The European Job Day event will take place ONLINE on 12th of February from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. (CET). Are you a jobseeker looking for new job opportunities in Norway? Then you are at the right place! Norwegian employers are recruiting candidates from all sectors, for example: Hospitality industries: Hotel, restaurant, cafe, events, related activities Tour guides, activity guides Transport: bus drivers, lorry drivers Retail jobs Fisheries and ...
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Êtes-vous un chercheur d'emploi et à la recherche de nouvelles opportunités d'emploi en Allemagne ? Êtes-vous un employeur qui souhaite promouvoir vos offres d'emploi ? Vous êtes en de bonnes mains !! Joignez-vous à nous en ligne le 20 février 2025, de 14 h à 17 h (HEC). La participation est gratuite tant pour les exposants que pour les demandeurs d'emploi. Demandeurs d'emploi : Les employeurs allemands recrutent des candidats de tous les ...
Are you a young European willing to work in entertainment, dancing, acting, fitness, sports or leisure activities with children? Are you qualified or experienced in Tourism, Hospitality or Catering? Looking for some experience abroad? Do you want to meet new people and have the time of your life in one of the most attractive European destinations? Seize the Summer with EURES is back this year! Together we aim to put together jobseekers from all ...
THIS INFO DAY WILL BE IN SPANISH Are you a company in the field of biotechnology, pharmacy, or energy, based in Spain, and interested in learning about existing resources to attract the best talent for your R&D+i activities? Are you a researcher looking to explore professional opportunities in the business sector of biotechnology, pharmacy, or energy? This Info Day aims at being a meeting point between participating companies and highly qualified ...