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N° 2 collaborators to be included in the position of: METALWORKERS with the following tasks: the resources, available to travel, will take care of machinery assembly PLACE OF WORK BUSTO GAROLFO OFFERS Proposed conditions: Full-time Proposed contracts: Determined aimed at stabilization Piccola azienda del settore 'METALMECCANICA' con sede in BUSTO GAROLFO (MI) CERCA N° 2 collaboratori da inserire nella posizione di: OPERAI METALMECCANICI con i seguenti compiti: le risorse, disponibili a trasferte, si occuperanno di montaggio macchinari SEDE DI LAVORO BUSTO GAROLFO OFFRE Condizioni proposte ...

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Wir sind ein Inhabergeführtes Dienstleistungsunternehmen aus der IT Branche mit eigenem Tiefbauunternehmen, der SMP Kabelbau UG und mit aktuell 48 Mitarbeitern in ganz Bayern tätig. Wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt einen BAULEITER (m/w/d) TIEFBAU für den Raum Augsburg, Schrobenhausen, Nürnberg oder Ingolstadt. Ihre Aufgaben: - Vorbereiten der Infrastruktur - Durchführung von Tiefbauarbeiten - Baustellenabsicherung - Führen der Bautagebücher - Kolonnenführung - Führen von Vertragsverhandlungen Ihr Profil: - Ausbildung im Bereich Tiefbau - Deutschkenntnisse - Führerschein Klasse B ...

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Medium company in mechanical sector based in SAN GIORGIO SU LEGNANO (MI) N° 1 collaborator to be included in the position of: TRAINEE IN COMMERCIAL OFFICE with the following tasks: the resource, newly graduated, alongside expert staff, will take care of back-office, data entry and management, production/MRO/customer and commercial interface PLACE OF WORK SAN GIORGIO SU LEGNANO OFFERS Proposed conditions: Full-time Proposed contracts: Internship Media azienda del settore 'METALMECCANICA' con sede in SAN GIORGIO SU LEGNANO (MI) CERCA N° 1 collaboratore da inserire nella posizione di: TIROCINANTE ...

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Wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt ****************** Zerspanungsmechaniker - Fräs- und Drehtechnik (m/w/d). Aufgaben: • Einzelteilfertigung im Vorrichtungs- und Maschinenbau • Kleinserienfertigung in der flugtechnischen Zerspanung • Selbstständiges Programmieren und Einrichten Voraussetzungen: • Erfolgreich abgeschlossene Ausbildung im Bereich Maschinenbau oder Zerspanungstechnik oder ähnliches • Berufserfahrung in den o. g. Aufgabengebieten • Erfahrungen im Bereich der CNC-Technik • Kenntnisse in der Heidenhain-Steuerung wünschenswert • Einsatzbereitschaft und Zuverlässigkeit • ...

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This vacancy is published only in Slovene since proficiency in the language is required. Kot Skladiščnik (m/ž/d) boste odgovorni za izvajanje fizičnih aktivnosti skladiščnega poslovanja in manipulacije za servisiranje internih in eksternih kupcev, skladno z zakonodajo, internimi predpisi, dobrimi praksami in poslovnimi cilji. Pridružite se naši ekipi kot Skladiščnik in uživajte v hitrem in nagrajujočem delovnem okolju s konkurenčnim plačilom ter možnostmi rasti in razvoja. Postanite del naše ekipe danes! Vaše ključne odgovornosti: • Prevzem, vzorčenje, skladiščenje, izdaja materiala ...

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This vacancy is published only in Slovene since proficiency in the language is required. Smo tovarna leta 2022 in prvi slovenski industrijski center za biotehnologijo, ki izdeluje biološke zdravilne učinkovine za težko ozdravljive bolezni. Uporabljamo najsodobnejšo opremo z visoko stopnjo avtomatizacije.Smo najuglednejši delodajalec že tretje leto zapored. V Bioloških učinkovinah Mengeš želimo našo rastočo ekipo razširiti z novimi člani, ki bodo kot Tehniki v industrijskem centru za biotehnologijo sledili standardnim operativnim postopkom in v strukturiranem okolju uporabljali dobre proizvodne ...

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This vacancy is published only in Slovene since proficiency in the language is required. Če si želite stopiti v svet, kjer se vsak nov dan piše z nenehnim napredkom, vas vabimo v našo ekipo. Postanite Operater v naši proizvodnji farmacevtskih učinkovin v Mengšu. Poleg odličnih delovnih pogojev, nenehnega razvoja in možnosti osebnega napredka, boste postali del dinamičnega kolektiva, ki si deli cilje in vrednote. Vaše ključne odgovornosti: • Izvajanje operacij v proizvodnih procesih. • Odgovornost za pravočasno in točno pregledovanje in dokumentiranje evidenc o serijah. • Pravilno in pravočasno ...

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Would you be interested in joining the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as an interim via Randstad Italia? If you have a good proficiency in English and previous experience in administrative roles this could be your chance to work in a multicultural and dynamic environment. We are looking for an Administrative Assistant to work in the Risk Assessment Logistics unit. Job responsibilities: Drafting documents in formal English; Ensure proper document management; Take care of meetings organisation; Gather and analyse data and information; Handle correspondence by managing functional mailboxes ...

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QS Role Key responsibilities Managing subcontract packages and overseeing payments to subcontractors and suppliers. Assist in the preparation of tender and contract documents, including bills of quantities, schedule of rates etc. Procure pricing quotations from specialist sub-contractors to assist with the delivery of projects. Monitor contractor costs, valuations, variations and overall commercial performance of contractor’s costs and project costs. Administer contractor orders daily, review costs and report monthly on project costs. Prepare work schedules and contractor planning using ...

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Gehaltsspanne (Wöchentlich):
60000 - 70000 EUR (Gross pay)
Für die folgende Veranstaltung verfügbar:
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Small company in the 'DESIGN AND PRODUCTION' sector ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT based in CASOREZZO (MI) NEAR N° 1 collaborator to be included in the position of: EXTERNAL ASSISTANCE TECHNICIAN with the following tasks: the resource will take care of assistance, maintenance and gym machinery repairs PLACE OF WORK CASOREZZO OFFERS Proposed conditions: Full-time Proposed contracts: Fixed with possibility of stabilization Piccola azienda del settore 'PROGETTAZIONE E PRODUZIONE APPARECCHIATURE ELETTRONICHE' con sede in CASOREZZO (MI) CERCA N° 1 collaboratore da inserire nella posizione di: TECNICO ...

Land des Arbeitsplatzes:
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