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International Career & Employers' Days!

10 - 11 November 2020
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421 Stellen auf dieser Veranstaltung verfügbar

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La Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, al fine promuovere l’inclusione e lo sviluppo professionale delle persone appartenenti alle categorie protette, ricerca profili in ambito amministrativo iscritti agli elenchi del collocamento mirato ai sensi dell’art. 1 o 18 della L. 68/99. La ricerca è indirizzata verso candidati diplomati/laureati. Dal punto di vista personale i candidati dovranno possedere le seguenti caratteristiche: · buone capacità comunicative e relazionali · predisposizione al team working · proattività e problem solving · flessibilità e precisione I candidati ideali hanno ...

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Prestigioso hotel 4* a Torri del Benaco - Lago di Garda, cerca per la prossima stagione estiva un animatore sportivo e un animatore per i laboratori creativi per accogliere gli ospiti del miniclub e gestire l'animazione ragazzi (3 - 15 anni) . E' richiesta esperienza di almeno 2 anni, buona conoscenza del tedesco per poter spiegare i giochi e farsi comprendere dai bambini e discreta conoscenza dell'inglese (italiano non indispensbile) il candidato ideale deve saper nuotare per gestire i giochi in piscina , avere grande senso di responsabilità ed empatia verso i bambini Si offre contratto a ...

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Requisiti: In possesso dell'abilitazione MDO-DITTE per la guida dei mezzi d'opera di proprietà delle I.A. Attività: effettuare la guida del mezzo d’opera per il quale si è qualificati in regime di interruzione della circolazione ferroviaria Richiesta esperienza nella mansione , nella guida di caricatori ferroviari Età: entro i 50 anni Graditi sgravi/incentivi all’assunzione Contratto : tempo determinato Zona di lavoro: stazioni ferroviarie in liguria, basso piemonte, lombardia Disponibilità immediata PREGO ALLEGARE CV CON FOTO

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We're looking for an administrative assistant who can assist the manager with reporting, accounting, daily management tasks in the filed of international mobility and non formal education. The job location is in Lastours, France, in a very rural area. Very good command of French is required. English at least C1. The ideal candidate has already some experiences in this field. The job tasks include: - answering and writing emails, organising trips for the mobilities; - collecting and filing receipts, invoices, bills, etc.; - writing reports, minutes of meetings, etc.; The position is full-time ...

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Azienda della Provincia di Fermo - settore edile ricerca: 1 ingegnere meccanico con conoscenza di software per il disegno meccanico. requisiti: Laurea in ingegneria meccanica; Automunito/a; Disponibilità a tempo pieno. Inviare la propria candidatura via email

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We are now seeking 4 registered nurses, prefereably with futher education towards psy. Your working tasks will be both in in- and outpatient care or only in in- or outpatient care. About you: Feeling secure in his/her nursing role. Preferred knowledge from work in psychiatry and/or addiction care. Good and friendly in meeting with others. Very good ability to collaborate and work in teams together with other professional categories. Good ability to act as supervisor in the daily work. Requirements: Certified Nurse, Experience from work in both in- and outpatient care. It is an advantage if you ...

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The geriatrics department is part of the special medicine business area. Specialized medicine is tasked with offering the people of Gävleborg region (286 000 inhabitants) emergency and planned specialist care. The assignment includes both outpatient and inpatient care as well as rehabilitation. We have a situation-oriented way of working, which means a total care for the elderly multi- sick. Treatment is based on the individual’s needs. Training takes place in everyday situations and aims to make the patient as independent as possible. The department strives to work closely with patients ...

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Requirements: Medical doctor specialized in general adult psychiatry. Be able to work both in the psychiatric team and independently. Good social ability. The employer attaches great importance to your personal fitness. About the job: Full time with some on-call duties/month. Employed as a medical assistant with a salary of 51,500 with a general fixed-term employment as a form of employment for a 6-month period during which the language develops and introduction takes place in the workplace. When Swedish credentials and proof of specialist competence are issued by the National Board of Health ...

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Children and adolescent psychiatric clinic in Sörmland offer all county’s residents aged 0-17 years access to psychiatric assessment, investigation and treatment at three levels of care; The ward is characterized by a holistic view of the needs of the individual child or youth, which makes it an exciting specialty for the doctors who want to work with a holistic view based on biological, psychological and social approach. Main duties As a specialist doctor in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Sörmland, you will meet children and young people with all kinds of mental illness for assessment ...

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Your job will be in a health center where many professions are working together as a team. You will be one of the team members with several other specialist gp-s, doctors in training, specially trained nurses, assisting nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists etc. There will be a trial period of 6 months, followed by a permanent employment if both of you are content and agree with the offer. The salaries are good already from start! When you are “up and running”, your salary will be set upon negotiation according to the countries guidelines. Sweden provides you a well-organized and functioning ...

Land des Arbeitsplatzes:
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