International Career & Employers' Days!
Zu dieser Veranstaltung
"International Career & Employers’ Day" è un evento nazionale di recruiting online organizzato da EURES ITALIA, che si svolgerà nell’arco di due giornate: il primo giorno dedicato alle persone in cerca di lavoro (jobseekers) e il secondo dai datori di lavoro (employers). In entrambe le giornate (dalle 10.00 alle 18:00) sarà possibile consultare le offerte di lavoro nazionali ed europee, inviare la propria candidatura, sostenere colloqui di lavoro con le aziende, comunicare in chat con i Consulenti EURES e le aziende. L'"International Career & Employers' Day" ospita l'International Career Day di Genova, nell'ambito del Salone Orientamenti 2020.
• La giornata dedicata alle persone in cerca di lavoro ha, inoltre, l’obiettivo di informare sulle opportunità e sui servizi offerti dalla rete EURES, sui progetti europei di mobilità (YFEJ, ecc.), sull’auto- imprenditorialità e sui programmi per i Giovani (ad esempio Garanzia Giovani).
Il programma degli interventi dedicati ai jobseekers si inserisce nell’ambito dell’European Vocational Skills Week e ha l’obiettivo di informare sull’"Agenda per le competenze per l'Europa sulla competitività sostenibile, l'equità sociale e la resilienza” e supportare i giovani nel processo transizione dalla scuola al lavoro. Nel corso della giornata si svolgeranno, quindi, anche workshop informativi sull’orientamento professionale, l’accompagnamento al lavoro, le opportunità formative e di riqualificazione e le nuove potenzialità di Europass.
• La giornata dedicata ai datori di lavoro, sulla scorta del successo delle precedenti edizioni dell’EURES Italy for Employers’ Day, organizzate sulla piattaforma EoJD, si pone l’obiettivo di dare continuità alle iniziative rivolte ai datori di lavoro e prevede un focus sulle politiche del lavoro, , sugli incentivi all’assunzione in Italia, sui progetti europei di mobilità (TMSs), sulla regolamentazione dei tirocini e dei contratti di lavoro in Italia.
Orario: 10:00-18:00
"International Career & Employers' Day" is a two-days online recruiting event organized by EURES ITALY: the first day dedicated to jobseekers and the second to Employers. On both days (from 10:00 to 18:00) it will be possible to consult national and European job offers, send your application, hold job interviews with companies, chat with EURES Advisors and companies.
• The day dedicated to job seekers also aims to inform about the opportunities and services offered by EURES, on European mobility projects (YFEJ, etc.), on self-employment, and programs for young people (Youth Guarantee, etc.). The program of interventions dedicated to jobseekers is part of the European Vocational Skills Week and aims to inform the Skills Agenda for Europe on sustainable competitiveness, social equity and resilience "and to support young people in the process of transitioning from school to work. During the day, there will also be information workshops on career guidance, accompaniment to work, training and retraining opportunities, and the new potential of Europass.
• The day dedicated to employers, building on the success of the previous three editions of EURES Italy for Employers' Day, organized on the EoJD platform, aims to give continuity to the initiatives aimed at employers, and provides a focus on labour policies, on hiring incentives in Italy, on European mobility projects (TMSs), regulation of internships and employment contracts in Italy.
Information for Exhibitors
Welcome to the "International Career & Employers' Days!": a recruitment event organized by EURES ITALY with the partecipation of Universities, national and international training institutions, and company from all Europe.
Partecipating to the "International Career & Employers' Days!" you have the opportunity to:
- publish your vacancies
- collect applications and get in touch in one-to-one chat with candidates from Italy and all over Europe
- promote your company/institution with introductory videos or Elevator Pitch, leaflets, etc.
- communicate in real time with the EURES network
- partecipating in a wide range of workshop about labour market, employment and training interacting via chat in real time
- receiving assistance, advising and technical support during any step of the event
Taking part in the event requires only: a pc/tablet/smartphone, internet connection, webcam, headset/microphone and a valid Skype account to manage the job interviews. Partecipation is easy!
Registration is open until 7 November. Register now! Partecipation is free of charge
We are looking forward to meet you online!
Information for Jobseekers
Welcome to the "International Career & Employers' Days", a recruitment event organized by EURES ITALY with the partecipation of companies from Italy and Europe, national and International Universities and Institutions.
Joining the "International Career & Employers' Days" you will have access to a wide range of opportunities:
- search for the job offers (available for some weeks after the event), upload your Cv and apply for the suitable positions
- benefit of job interviews in live chat with employer from all over Europe, without moving from home
- communicate in real time with the EURES Network
- taking part in workshops about employment, labour market, guidance and training
- riceiving advising and technical support during any step of the event
For more informaton: eojditalia@gmail.com
Taking part in the "International Career & Employers' Days", it's easy! The only requirements are: pc-laptop/tablet/smartphone, internet connections, headset-microphone-webcam in order to manage the job interviews.
