Pool Lifeguards
Elérhető az alábbi eseményen:
A pozíció típusa:
Full-time, Seasonal
Pozíciók száma:
Az állásajánlat leírása
Louis Hotels Plc Co Ltd, one of the biggest hotel groups in Greece and Cyprus, is seeking to recruit employees for its hotel units.
Pool Lifeguard.
Munkaköri követelmények
- Related working experience, will be considered as an advantage.
- Valid Lifeguard certificate.
- Ability to work as a team player.
- Hard working and well-organized.
- Good interpersonal and communication skills
Előnyt jelent
- Good English
- Any other knowledge of additional languages
- Monthly salary
- Accommodation and meals on full board basis is offered
- 8 working hours /9 hours on duty/ 5+1 days work / 1 day off per week
- Adequate training will be provided.
Munkaköri korlátozások
Valid lifeguard certificate is needed to be able to apply for the position.