Destination Norway
Zu dieser Veranstaltung
Welcome on 13 th September 2023 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. (CEST)
We are giving you a new opportunity to get in touch with employers in
If you are interested in permanent or seasonal work - this is the event for
At this event you will find job opportunities in several sectors, especially if
you have experience and competence in:
• Tourism & Hospitality
• Food production
• Industry and engineering
• Transport & Logistics
• Construction
• Personal services: barbers & hairdressers; beauty and spa therapists
• Healthcare
… and you will be more likely to find your dream job!
We offer you the possibility to:
• Get to know your future employer.
• Apply for available jobs.
• Have interviews during the event.
• Learn more about living and working in Norway.
• Chat with EURES advisers in Norway during the whole event!
We will try and answer your questions about working and moving to
If you need any further information, feel free to contact
us: nav.eures.vestland@nav.no or nav.eures.vest-viken@nav.no
Jobseekers toolkit
Jobseekers toolkit for Norway
Public Employment service
www.ec.europa.eu/eures EURES, the European Job Mobility Portal
NAV Service Centre EURES Phone: 0047 55 55 33 39 (press 2)
Email: eures@nav.no (Information about jobs search in English)
Looking for work
We recommend that you register your CV on the EURES portal www.eures.europa.eu, where Norwegian employers are likely to be looking for European candidates.
Where to find the jobs
The easiest way if you don’t speak Norwegian is to search for jobs on the EURES portal www.eures.europa.eu. Indeed, all the job vacancies published by NAV are listed on this portal. You can then use the search function in your own language and access the job vacancies.
You can also access job vacancies in English which are listed on the NAV website https://arbeidsplassen.nav.no/stillinger . Use “English” as key word search
How to create your CV and cover letter
You can login on Europass website and create your documents in English: https://europa.eu/europass/en
Recruitment agencies
The private recruitment agencies have a big share of the job market in Norway, and there are numerous. You should consider registering at a few of them. A few examples: - www.manpower.no www.adecco.no www.randstad.no www.jobzone.no
There are many more recruitment agencies, you can find them via the Yellow Pages www.gulesider.no. Write “bemanningsbyrå” in the search field.
Public services
https://www.nyinorge.no/en/ New in Norway guide - practical information from public administrations
www.nav.no/en the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration
https://helsenorge.no/foreigners-in-norway Healthcare and social security
https://www.sua.no/en/ Service Centre for Foreign Workers in Oslo
https://www.skatteetaten.no/en/person/foreign/Tax information for foreign workers in Norway
www.udi.no the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration
https://www.politiet.no/en the Norwegian Police
https://www.arbeidstilsynet.no/en/ The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority
https://www.toll.no/en/ Customs
www.grensetjansten.com Cross border service Sweden/Norway
https://en.innovasjonnorge.no/ Innovation Norway
https://www.ssb.no/en Statistics Norway
https://www.mattilsynet.no/language/english/ Norwegian Food/Animal Safety Authority
https://www.regjeringen.no/en/id4/ Information from the Government and the Ministries
Cities & Municipalities
To find the website of any municipality: www.name-of-municipality.kommune.no
https://www.nrk.no/ - The Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, commonly known by its initialism NRK, is the Norwegian government-owned radio and television public broadcasting company, and the largest media organisation in Norway.
www.aftenposten.no Oslo
www.aftenbladet.no Stavanger
www.bt.no Bergen
www.adressa.no Trondheim
www.nordlys.no Tromsø
www.fvn.no Kristiansand
Recognition of Education and Qualifications
https://www.nokut.no/en/ Recognition of foreign education
www.helsedirektoratet.no/English Authorisation and Licence for Health personnel
Trade Unions
https://www.lo.no/language/english/ The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions
www.akademikerne.no The Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations
www.ys.no The Confederation of Vocational Unions
www.unio.no The Confederation of Unions for Professionals
Start your own company in Norway
www.altinn.no/en see “start and run business”
Language courses in Norway
www.ntnu.edu/learnnow free online Norwegian language course
www.kompetansenorge.no/English See “Immigrant integration” for all the accredited language course providers in Norway
www.folkeuniversitetet.no/ Class room courses
www.aof.no Class room courses
https://felles.oslovo.no/ Courses in Oslo
Study in Norway
www.studyinnorway.no the guide to higher education in Norway
www.diku.no Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education
www.samordnaopptak.no/info/english/ The Norwegian Universities and College Admission service
Traineeships and Internships in Norway
www.trainee.no The Norwegian trainee guide
http://aiesec.org Student organization - Internships
www.karrierestart.no Job portal and lots of advice and other relevant information
www.finn.no/eiendom market place for rental “bolig til leie” and purchase «bolig til salgs»
www.hybel.no rentals and home share agency
www.utleiemegleren.no rentals agency
https://www.visitnorway.com/?lang=uk the official Travel guide to Norway
www.petro.no News website for the oil and gas industry
Check list - jobseekers
Remember to upload your CV in English in your profile! Your profile alone is not enough for the employers to understand fully your qualifications and experience.
Jobseeker - Get the most out of the event by following this quick guide:
- Create your profile and upload your CV right now, Find out how!
- Apply for jobs right away and keep checking for new postings!
- Prepare for interviews
- Check out the event programme (available closer to the event)
- Get to know the employers by visiting their stands
- Chat with exhibitors on the day of the event, click on 'Chat with Exhibitors'
Information for Exhibitors
The event is organized by EURES in NAV in Norway.
It is an online European Job Day www.europeanjobdays.eu and a service of EURES, the European cooperation for labour mobility within the EU / EEA and Switzerland.
We welcome employers and organizations to participate.
To register a new account or if you already have an account and wish to register for Destination Norway, check the “Registration for Employers” video on Video tutorials
Visitors/candidates can choose to continuously apply for the vacancies that are registered on the event page. They can also choose to only follow the program that is broadcasted during the event day and then apply for the job vacancies that have been published.
If your organization consists of several departments that want to participate in our job fair, we recommend that each department registers its own account. In this way, each department is exposed separately, and it becomes easier to handle applications. In addition, each department receives interview planning tools and chat channels that are their own.
Register job vacancies:
To achieve a good result with your recruitment, we recommend that you publish your job vacancies as soon as possible and in English. In the job description, you have the opportunity to refer applicants to your own career page, but note that our platform is built on the basis that applicants must apply for through the platform - for you to invite them to an interview on the platform - which means that the vast majority do so. Therefore, it is important that you continuously look through the job applications to your job vacancies, to find the candidates who might not have applied the way you wish them to.
Book online interviews:
You can book and hold interviews during the event day with candidates who have applied for your job vacancies. The interview tool is integrated into the platform.
You do this by booking 30-minutes interviews (so-called "slots"). You can access it at your "Dashboard".
Chat with candidates during the event day:
You can chat with candidates spontaneously visiting our event. Watch how in the video "how to use the chat with employers".
It is important that you are logged in to your account throughout the event day so that the candidates can get in touch with you. It is only possible to use one chat channel per account.
Record a short film in English
We recommend that you record a promotional film where you inform about your organization, your vacancies and how candidates can contact you. We broadcast the film during the event day. In this way, you reach everyone who participates, even those who may have missed your published vacancies.
NOTE! The film shouldn’t be longer than 5 minutes and if it is in your native language, it needs to be subtitled in English.
You will receive a broadcast programme about a week before the event day, then you know when your film is broadcasted and can take the opportunity to join the general chat in the broadcast window to promote your organization.
Velkommen som arbeidsgiver eller utstiller/Info Point
Velkommen som arbeidsgiver eller utstiller/Info Point
Denne digitale jobbmessen arrangeres av EURES-tjenesten i NAV.
Registrere ny konto eller melde på allerede registrert konto – se video «Registration for employers» her Video tutorials | EURES - European Job Days
Består virksomheten din av flere avdelinger som ønsker å delta, anbefaler vi at hver avdeling registrerer sin egen konto. Slik kan hver avdeling opptre selvstendig og det er enklere å håndtere jobbsøknader og henvendelser fra kandidater – med eget intervjuplanleggingsverktøy og egen chattekanal.
Denne kontoen er din virksomhets messestand: gjør den informativ og attraktiv, med logo, bilder og videoer, og jobbannonser.
Nye jobbsøkere melder seg på jobbmessen hele tiden. Flere hundre er allerede påmeldt, og de venter på å bli kjent med din virksomhet og dine ledige stillinger. Så ikke vent: legg ut dine jobbannonser!
Legg ut dine jobbannonser
For best mulig utbytte bør du legge ut dine jobbannonser så tidlig som mulig. Rekrutteringsprosessen starter med en gang du melder deg på og publiserer dine jobbannonser, altså lenge før selve jobbmessedagen. Ettpar bedrifter som deltok på vår forrige digitale jobbmesse fant faktisk sine nye medarbeidere før jobbmessen.
Dashboard // My Jobs - klikk på «Add new job» nederst på siden.
Videoen «Creating a job vacancy» viser deg hvordan: Video tutorials | EURES - European Job Days
Trenger du hjelp, står vi EURES rådgivere i NAV klare til å hjelpe deg! Du når oss på nav.eures.vest-viken@nav.no eller nav.eures.vestland@nav.no
Kandidater til dine jobbannonser / jobseekers
NB! I jobbannonsen, vær tydelig på hvordan du ønsker at kandidatene skal søke, pr e-post eller via en nettside/lenke. Dette fordi plattformen er bygd slik at alle søkere må søke via plattformen – dette for at du skal kunne innkalle dem til intervju i plattformen – og de fleste kandidater søker nettopp kun via plattformen.
Tips! Sjekk jobbsøknader fortløpende, for å fange opp de kandidatene som kanskje bare har søkt via plattformen. Du kan da sende dem en melding og informere dem om hvordan du ønsker at de skal søke på stillingen.
Dashboard //Job applications // Manage // Contact
Book intervjuer
Plattformen tilbyr et intervjuverktøy der du kan innkalle kandidater som har søkt på dine stillinger til et intervju på jobbmessedagen.
- Opprett intervjutidspunkter, kalt timeslots Dashboard // Intervju timeslots
Det er satt opp 30 min. tidsintervaller, du velger hvilke som passer best for deg. Er dere flere representanter påmeldt, kan dere velge opp til 5 intervjuplasser pr 30 min. tidsintervall. - Inviter kandidater til et intervju
Dashboard // job applications // Manage // Invite
Kandidater/jobseekers kan velge å søke fortløpende på de ledige stillingene du legger ut, eller å vente til jobbmessedagen for å bli bedre kjent med din virksomhet før de søker på dine ledige stillinger. Det er derfor viktig at du og din virksomhet er tilgjengelige på jobbmessedagen via chat.
Chat med kandidater på jobbmessen 13. september
Tenk på denne messen som på en fysisk jobbmesse, hvor du og din virksomhet deltar med stand og promoteringsmateriell, og møter kandidater som stikker innom standen for en jobbprat. På denne digitale messen stikker kandidatene innom via chat. Så vær tilgjengelig i løpet av messen, den varer kun fra kl 12.00 til kl. 16.00. Kandidatene finner enkelt ditt chatterom gjennom «Chat with exhibitors» mens du tar dem imot gjennom Dashboard // Join chat with jobseekers.
👋 chatten kan foregå enten kun skriftlig eller med audio og video. Les informasjon om hvordan chatten foregår Dashboard // Join chat with jobseekers
Tips! Vi EURES rådgivere i NAV som arrangerer denne messen, representerer Norway; vi vil også være til stede og tilgjengelige på chat for kandidatene som har spørsmål om Norge. Får du spørsmål om Norge fra kandidater på din chat, henvis dem gjerne til oss «chat with Norway» så besvarer vi dem, slik at du kan fokusere på din rekruttering.
Gjør virksomheten din ekstra synlig! Spill inn en video
Under messen viser vi et program som består av bedriftspresentasjoner, informasjon om Living & Working in Norway, og presentasjoner fra andre aktører innen jobbmobilitet i Europa. Du er hjertelig velkommen til å vise en video om din virksomhet! Enten du allerede har en klar eller du spiller inn en for anledningen – vi trenger MP4 filen eller Youtube-lenken til videoen. NB! Videoen må vi ha klar senest 4. september
NB! Videoen må være på engelsk eller tekstet på engelsk. Maks. 5 minutter
Noe du lurer på eller trenger hjelp til? Kontakt oss gjerne! nav.eures.vest-viken@nav.no eller nav.eures.vestland@nav.no
Velkommen til Destination Norway og lykke til med rekrutteringen!
Med vennlig hilsen,
Sandrine og Nina, NAV EURES Vest-Viken
Agata og Erik, NAV EURES Vestland
Eli, NAV EURES Agder