Industry & Technology in Denmark
Informazioni su questo evento
Chat live with Exhibitors September 22nd 2022 between 18:00-20:00
Just click on the links below.
BANG & OLUFSEN - Looking for: Linux/C++ Embedded Developer – Embedded C/C++ Developer – Immersive Experience Designer – Senior Partnership Manager, Automotive – Head of Social Media & Influencer Marketing
Bang & Olufsen | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
COALESCENT MOBILE ROBOTICS – looking for: Devops front end developer
Coalescent Mobile Robotics | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
QUADSAT – Looking for: Software Architect – Cloud Architect – RF Specialist/Technician – always interested in talking to electrical-, mechanical-, robotics- and software engineers, Antenna/Satellite technicians and engineers, Product managers, Drone pilots and Drone Operations.
QuadSAT | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
ALTRAD SERVICES A/S – Looking for: Scaffolder/Rigger Offshore – Painter/Blaster Offshore – Lagger Offshore – Rope Access Offshore
Altrad Services A/S | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
MOVE NORTH – Looking for: Cam Programmer, CNC-Technician – Fish Technician
Move North | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
WORKINDENMARK – Chat with EURES Advisors, Information & Guidance, various vacancies from Danish Employers within Industry, Engineering and ICT.
Denmark - Eures - Workindenmark | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
Are you looking for a chance to add a new dimension to your professional development, and are you ready to find out what Denmark can offer you? We are eager to show you!
Denmark is arranging an online recruiting event to provide professionals like you a possibility to gain international work experience in our country.
Danish employers are currently looking for international candidates within the Industry and Technology sectors, and this event will give you the opportunity to meet them and learn more about their job offers and their expectations.
Join us on 22 September 2022!
The event will take place at 11:00-13:00 and 18:00-20:00 CEST.
At this job fair, you will be able to browse through job vacancies, become visible to Danish employers and chat with employers and Danish EURES advisers, who will be ready to guide you on every aspect of working and living in Denmark. Our employers will be looking for many different profiles within Industry and Technology such as for instance engineers, welders, smiths, electricians, industrial technicians, CNC operators, IT specialists and many more.
Still only considering looking for a new job? Fine! Be curious, browse through the portal and learn more about living and working in Denmark. Under ”additional information” you can gain useful knowledge on how to make an account, apply, chat etc.
You can register for the event right here.
If you are an employer from the Industry or Technology sector, this event will be an ideal opportunity for you to promote your job offers beyond the Danish borders. You can meet a wide range of jobseekers with different qualifications and experience. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.
Participation is free of charge for both exhibitors and jobseekers.
We look forward to welcoming you on 22 September!
Workindenmark is the national public employment service connecting qualified international candidates looking for a job in Denmark and Danish companies searching for foreign candidates. Workindenmark is part of the Danish Ministry of Employment and a member of the European Employment Service (EURES).
Information for Jobseekers
Dear Participant,
Thank you for joining our upcoming event taking place online on 22 September 2022.
In order to get the most of this job fair we recommend you to:
Register and upload your CV
When you register, be specific about your language, technical or soft skills, as well as educational fields. You can add your picture and, if you have one, your Skype account ID. If you haven’t done so yet, we strongly advise you to have your CV uploaded in English or have it retrieved from the EURES portal. You can as well add your LinkedIn profile or any online portfolio.
For guidance on how to register and create your profile watch this video.
Get reaady for the event
Below, we have gathered some tips on how to apply for jobs and prepare for interviews online. For a guidance on how to prepare for an online job fair in general, take a look at our website:
Get Prepared for the Online Job Fair (workindenmark.dk)
Apply for jobs & confirm your attendance to interviews
There will be plenty of jobs waiting for you on the platform. Browse through these vacancies and apply as soon as possible to those matching your skills and expectations. Uploading your CV is not enough, the employer can only view your profile/ CV when you apply for their jobs as described in their job ad.
Companies may also invite you for one or more online interviews to take place on the event day.
In case you are pre-selected, you will get a notification by the employer(s) on possible timeslots for the interview, to which you should answer as quickly as possible.
If you have already applied, you might have some invitations pending your confirmation. Please check on a regular basis.