Register now! We are looking forward to meeting you online!
Guidelines for Exhibitors
link to the full version of the guide:
Register and connect your profile to your organization:
Click on “Register”
Click on “Create account” in the exhibitor’s box
Complete all information and connect your profile to the organisation you work for
Click on “Create a new account”
- Login with existing credentials
Click on “Login”
Enter yours credentials:
- Create jobs
Click on “Manage my jobs” and then on “Add new job”
Import the vacancy from EURES portal or enter manually all the necessary information below. Go to the job vacancy page and copy the unique job reference from the web address (see the screenshot below). Subsequently, paste it into the field "Job reference" below.
Edit the part which will be used for matching vacancies related to “Job title”, “Occupation field”, “Education level”, “Education field”, “Language skills” and “Required ESCO skills”
Click on “Save” at the bottom of the page
- Schedule Time for interviews
Click on “Set interview timeslots” on the left column
Click on “Edit timeslots” under the event you want to schedule
Click once on the timeslot to change it into “ONSITE”
Click twice on the timeslot to change it into “ONLINE”
Click three times on the timeslot to change it again into “N/A”
Click on “Save timeslots” to save your schedule
Click on “Job applications/interviews”
Approve/decline jobseeker request for an interview by clicking on “Decline” or “Invite”
- The online chat
Click on the left “Access to online chat”
See if you have any scheduled interview clicking on “Job applications/interviews”
c. online chat will be managed on SKYPE. In order to participate in one-to-one chats and/or calls during a live online event, you need a valid Skype account (not Skype for Business!). You can provide your Skype ID either when registering an account, or later on when you go to ‘Edit my organisation’ in your Dashboard.
Once provided, your organisation’s profile will be listed in the ‘CHAT WITH EXHIBITORS’ section during the live event. It is important that you are logged in to your Skype account so that jobseekers can easily reach you (see image below).
link to the full version of the guide:
For questions, support or further information, please, get in touch with:
Guidelines for Jobseekers
Link to the full version of the guide: https://urlsand.esvalabs.com/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fdrive.google.com%2Fdrive%…
more info: eojditalia@gmail.com
- Login
- Click on “login”
- Enter yours credentials: Login/Password
Account Management (matching information that will be seen by the employer)
- Click on “Profile settings”
- Scroll down
- Choose your Language skills (the job matching will be done on this item)
- Choose your Education fields (the job matching will be done on this item)
Retrieve the CV from EURES portal
- Click on “Profile settings”
- Scroll down the page
- Insert EURES username and account number to retrieve your CV from the EURES portal
Change password
- Click on “Edit my account”
- Enter and confirm your password
- Click on save
Manage jobs I applied for (starting from all jobs browser)
- Click on “Jobs” from the top of the page
- Fill in searching criteria and click on “Search” on the bottom left of the page
- Click on job that interests you
- Click on “Apply for this job”
Manage my events
- Click on “Dashboard” to go back to your profile
- Click on “My events”
- Click on “Register for another event” in order to subscribe to other available events
- Select the event you want and click on “Register for this event”
Express interest for an exhibitor
- Select the Exhibitor
- Click on the “EXPRESS INTEREST” button
Manage interviews invitations and agenda
- Click on “My job applications” and on “Interviews”
- Click on “Accept Invitation” and choose the timing for interviews with exhibitors who invited you
- Click on “Timeslots” to schedule your invitations OR click on “Pick interviews time” in “My Panel” box on the left
- Click on “Pick your interview time” to modify your timeslot
- Click on the timeslot you prefer and then click on “Change interview time” to save your new schedule
Candidates can indicate a range of communication tools such as Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and any other tool of choice to be used during an online job interview.
During a live event you will be able to browse all communication tools indicated by the jobseeker and use them externally to conduct an online interview with the candidate (see image below).
Link to the full version of the guide https://www.europeanjobdays.eu/en/content/guidelines-eojd-jobseekers-2020
For more information or support, please, contact eojditalia@gmail.com
COVID-19 Italy-update as of 28.10.2020
Daily report
All the processed data collected from various sources are published at the same time on the National Civil Protection Department's interactive:
- Dashboard map
- Daily data sheet (Covid-19 Cases update) with the aggregated number of daily cases from the regions/autonomous provinces;
- Epidemiological-surveillance infographic (ISS Epidemiological Infographic) produced by the Higher Health Institute (ISS), with individual case data from positive tests diagnosed by the regions/autonomous provinces;
Weekly monitoring report Phase 2
For the management of Phase 2, a specific monitoring system on epidemiological data and response capacity of regional health services has been activated, introduced with the decree of the Ministry of Health of April 30, 2020. The monitoring is developed by a “control booth” consisting of the Ministry of Health, the Higher Institute of Health and the Regions.
