to different types of market subcontractors, and indirectly by generating and commercialising technologies creating an innovative, high-tech economy

Big Science is also a force creating an immense number of workplaces:

  • as a result of the operations of international organisations, 
  • by the expansion of a new sector of economy, combining science and business.

Big Science is all the large-scale instruments and facilities, supported by funding from governments or international agencies, in which research is conducted by teams or groups of scientists and technicians from different countries. CERN, ESA, ESO, F4E, ESRF, ESS, European XFEL, FAIR, ILL, SKAO are amongst the most known Big Science facilities in the market.

These complex infrastructures are in constant need of advanced engineering, electrical and mechanical products, sophisticated materials, and maintenance services in many fields.  

A range of suppliers, contractors, consultants, and other stakeholders are working in this growing Big Science market.

Career opportunities include therefore profiles for the development and production of advanced technological products such as the offshore, wind power, defense, medico and aerospace, industries scientists and technicians, advanced engineering, electrical and mechanical products professionals, sophisticated materials, construction engineering and electronics to precise mechanics, ICT solutions, electric vehicles, actuators, custom-designed mechatronic products, superconducting magnets, 3D printing parts, software and computation hardware architectures, lasers, and optics, and maintenance services professionals in many fields,

as well as HR, economists, communication professionals, legal experts, managers

…but these are only a few examples of what Big Science Organizations & Industry need!

The Big Science market is huge and getting bigger!

You see?!

There are a ton of reasons to engage your Company within the Big Science Market & 

this is why the EOJD EURES Italy for BSBF2024 born to support specifically the recruitment process within the Big Science Market, giving the opportunity to all the interested current and potential Businesses, as SMEs, Industries and Companies of any size in Europe, as well as to Candidates, 

to be visible, to get in touch with each other, to promote their opportunities and to access the Market! 

Don’t forget that the Big Science Market is operative within the EU Single Market as well, as a sector-specific market, in broad development, around which European and international, as well as national and territorial, Institutions and Entities encourage the building of awareness to allow access to qualified and qualifying opportunities for Companies and Candidates all over Europe!

Discover more on European Commission activities and priorities working on market, growing and jobs:

Research and Innovation

This Commission department is responsible for EU policy on research, science and innovation, with a view to help create growth and jobs and tackle our biggest societal challenges.

Defence Industry and Space

This Commission department is responsible for EU policy on defence industry and space.

Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

The Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs is the Commission department that works to support an open, seamless and resilient Single Market, with open borders and free flow of goods and services.

Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

The Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion has the task of contributing to the development of a modern, innovative and sustainable European social model with more and better jobs in an inclusive society  based on equal opportunities.

And a quick look into the EURES network: within the Directorate, the UNIT E.1, is responsible for Labour mobility, Public Employment Services and ELA, as well as of the joint management of the EURES network with the European Labour Authority (ELA), operating under the REGULATION (EU) 2016/589 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 13 April 2016 on a European network of employment services (EURES), workers' access to mobility services and the further integration of labour markets, and amending Regulations (EU) No 492/2011 and (EU) No 1296/2013 establishing the common framework under which the network structure and activities are organized and managed, as well as their guiding principles. The EURopean Employment Services network, EURES is a European network established in 1994 to support fair job mobility all over Europe. The Network counts 31 Countries, including the 27 Member States plus Norway, Iceland, Lichtenstein and Switzerland.