Prepare for the interview(s)
In order to better prepare, you should thoroughly research available information on the participating employers page, their main projects and recruitment needs. Select the companies you want to approach, or who have invited you for an interview, identify the questions you may want to ask and try to anticipate possible questions from the employer.
A professional appearance is important (even if the interview is online) and a good level of English, combined with a positive attitude, will prove highly beneficial.
Please make sure, ahead of the day of an online interview, that you have access to:
- PC, laptop, tablet / iPad or another mobile device plus a headset with a microphone and a webcam
- a stable internet connection
If you have an interview time slot confirmed, the employer will contact you on the time agreed.
On the event day, you can chat with employers and EURES advisers regarding job possibilities and other related issues.
We look forward to meeting you online on the 22 September, and wish you good luck on your job search!
Residence and work permit
Check if you need a residence and work permit before you start your job search
Prior to job searching, it is always a good idea to find out whether you need a residence and work permit to live and work in Denmark.
The Danish regulations on residence and work permit distinguish between three overall categories of citizenships, where different rules apply for each category:
- Citizens from Nordic countries
- Citizens from EU/EEA countries and Switzerland
- Citizens from countries outside the EU/EEA
Citizens from a country outside of the Nordic countries, the EU/EEA or Switzerland must apply for a residence and work permit before entering Denmark, also if they hold an EU Blue Card from another EU country.
Citizens from the two other categories do not need to apply for a residence and work permit. Citizens from EU/EEA countries and Switzerland who reside and work in Denmark for more than 3 months need to apply for an EU residence document. Read more about this and other things to consider before moving to Denmark here: https://lifeindenmark.borger.dk/theme/before-moving
Newtodenmark: Important registrations when you move to Denmark
ICS: International Citizen Service (borger.dk)
COVID-19 information
The covid-19 situation in Denmark changes all the time. You can find the latest updated information regarding travel to Denmark and restrictions here:
Information for Employers
Føj nye, internationale kompetencer til dit team (for English, scroll down)
Dette online event giver dig en gratis mulighed som arbejdsgiver for at få kontakt med kvalificerede kandidater fra EU/EØS området. Jobmessen arrangeres af Workindenmark og afholdes via online-platformen European Online Job Day.
Du tilbydes følgende:
- Gratis annoncering af ledige stillinger som bliver vist til kandidater i hele Europa
- Mulighed for at interviewe kandidater der viser interesse for dine jobopslag
- Live chat (skriftligt) med kandidater som ønsker at vide mere om din virksomhed og jeres job
Al kommunikation foregår på engelsk.
Lyder det interessant og skal du med? Følg vejledningen nedenfor.
Opret en ny konto: Video-vejledning til registrering
Har din virksomhed allerede en konto, kan du se, hvordan du kan registrere dig her.
For at få mest muligt ud af markedsføringen er det vigtigt, at du slår dine stillinger op på siden så hurtigt som muligt. Kandidater får nemlig mulighed for at se siden flere uger før selve jobmessen afholdes.
Matching af kandidater sker ud fra stillingsannoncerne, og for at få de bedst mulige match er det vigtigt at være tydelig i beskrivelsen af stillingsindhold og kvalifikationer. Husk at skrive annoncerne på engelsk.
Via annonceringen har I mulighed for at henvise jobsøgere til jeres egen jobportal eller hjemmeside. Vær dog opmærksom på at event platformen er opbygget således, at det er naturligt for jobsøgere at søge via platformen. Derfor er det vigtigt, at I løbende holder øje med trafikken på platformen, så kontakten til kvalificerede ansøgere ikke går tabt.
Video-vejledning til annoncering.
Book online interview
I har mulighed for at booke online interview med kandidater der har vist interesse for en af jeres stillinger. På jobmessen den 22. september har I adgang til nogle 30-minutters ”interview slots”. I vælger på forhånd, hvilke ”slots”, I vil gøre tilgængelige for kandidater. Se hvordan her:
Video-vejledning til interview
Online interview afholdes via audio-video chat programmet Jitsi. I behøver hverken at installere programmet eller tilpasse jeres system/firewall.
Funktionen online interview finder I via jeres "Dashboard" under "Job applications/Interviews".
Chat med kandidater på eventdagen
Via en chat-funktion, der er indbygget som en del af jeres udstillerkonto, har I mulighed for at chatte med kandidater i løbet af dagen. I vælger på forhånd tider, hvor I vi vil være tilgængelige for kandidater på chatten.
Vil I vide mere?
Kontakt os på workindenmark@workindenmark.dk
Vi glæder os til at byde jer velkommen den 22. september.
Held og lykke med rekrutteringen!
Workindenmark er en offentlig service til de danske virksomheder, der har brug for hjælp til at finde kvalificerede medarbejdere i udlandet. Vi hører under Beskæftigelsesministeriet og er medlem af EURES (European Employment Service).
Add new international skills to your team!
This online event offers you the opportunity to get in touch with qualified candidates within EU, free of charge. The job fair event is organised by Workindenmark and will take place online on European Online Job Days.
The job fair event offers following:
- Free advertising of vacancies, which will be accessible for candidates all over Europe
- The opportunity to interview candidates
- Live chat with candidates who want to know more about your company and/or vacancies
All communication is in English.
Does all of the above sound interesting to you? Then follow the guide below to register for the event.
Add new account: Video guide to registration
If your organisation already has account, see how to register here.
Make sure to advertise the vacancies as soon as possible. The candidates will have the opportunity to see and read about all the vacancies before the actual job fair event, so the sooner the more exposure.
The matching of candidates and companies is based on the candidates’ description of own competences and the job ads. Therefore, to get the best possible match make sure to be clear and detailed in the description of the position. Remember all text must be in English.
Through advertising, you have the opportunity to refer to your own job portal or website. Be aware that the online job fair platform is also offering the opportunity to apply directly through the platform. Therefore, make sure to keep an eye on platform on a regular basis so that you do not miss any job applicants.
Book online interviews
The platform offers you the opportunity to book online interviews with relevant candidates who have shown interest in a specific position.
On the job fair event September 22, you will have access to 30 minutes interview slots.
The online interview works via the audio and video chat program Jitsi, which you do not have to install or adapt to any systems or firewalls.
Video guide to online interview
You will find the function ‘’online interview’’ via ‘’Dashboard’’ and ‘’ Job applications/interviews’’.
Chat with candidates on the day of the event
Via the chat function, it is possible to chat with candidates throughout the whole day. You choose the timeslots on beforehand, and we make sure to show the candidates when you are available on the chat.
Would you like to know more?
Please contact us on workindenmark@workindenmark.dk
We are looking forward to welcoming you all on September 22.
Good luck with your recruiting!
Workindenmark is the national public employment service for qualified international candidates looking for a job in Denmark, and Danish companies searching for foreign candidates. Workindenmark is part of the Danish Ministry of Employment and member of European Employment Service (EURES).
About Denmark
Tips for your application
Our Best Job Search Tips
Making an application that is tailor-made for every single job you apply for is what gives you the best chances for success. We have elaborated on this and more advice in order for you to learn how you can most effectively catch the eye of a typical Danish employer:
Apply to get relocation costs covered
EU Financial Support Scheme for Job Seekers
If you are a citizen or resident of EU, Norway or Iceland, you may receive financial support for job interviews or relocation from the EU.
Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) is an EU mobility scheme with the aim to increase mobility of workers and match those to employers with shortages in EU. Target groups are jobseekers aged 18 or older and employers from an EU country, Norway or Iceland.
For more information about TMS:
EU Financial Support Scheme for Job Seekers (workindenmark.dk)
CHAT with Exhibitors
Chat live with Exhibitors September 22nd 2022 between 11:00-13:00
Just click on the links below.
NILFISK A/S – Looking for: UI Product designer – Embedded Software developer – Technical project manager
Nilfisk A/S | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
Aluline A/S – Looking for: CNC Programming and setting up
Aluline A/S | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
COALESCENT MOBILE ROBOTICS – looking for: Devops front end developer
Coalescent Mobile Robotics | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
QUADSAT – Looking for: Software Architect – Cloud Architect – RF Specialist/Technician – always interested in talking to electrical-, mechanical-, robotics- and software engineers, Antenna/Satellite technicians and engineers, Product managers, Drone pilots and Drone Operations.
QuadSAT | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
BANG & OLUFSEN - Looking for: Linux/C++ Embedded Developer – Embedded C/C++ Developer – Immersive Experience Designer – Senior Partnership Manager, Automotive – Head of Social Media & Influencer Marketing
Bang & Olufsen | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
ENABL A/S – Looking for: Project Manager – Structural Lead – High Voltage Electrical Engineer – Automation Specialist, Hardware & Software
Typically looking for profiles within: Process-, Mechanical- and Electrical & Automation engineering, Software & Grid specialists, Technical writers, QHSE- and project managers
ENABL A/S | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
SKOV A/S – Looking for: Software Engineer, Machine Learning and Data Analytics – Area Sales Managers
SKOV A/S | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
DYNAMICWEB SOFTWARE A/S – Looking for: Backend Web Developer – Technical Solutions Consultant – Commercial Product Manager
Dynamicweb Software A/S | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
ALTRAD SERVICES A/S – Looking for: Scaffolder/Rigger Offshore – Painter/Blaster Offshore – Lagger Offshore – Rope Access Offshore
Altrad Services A/S | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
FORMCON (only available 11:00-12:00) – Looking for: Grinding Machine Technician to Studer S33
Formkon | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
QUEUE-IT – Looking for: Data Analyst, Business Intelligence
Queue-it | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
HESEHUS – Looking for: Cloud Software Specialist, Product Development
HESEHUS (Denmark) - Software Development | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
DAMRC F.M.B.A – Looking for: R&D Engineer
Damrc F.M.B.A | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
LINAK – Looking for: Software Developers, Embedded – Digital Process Automation Consultant – LINAK Graduate Programme, IT and Business processes
LINAK | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
MOVE NORTH – Looking for: Cam Programmer, CNC-Technician – Fish Technician
Move North | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
WORKINDENMARK – Chat with EURES Advisors, Information & Guidance, various vacancies from Danish Employers within Industry, Engineering and ICT.
Denmark - Eures - Workindenmark | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
Chat live with Exhibitors September 22nd 2022 between 18:00-20:00
Just click on the links below.
BANG & OLUFSEN - Looking for: Linux/C++ Embedded Developer – Embedded C/C++ Developer – Immersive Experience Designer – Senior Partnership Manager, Automotive – Head of Social Media & Influencer Marketing
Bang & Olufsen | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
COALESCENT MOBILE ROBOTICS – looking for: Devops front end developer
Coalescent Mobile Robotics | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
QUADSAT – Looking for: Software Architect – Cloud Architect – RF Specialist/Technician – always interested in talking to electrical-, mechanical-, robotics- and software engineers, Antenna/Satellite technicians and engineers, Product managers, Drone pilots and Drone Operations.
QuadSAT | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
ALTRAD SERVICES A/S – Looking for: Scaffolder/Rigger Offshore – Painter/Blaster Offshore – Lagger Offshore – Rope Access Offshore
Altrad Services A/S | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
MOVE NORTH – Looking for: Cam Programmer, CNC-Technician – Fish Technician
Move North | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
WORKINDENMARK – Chat with EURES Advisors, Information & Guidance, various vacancies from Danish Employers within Industry, Engineering and ICT.
Denmark - Eures - Workindenmark | EURES Jobs - European Job Days
Upcoming events for internationals
Do you want to know more about living and working in Denmark?
Are you interested in knowing what it is like to live and work in Denmark? And would you like to get information about job possibilities in Denmark? Then join our free-of-charge webinar and learn more about:
- Living and Working in Denmark
- The Danish Labour Market
- Job opportunities in Denmark
All internationals are welcome to sign up. It will be fun, informative and hyggeligt!
Learn more and sign up here.
Welcome September 2022
Welcome to more than 60 events all over Denmark tailored just for you!
Join social events as well as events about work life, culture and everything in between – physically and online.
More than 30 partners – municipalities, state authorities, business organisations, student organisations, business regions, and associations have joined forces to make YOU feel at home in Denmark.
Have a look at all the different events here.
JOB FAIR: Life Science & Healthcare in Denmark
Are you looking for a job within the Danish Life Science & Healthcare sector? Join our free online job fair on 26 October and find your next job in Denmark!
Read more about the Life Science & Healthcare job fair here.