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Az állásajánlat leírása

The Front Desk Agent is responsible for check-in/out operations, handling calls and
messages from guests, payments, verifying guest information and issue room keys. He/she will serve as the first point of contact, providing a warm and professional welcome to our guests according to standards.

The front desk agent is also responsible for providing answers to customer requests, such as information on places of interest, booking of services inside or outside the structure (e.g. car rental, ticketing for events or tourist attractions). The receptionist provides assistance in case of needs, complaints and problems with the room, as well as directly managing all customer care.

Munkaköri követelmények

Attention to details, excellent communication, professional appearance, Secondary school, Previous experience in a luxury hotel

Előnyt jelent

A third language is a plus


Board, lodging and medical assistance are offered.

Munkaköri korlátozások

Legally reside in European Countries

Állás részletei
Foglalkozási terület:
Education field:
Szakmai tapasztalat:
Work experience is required
Munkatapasztalat időtartama:
Up to 1 year
  • Italian
  • Very good
  • English
  • Very good
Fizetési tartomány (Havonta):
1550 - 1750 EUR (Gross pay)
Date of expiry:

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About organisation

Il compito principale di ASPAL è erogare, attraverso i Centri per l’Impiego, i servizi per l’inserimento o reinserimento lavorativo delle persone disoccupate o a rischio di disoccupazione, dei lavoratori beneficiari di strumenti di sostegno al reddito in costanza di rapporto di lavoro e occupati in cerca di nuova occupazione, e delle imprese nonché i servizi per il collocamento mirato delle… További információ
