Úroveň vzdelania:
Typ pracovného miesta:
Full-time, Seasonal
Počet pozícií:
Opis pracovnej ponuky
Louis Hotels Plc Co Ltd, one of the biggest hotel groups in Greece and Cyprus, is seeking to recruit employees for its hotel units.
Pool Lifeguard.
Požiadavky na pracovné miesto
- Related working experience, will be considered as an advantage.
- Valid Lifeguard certificate.
- Ability to work as a team player.
- Hard working and well-organized.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills
Môže byť užitočné
- Good English
- Any other knowledge of additional languages
- Monthly salary
- Accommodation and meals on full board basis is offered
- 8 working hours /9 hours on duty/ 5+1 days work / 1 day off per week
- Adequate training will be provided.
Pracovné obmedzenia
Valid lifeguard certificate is needed to be able to apply for the position.