European Job Days - Malta
Zu dieser Veranstaltung
The purpose of this activity is primarily to provide general information and guidance to those jobseekers and job changers, who are interested in bettering their skills and seeking for employment or alternative employment either in Malta or in another European country.
Apart from local Employers and Training providers, EURES Advisors from various EU countries will be present at the Job Fair, a number of EURES advisors who were not in a position to be present at the fair physically will be available for interested jobseekers to chat online.
EURES Malta advisors will also be online to answer any queries put forward by foreign jobseekers and employers.
Our main clients and target groups are low skilled persons as well as graduates and other professionals seeking employment in Malta as well as abroad. However we are also aiming to attract jobseekers of different age groups with different educational background, who are seeking employment on both short and long term basis.
Information for jobseekers
The event will take place onsite at the Hotel Phoenicia in Valletta, Malta on the 20, 21 and 22 March from 9:00 – 12:00 and then again from 14:00 – 17:00 on all three days.
On Friday 21 March between 9:00 and 12:00 you will also be able to chat with EURES Advisors online. The countries participating in this online component include: Malta, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Italy, Netherlands and Slovakia on http://www.europeanjobdays.eu/malta.
EURES Advisers from these countries will be online to answer your queries and give you information and advice about living and working abroad and in their respective countries.
These Advisors have contacts with employers in their countries who are interested in recruiting, with a special focus on professionals in ICT, the engineering and health sectors (mainly Slovakia), customer support, accountants and administration (Czech Republic) and the tourism sector (Italy).
The EURES Malta Advisors will be online on all 3 days of the job fair from 9:00 – 12:00 and then again from 14:00 – 17:00 to answer any queries you may have about living and working in Malta, job vacancies, educational institutions etc…They will also be in a position to put forward queries to any of the representatives present onsite at the job fair and may also ask the representatives to chat with you online should the need arise.
The entities that will be present include a number of employers and higher educational institutions such as the University of Malta (UOM) (http://www.um.edu.mt/), the Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS) (http://www.its.edu.mt/), the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) (http://www.mcast.edu.mt/), St. Martin's College (a 6th form college) (http://www.smcsixthform.com/), the Institute of Computer Education (ICE Malta) (http://www.icemalta.com/) and the Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA) (http://www.mita.gov.mt).
There will also be onsite stands representing various departments within the Maltese PES including the Jobseekers’ Advisory Services (JAS) and the Employment Licences Unit (ELU) (www.etc.gov.mt) and a number of EU Info points including; MEUSAC - Funds and Programmes Division (http://www.meusac.gov.mt/), Solvit, Europe Direct (http://www.europedirectmalta.eu/), the EUPA – European Union Programmes Agency (http://eupa.org.mt/), the National Council for Further and Higher Education (http://www.ncfhe.org.mt/), the European Parliament Information Office (epvalletta@europarl.europa.eu) and EU Career (eucareers.universityofmalta@gmail.com)
If you would like to further your studies in Malta or would like to take advantage of this opportunity to explore a career in Malta or abroad, register online now. Participation is free of charge.
To participate, all you need is a computer with a soundcard, if possible, a webcam and access to the Internet.
How to attend?
- register your account;
- browse through the participating exhibitors and chat with them by clicking the “Chat Now” button;
- browse through the job offers and apply for those you are interested in by clicking the "Apply" button.
The main chat sessions will take place on Friday 20 March from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. (CET).
Getting there
The European Jobs Days will be held at the Hotel Phoenicia in Valletta. The hotel is centrally located at the entrance to Malta’s picturesque and historic capital city, with direct and easy access from Valletta, Floriana and various towns and villages all over the island. More information on how to get there can be accessed through the hotel’s website http://www.phoeniciamalta.com/about-us/hotel-location.
Information about participation
Onsite: the job fair aims provide information on the various training and job opportunities available in Malta and abroad. Represented on the stand will be a number of local employers and higher educational institutions such as the University of Malta (UOM), the Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS), the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), St. Martin's College (a private 6th form college), the Institute of Computer Education (ICE, Malta) and the Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA).
There will also be a stand representing various departments within the Maltese PES such as the Jobseekers’ Advisory Services, Employment Licences Unit, and the EURES Malta Office. There will also be EURES Advisors from 3 European countries: the Czech Republic, Italy and Slovakia, and a number of EU info points including the Malta-EU Steering and Action Committee (MEUSAC) Funds and Programmes Division, Solvit, Europe Direct, the European Union Programmes Agency (EUPA), the National Council for Further and Higher Education and European Parliament Information Office, EU Career, all of whom will be providing information on the services they offer.
Online: the EURES Malta Advisors will be online to answer queries about living and working in Malta, job vacancies etc…They will also be in a position to pass on questions to any of the representatives present onsite at the job fair and may also ask the representatives to chat with the online participants, should the need arise. EURES Advisors from Bulgaria and the Netherlands will also be available online, along with the other EURES onsite participants.