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La missione dell'azienda è fornire tecnologia e prodotti originali e di qualità superiore per progetti di mobilità in tutto il mondo. I nostri prodotti sono progettati per rendere la mobilità sostenibile una realtà in tutte le aree del settore ferroviario globale It is looking for an enthusiastic self-motivated Project Controller who thrives in a fast-paced environment. The successful candidate is comfortable performing a wide range of tasks from administrative to strategic. The position is based in Pistoia, Italy. Accountabilities Analyze financial results and monitoring the budgeting & ...

Kraj miejsca pracy:
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Not provided
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Si ricerca INGEGNERE ELETTRICO o equipollente, con c onoscenze informatiche ed elettriche necessarie per la progettazione e sviluppo di software industriali. Richiesta conoscenza della lingua inglese, a partire da livello B1, ottime conoscenze informatiche. Gradita esperienza L azienda è un società multiservizi con sede a Capannori (Lucca) si occupa di produzione, manutenzione, riparazione, installazione, montaggio, progettazione, per proprio conto e/o per conto di terzi, di impianti, macchinari e parti di essi, di prodotti della meccanica grossa e fine e della grande, media e piccola ...

Kraj miejsca pracy:
Widełki wynagrodzeń (Miesięcznie):
1700 - 1700 EUR (Net pay)
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Azienda del settore industriale con sede a Messina, ricerca un Saldatore di metalli speciali e leghe , per la saldatura a filo, procedimento di tipo Mig/Mag con esperienza. Tempo determinato con rinnovo finalizzato all'assunzione a tempo indeterminato. Industrial company based in Messina, is looking for a welder of special metals and alloys , for wire welding, Mig/ Mag type process with experience. Fixed term with renewal for indefinite employment.

Kraj miejsca pracy:
Widełki wynagrodzeń (Miesięcznie):
1730 - 1730 EUR (Gross pay)
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Profilo professionale ricercato Numero lavoratori: 5 Profilo ricercato: Fabbro Descrizione: Si ricercano 5 fabbri con esperienza di almeno 5 anni, disponibili a trasferte e straordinari retribuiti. Esperienza richiesta: Si Requisiti Richiesti Essenziali Titolo di studio: Licenzia media Patenti conseguite PATENTE B Condizioni Lavorative Offerte Sede di lavoro: Casoria (NA) Tipologia di contratto: Tempo indeterminato Modalità lavoro: Full Time Data scadenza: 15/11/2024 Retribuzione mensile lorda: 2.200 € Dati Sistema Tipo Offerta: INVIO CANDIDATURA / OFFERTA Codice offerta ...

Oferowane przez:
Kraj miejsca pracy:
Widełki wynagrodzeń (Miesięcznie):
2000 - 2200 EUR (Gross pay)
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Spawacz MIG-MAG zajmuje się łączeniem elementów metalowych za pomocą spawania łukowego w osłonie gazów. Metoda MIG (Metal Inert Gas) wykorzystuje gazy obojętne, natomiast MAG (Metal Active Gas) stosuje gazy aktywne. Spawacz odpowiedzialny jest za precyzyjne przygotowanie materiałów, ustawienie parametrów spawania, a także za jakość wykonanych spoin, dbając o zgodność z normami technicznymi. Wymaga to znajomości różnych materiałów, technik spawania oraz umiejętności obsługi urządzeń spawalniczych.

Kraj miejsca pracy:
Widełki wynagrodzeń (Hourly):
30 - 40 PLN (Net pay)
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Strauji augošs metālapstrādes uzņēmums LSEZ SIA ”RT Metāls” aicina pievienoties savai komandai METINĀTĀJU uz nenoteiktu laiku. Prasības kandidātiem: -Kā priekšrocība tiks uzskatīta vidējā speciālā izglītība metālapstrādē vai līdzīgā tehniskā nozarē; -Vēlama pieredze metināšanā; -Vēlama prasme lasīt rasējumus u.c. tehnisko dokumentāciju. Mēs piedāvājam: -Pilnas slodzes darbu stabilā uz eksportu orientētā ražošanas uzņēmumā; -Zināšanām un darba pieredzei atbilstošu atalgojumu atkarībā no katra pretendenta individuālajām zināšanām, kvalifikācijas, prasmēm un spējām; -Alga sākot no 1386 EUR (8,30 ...

Oferowane przez:
Kraj miejsca pracy:
Widełki wynagrodzeń (Miesięcznie):
1386 - 1500 EUR (Gross pay)
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Press Brake Operator We are looking for a Press Brake Operator for our client company, SteelSet, located in Lapua, for a long-term position. The recruitment process is conducted in cooperation with SteelSet and Wulff Works. SteelSet Oy is a metal industry company founded in 2023, backed by decades of experience in the machine shop and technology industries. SteelSet offers smart and cost-effective solutions for high-quality sheet metal processing. You can read more about SteelSet at The selected candidate will work with press brakes, including Aliko, Amada, and Steiner ...

Oferowane przez:
Kraj miejsca pracy:
Widełki wynagrodzeń (Miesięcznie):
2200 - 2600 EUR (Gross pay)
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Sheet metal welders Location: Kurikka, Finland (about 35 km south of Seinäjoki) Job Description: Positions involve welding and grinding, with a strong emphasis on grinding. Employment is long-term through Wulff Works, with the potential for permanent positions after at least one year. Candidates must pass a welding test conducted by the client. Basic English skills are required to understand verbal instructions. Welding certifications will be arranged if not already held, and passing these certifications is mandatory. Salary: Based on the technology industry’s collective agreement, with a ...

Oferowane przez:
Kraj miejsca pracy:
Widełki wynagrodzeń (Miesięcznie):
2000 - 2200 EUR (Net pay)
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We are looking for a skilled Welder to cut and join metals and other materials at our facilities or construction sites. You will operate appropriate equipment to put together mechanical structures or parts with a great deal of precision. Your job is important as it provides the foundation for strong infrastructure. A welder must be competent in using potentially dangerous equipment following all safety precautions. The ideal candidate will also have a steady hand and great attention to detail. Knowledge of different kinds of metal and their properties is essential.

Oferowane przez:
Kraj miejsca pracy:
Widełki wynagrodzeń (Miesięcznie):
1500 - 2000 EUR (Net pay)
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u verfügst über eine Ausbildung im metallverarbeitenden Bereich und im besten Fall über Kenntnisse im Schutzgasschweißen (MAG). ◾ Du bringst Interesse für den Umgang und das Bedienen von Maschinen, Bereitschaft zur Schichtarbeit, Aufgeschlossenheit und Lernbereitschaft mit. ◾ Wir bieten Dir zukünftig die Möglichkeit zur Weiterbildung zum Programmierer und Einrichter von Schweißrobotern. Wir sind ein wachstumsstarker, deutschlandweiter aktiver Sonderstahlspezialist. Wir fördern Dich, bieten dir Eigenverantwortung und Aufstiegsperspektiven. Und das Betriebsklima - Nette Mitarbeiter und ...

Kraj miejsca pracy:
Widełki wynagrodzeń:
Not provided

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