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European Job Days - Malta

à passé
Date de la manifestation:
20 - 22 mars 2014
Type de manifestation:
En ligne / Sur place
Statut de l’inscription:

Concernant cette manifestation

The purpose of this activity is primarily to provide general information and guidance to those jobseekers and job changers, who are interested in bettering their skills and seeking for employment or alternative employment either in Malta or in another European country.

Apart from local Employers and Training providers, EURES Advisors from various EU countries will be present at the Job Fair, a number of EURES advisors who were not in a position to be present at the fair physically will be available for interested jobseekers to chat online.

EURES Malta advisors will also be online to answer any queries put forward by foreign jobseekers and employers.

Our main clients and target groups are low skilled persons as well as graduates and other professionals seeking employment in Malta as well as abroad. However we are also aiming to attract jobseekers of different age groups with different educational background, who are seeking employment on both short and long term basis.


Get ready - EJD Malta is coming!

Get ready as the European Job Days in Malta are coming! The event will take place from 20 to 22 March 2014. Visit the event onsite or online and find your new job now!