Area Sales Manager for Air Pollution Control
We offe r a challe nging position as Are a Sale s Manage r at Haldor Topsøe , in the
busine ss are a VO C Te chnologie s within air pollution te chnologie s. With the e ve r
m ore stringe nt air pollution control re gulation you will act in a growing m ark e t
whe re we will introduce ne w products.
The busine ss se gm e nt VO C Te chnologie s cove rs catalysts for catalytic ox idation
of VO C in off-gasse s from a broad range of industrie s. We se ll our VO C and othe r
te chnologie s worldwide .
O ur inte rnational sale s activitie s are conducte d on a high te chnical le ve l, in close
coope ration with spe cialists and colle ague s at our re gional office s.
We are look ing for an are a sale s m anage r who want to tak e part in de ve loping
our VO C Te chnologie s by incre asing sale s and succe ssfully launching a num be r of
ne w products in the ne ar future .
You will work in a sm all group in an inform al atm osphe re , with close inte raction
with m anagem e nt, all our re gional office s, in-house production, and R &D.
Your responsibilities
sale s of VO C catalysts and othe r te chnologie s
mark e t and busine ss de ve lopm e nt
achieve sale s targe ts in line with our strate gy
ensure tim e ly and qualifie d se rvice both te chnically and com m e rcially
de sign, proposal, ne gotiation, and sale s contract
k e y account re sponsibility
are fle x ible , dynam ic and outgoing
are a te am playe r
are e nte rprising and have e x ce lle nt busine ss acum e n
ge ne rate re sults
have outstanding ne twork ing sk ills
have e x ce lle nt com m unication and ne gotiation sk ills
are pre pare d to trave l 40–70 days a ye ar
You have a chem ical e ngine e ring de gre e or anothe r re le vant back ground. You
have a back ground in te chnical sale s or anothe r re le vant are a. You m ay have
e x pe rie nce within are as of air pollution control lik e particle filtration or de NO x . We
re quire an e x ce lle nt com m e rcial and te chnical unde rstanding with an inte re st in
work ing in diffe re nt culture s. We e x pe ct you to be flue nt in English and have good
language sk ills.
Further information
If you would lik e to be part of a te am of sk ille d and dynam ic colle ague s, ple ase
subm it your application in English and e nclose a copy of your e x am ce rtificate s
with grade s and any re fe re nce s via our we bsite www.topsoe.com.
Haldor Topsøe is market leading in the field of heterogeneous catalysis. We supply
catalysts and technologies for the refining industry, for cleaning power industry flue
gases and for sustainable energy processes. In 2012 the turnover totalled 700 million
Euro generated by our 2,300 employees around the world.