Key points Covid-19 weekly monitoring, report from October 12-18, 2020
- An analysis of the data for the period 12-18 October 2020 is reported. Due to the time between exposure to the pathogen and the development of symptoms, and between these and the diagnosis and subsequent notification, many of the cases reported this week are likely to have contracted the infection between the end of September and the beginning of October. Some of the cases identified by screening, however, may have contracted the infection in earlier periods.
- A strong increase in cases continues to be observed, which brings the cumulative incidence (ISS flow data) in the last 14 days to 146.18 per 100,000 inhabitants (period 5/10-18/10) (vs. 75 per 100,000 inhabitants in the period 28/9-11/10). In the same period, the number of symptomatic cases went from 15,189 (period 28/9-11/10) to 27,114 (period 5/10-18/10).
- The increase in cases is widespread throughout the country, with all Regions/PPAA reporting an increase in the number of cases diagnosed compared to the previous week (MdS flow). This week, only one in four cases was detected through contact tracing activities, while 31.7% was detected through the appearance of symptoms. The percentage of cases detected through screening activities also dropped (25.8% vs. 31.1% in the previous week). In 16.9% of cases, no diagnostic findings were reported.
- In the period 01 - 14 October 2020, the Rt calculated on symptomatic cases is equal to 1.50 (95%CI: 1.09 -1.75). For details on how to calculate and interpret the Rt reported please refer to further information available on the Higher Institute of Health website. Alert signs of resilience by territorial services are reported in all Regions/PAs.
- The epidemic is worsening rapidly and is generally compatible with a Type 3 scenario, with a higher rate of progression in some Italian Regions: in fact, Rt values above 1.25 are found in most Italian Regions/PAs and there are signs that the transmission potential of SARS-CoV-2 is only modestly limited. There is a rapid growth in incidence, an increasingly frequent impossibility to keep track of all transmission chains and a rapid increase in the load on healthcare services, with an increase in hospital bed occupancy rates in both critical and non-critical areas.
- There are a total of 7,625 active outbreaks, of which 1,286 new, so even though the number of active outbreaks is increasing, for the first time in eleven weeks the number of new outbreaks is decreasing (in the previous week of monitoring, 4,913 active outbreaks were reported, of which 1,749 new). This decrease is probably due to the sharp increase in cases for which the territorial services could not identify an epidemiological link: 23,018 cases not associated with known transmission chains were reported (compared to 9,291 last week), which corresponds to 43.5% of the total number of cases reported this week. Outbreaks were reported in almost all provinces (106/107). Most of these outbreaks continue to occur at home (81.7%), which is currently a context of amplification of viral circulation and not the real engine of the epidemic.
- This week there has been an increase in the number of outbreaks where transmission could have taken place in schools, even though intra-school transmission still appears to be limited (3.5% of all new outbreaks reported). However, extra-curricular and peri-school activities could be a trigger for transmission chains if the designed prevention measures are not respected.
- This week, at national level, there has been an important increase in the number of hospitalised people (7,131 vs 4,519 in the medical area, 750 vs 420 in intensive care on 18/10 and 11/10, respectively) and, consequently, there has been an increase in the occupancy rates of hospitalisations in the medical area and in intensive care, with some Regions/PPAA above 10% in both areas. If the epidemiological trend maintains the current pace, there is a high probability that many Regions/PPAA will reach critical employment thresholds in a truly short time.
Mortality Report
The ISS and ISTAT report of July 16, shows that on May 25, 2020, Covid-19 was the direct cause of death in 89% of deaths of people who tested positive for Sars-CoV-2, while for the remaining 11% the causes of death were cardiovascular disease (4.6%), cancer (2.4%), respiratory system diseases (1%), diabetes (0.6%), dementia and digestive diseases (0.6% and 0.5% respectively).
The latest ISS update shows an average age 80 years in deceased patients and an average of 3.4 pre-existing diseases.
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COVID-19 EU Updated Information
Given the unprecedented situation Europe has been experiencing due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the European Commission launched a dedicated website including information on the latest developments and actions, general advice, useful contacts and links, statistics and various other topics of interest for citizens and institutions.
It is important that you rely only on authoritative sources to get updated information on the COVID-19 outbreak. Follow the advice of public health authorities, and the websites of relevant EU and international organizations:
More information: