Bienvenidos a Irlanda 2023
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Find your next job at the Irish Recruitment Day in Malaga, Spain.
Are you a jobseeker interested in career opportunities in Ireland?
EURES Ireland and EURES Spain are teaming up to bring together Irish employers and jobseekers/ job changers from Spain, Ireland and other EU/EEA countries who are interested in job opportunities in Ireland in CHILDCARE and HOSPITALITY sectors.
1. Find and Apply for jobs
In advance of the event you will be able to search hundreds of job opportunities in Ireland and apply for those that match your profile, contact employers and book one or more job interviews.
2. Find out how to succeed in finding a job in Ireland
On 10th of October between 9.30 am and 4.00 pm you can join us onsite or online and attend a programme of interesting presentations and talks by sector experts, employers and EURES advisers from Ireland and Spain.
Onsite event is taking place in: Dirección Provincial del Servicio Andaluz de Empleo en Málaga. Addres: Avenida Juan XXIII nº 82, post code: 29005, Málaga
The following companies will attend the event onsite in Malaga:
- Cocoon Childcare
- Giraffe Childcare
- Navitas Recruitment
- Faylinn Creche & Montissori School
- Castle Collection hotel
- Mount Juliet Estate
- Caste Durrow Country House Hotel
- Sagesa recruitment
- Tots crèche limited
- Chuckleberries
3. Talk to us!
Chat online with employers and other exhibitors and ask questions during a Q&A session after each presentation;
In order to participate online, you need to register for the event in advance. Click here to create a new account and register for the event or log in to your account if you already have one to join.
Are you an Irish employer looking for candidates from Spain, Ireland or across the EU?
A range of recruitment services will be available to employers, including publishing vacancies on the event’s website, automatic screening/ matching / interview scheduling in advance of the event and jobseekers will be waiting to speak with you on the day. For employers who are interested in travelling to Spain and hosting live interviews we offer the opportunity of attending this event onsite in Malaga.
The event will be widely advertised in Spain through targeted social media campaigns, social media platforms and online. It will be also available to attend for all jobseekers from Europe and outside of EU/EEA who register on the European Job Days platform.
In order to participate in this event, you need to register and upload your jobs in advance of the event. The registration for jobseekers will open in September and from that day we will promote your jobs advertised for this event to jobseekers in Spain, Europe and in Ireland.
Save the date and join us online or onsite on 10th October 2023!
For more information contact: eures@welfare.ie
Information for Jobseekers: how to participate in this online/ onsite event.
We will host on online information session on 27th September to explain how to participate in this event, apply for jobs/confirm and attend your online/ onsite interview and to answer any questions that you may have ahead of the event.
We will email a link to the webinar to everyone who registers for this event.
1. In order to participate in this recruitment event, you need to register in advance of the event.
2. Apply for posted jobs in advance of the event!
You can now browse and apply for jobs that match your profile, make contact with employers and book one or more job interviews. Make sure that you upload your CV in English. Interviews with employers will be taking place on 10th October (onsite in Malaga and online).
REMEMBER: Registering for this event and uploading your CV is not enough. If you want employers to view your CV and be able to invite you for an interview, you must apply for the job vacancy directly and before the day of the event.
3. Attend your scheduled interviews.
Companies may invite you for one or more online or onsite interviews. In the case where you are pre-selected, you will get a notification by the employer(s) on possible timeslots for the interview, to which you should answer as quickly as possible.
Log in to www.europeanjobdays.eu regularly to check if you have any interview invitations pending and check your email . Confirm your availability for online or onsite interview. Check ‘How to join a job interview’ on your dashboard when you log in to www.europeanjobdays.eu
On the day of the event – log in and join your virtual interview or arrive on time for your interview in Malaga.
Onsite event and onsite interviews will take place in Malaga:
Dirección Provincial del Servicio Andaluz de Empleo en Málaga.
Avenida Juan XXIII nº 82, post code: 29005, Málaga
9.30 am – 4pm
You will be asked to present ID document If you want to attend the event/ interviews in Malaga.
If you are invited to attend an interview in Malaga, you can apply for TMS interview grant to cover the cost of your travel (for those travelling more than 50 km and with a scheduled onsite interview on 10th October).
You need to request a TMS application form BEFORE you travel.
Contact pcpmixto.eures@sepe.es for more information.
The following companies will be present in Malaga:
- Cocoon Childcare
- Giraffe Childcare
- Navitas Recruitment
- Faylinn Creche & Montissori School
- Castle Collection hotel
- Mount Juliet Estate
- Caste Durrow Country House Hotel
- Sagesa recruitment
- Tots crèche limited
- Chuckleberries
4. On 10th October, you can join us (onsite or online) for some great presentations and chats with exhibitors!
Presentations will include: *Employers presentations; *Financial supports available for you if you relocate for work to Ireland; *Presentation on various aspects of Living and Working in Ireland. You can also interact and ask questions to the presenters via live chat.
During the event, employers and EURES Advisers will be available online on a chat to answer your questions. If you don't have any pre-set interviews, this may be still your chance to get more information on job requirements and to apply for jobs of some interest to you.
If you have any questions before the event, you can contact EURES Spain at: pcpmixto.eures@sepe.es
Are you a Non-EU National?
In order to work in Ireland a non-EEA National, unless they are exempted, must hold a valid Employment Permit. The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment administers the Employment Permits system. Detailed information on work permits, Highly Skilled Eligible Occupations List, etc. is available on internet websites:
Employment Permits - DETE (enterprise.gov.ie)
Please note: Childcare workers and the vast majority of hospitality jobs (with an exception of experienced chefs) are listed under the Ineligible List of Occupations - DETE (enterprise.gov.ie) and are not eligible for work permits in Ireland.
Critical Skill work permit: If you have any of the critical skills listed on the eligible occupations list ( e.g. Nursing and Midwifery Professionals, Engineering Professionals), you or your Irish employer can apply for a critical skills work permit.
If you are a Nursing and Midwifery Professional: email your CV to: nurserecruitment@welfare.ie
If you are a Construction or Engineering Professional: email your CV to: constructionjobs@welfare.ie
Información para solicitantes de empleo: Cómo participar en este evento en línea / presencial.
Información para solicitantes de empleo: Cómo participar en este evento en línea / presencial.
Organizaremos una sesión informativa en línea el 27 de septiembre para explicar cómo participar en este evento, solicitar empleos / confirmar y asistir a tu entrevista en línea / presencial y responder cualquier pregunta que puedas tener antes del evento.
Enviaremos por correo electrónico un enlace al seminario web a todos los que se registren para este evento..
1. Para participar en este evento de reclutamiento, debes registrarte antes del evento.
2. ¡Solicita los trabajos que te interesan antes del evento!
Ahora ya puedes buscar y solicitar trabajos que coincidan con tu perfil, ponerte en contacto con empleadores y reservar una o más entrevistas de trabajo. Asegúrate de subir tu CV en inglés. Las entrevistas con los empleadores tendrán lugar el 10 de octubre (presencial en Málaga y en línea).
Si no estás disponible para asistir al evento o unirte a la entrevista en línea el 10 de octubre, es posible concertar entrevistas fuera de la plataforma durante la semana siguiente al día del evento (11-13 de octubre).
RECUERDA: Registrarte en este evento y subir tu CV no es suficiente. Si quieres que los empleadores vean tu CV y puedan invitarte a una entrevista, debes solicitar la vacante de trabajo directamente y antes del día del evento.
3. Asiste a tus entrevistas programadas.
Las empresas pueden invitarte a una o más entrevistas en línea o presenciales. En el caso de ser preseleccionado, recibirás una notificación del empleador sobre los posibles horarios para la entrevista, a la que debes responder lo más rápido posible.
Entra en www.europeanjobdays.eu regularmente para verificar si tienes alguna invitación a entrevista pendiente y para confirmar tu disponibilidad. Mira ‘How to join a job interview’ en tu panel de control si tienes dudas
El día del evento, inicia la sesión y únete a tu entrevista virtual o asegurate de llegar a tiempo si tu entrevista es en Málaga.
El evento y las entrevistas presenciales tendrán lugar en Málaga:
Avenida Juan XXIII nº 82, post code: 29005, Málaga
9.30 am – 4pm
Es importante recalcar que para asistir al evento / entrevistas en Málaga necesitarás presentar un documento de identidad válido.
Si te invitan a asistir a una entrevista en Málaga, puedes solicitar una beca de entrevista TMS para cubrir el coste de tu viaje (para aquellos que viajen más de 50 km y que tengan entrevista presencial programada para el 10 de Octubre).
Debes cumplimentar y remitir el formulario de solicitud de TMS ANTES de viajar.
Ponte en contacto con pcpmixto.eures@sepe.es para obtener más información.
Las siguientes compañías estarán presentes en Malaga:
- Cocoon Childcare
- Giraffe Childcare
- Navitas Recruitment
- Faylinn Creche & Montissori School
- Castle Collection hotel
- Mount Juliet Estate
- Caste Durrow Country House Hotel
- Sagesa recruitment
- Tots crèche limited
- Chuckleberries
4. ¡El 10 de octubre, puedes unirte a nosotros en línea para ver algunas presentaciones y charlar con empleadores!
Las presentaciones incluirán:
*Presentaciones de empleadores;
*Apoyos financieros disponibles si te trasladas por trabajo a Irlanda;
*Presentación sobre diversos aspectos de la vida y el trabajo en Irlanda.
También puedes hacer preguntas a los presentadores a través del chat en vivo.
Durante el evento, los empresarios y los consejeros EURES estarán disponibles en un chat para responder a tus preguntas. Si no tienes entrevistas preestablecidas, esta puede ser tu oportunidad de obtener más información sobre los requisitos del trabajo y solicitar trabajos que te interesen.
Si tienes alguna pregunta antes del evento, puedes ponerte en contacto con EURES España en: pcpmixto.eures@sepe.es