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EURES Italy for Employers' Day 2024

Special edition EURES 30th Anniversary
Data dell’evento:
13 Novembre 2024
Tipo di evento:
Online, Recruitment event
Stato di registrazione:

Info for Non-EU nationals

EURES Italy - WORK IN ITALY – Info for: Non-EU national

Work in Italy is a Presidium created by the EURES Italy to provide adequate information and guidance to those who intend to have work experience in Italy for short or long term.

In EOJD events it operates mainly as an Info Point with the goal to offer a place (even virtual) to companies to meet their employment needs by meeting foreign candidates and at the same time support, both, to find the appropriate tools for a matching.

Many of EURES' services (in particular EURES on-line services) are freely available for any user with access to the web. If you already live and work in the EEA territory or Switzerland, you can contact a local or regional EURES Adviser to get advice. However, finding a job via EURES does not change the legal obligations and administrative procedures that may apply to non-EU citizens.

Non-EU nationals may have the right to work in an EU country or to be treated equally with EU nationals as regards conditions of work. These rights depend on their status as family members of EU nationals and on their own nationality. Due to complex immigration procedures, employers may as well decide not to go through your application.

If you intend to move from a non-EEA country (except Switzerland) to live and work in the European Economic Area or Switzerland, often your own Ministry of Foreign Affairs can provide you with information on legal requirements to move abroad or refer you to useful information Centre’s.

Work in Italy’s mission is to assist Italian companies in attracting and recruiting qualified foreign candidates in sectors, where Italian companies face skills shortages.

We remind you that the Italian Authority responsible for the entry and stay of non-EU citizens is the Ministry of the Interior.

If you’re not an EU/EFTA national please bear in mind that, while you may participate and apply for jobs during this event, you are still subject to immigration rules and procedures if you want to move to one of these 13 countries to work. 

Immigration policy, as well as its laws, regulations and procedures, are specific to each EU Member State.  

If you have lived for over 5 years in one of these Member States and hold a long-term resident status, you have equal treatment in that Member State to country and EU nationals, with regard to access to employment and self-employment, education and vocational training and tax benefits, for example.

In this particular case, you may be entitled to moving to another country for work. Please bear in mind, however, that this is not granted automatically, as it is subject to meeting certain conditions, namely related to labour market situation, which are defined by each Member State. As a rule, you will have to apply for and be granted a residence permit in that country before you are entitled to work there.

Find out more about: 

the basic EU labour market accessing principles for different non-EU country nationals,

the EU Immigration Portal.

Special conditions apply (such as a Temporary Protection Status) if you are a Ukrainian citizen currently fleeing from the war. Please check further info HERE...

For more information and insights, follow the Guides - factsheets:

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Information and tools to enter/stay in Italy

The Ministry of the Interior

One of the functions of this ministry: Protection of civil rights, including religious belief, citizenship, immigration, and asylum.

The online services available to the citizen, range from filling in to sending applications depending on the type (e.g. citizenship application, clearance to work, family reunification, etc.).

Ministry of Labour and Social Policy

On this page you will find information on how entry into Italy and access to work for citizens of countries that do not belong to the European Union is regulated.

ClicLavoro | Lavoratori extra UE in Italia

In-depth analysis dedicated to the obligations to which employers who intend to hire non-EU workers are required.

ClicLavoro | Approfondimento dedicato agli adempimenti cui sono tenuti i datori di lavoro che intendono assumere lavoratori extra UE

Provides news and documents regarding how to “live and work in Italy.” Coordinated by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, and involves other government institutions with the intention of facilitating migrants in accessing services. 

Prenot@Mi, a new platform to book appointments with Italian consulates

Prenota Facile, a new platform that allows the booking and management of appointments of residence permits  

Further useful information:

Registration at the Anagrafe (Registry Office)

Foreigners who seek to sign at the registry office: what are the necessary documents? (

Codice Fiscale (tax code) for foreign nationals

Tax identification number

A means of identification of foreign citizens in their relations with public authorities and other administrations

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In 15 languages, explains what CF is, what it is for, and how to apply

Codice Fiscale (tax code) for foreign nationals (

Tax incentives for attracting human capital in Italy

Benefits dedicated to people who decide to move to Italy to work or live here, such as professors, researchers, graduates, managers and high-net-worth individuals

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Double taxation relief

Italy has bilateral agreements with many foreign Countries to avoid double taxation on income and capital

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