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Firma PERCONI GmbH poszukuje obecnie na wolne stanowiska pracy Elektryków/Elektromechaników w poszczególnych specjalizacjach przemysłowy/utrzymanie ruchu. Jesteśmy przekonani ze będziemy mogli zagwarantować naszym przyszłym pracownikom odpowiednie stanowisko pracy według specyfikacji i kwalifikacji. Dzięki pewnej pracy, uczciwym wynagrodzeniu wraz z licznymi dodatkami, wspieramy Twój rozwój zawodowy i oferujemy latwy i szybki proces aplikacyjny

  • German
  • Basic
Fizetési tartomány:
Not provided
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VACANT POSITION Number of positions 1 Professional qualification industrial refrigeration technician (CP Istat 2011) Tasks installation, maintenance and repair of industrial refrigeration machines and systems (air conditioning systems) Educational qualification(s) Work experience previous work experience in the required tasks is essential; Professional courses Category facilitated hiring Languages ITALIAN B2 POST-INTERMEDIATE LEVEL ESSENTIAL Own car YES ESSENTIAL Driving licence DRIVING LICENCE B (02) ESSENTIAL; Digital skills Qualifications

Italy, viterbo and province
  • Italian
  • Good
Fizetési tartomány (Havonta):
1500 - 2500 EUR (Gross pay)
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SIA “BWT Timber” ir 100% Latvijas kapitāla uzņēmums, kurš darbojas jau vairāk kā 15 gadus kokapstrādes nozarē un veic kokmateriālu eksportu uz visu pasauli. Uzņēmums turpina attīstīties investējot modernākās ražošanas tehnoloģijās kuru procesu nodrošināšanai nepieciešami zinoši un enerģiski cilvēki. Saistībā ar uzņēmuma paplašināšanos aicinām komandā KOKSNES IMPREGNĒŠANAS OPERATORU

Latvia, Riga
  • Latvian
  • Very good
Fizetési tartomány (Havonta):
1500 - 1800 EUR (Gross pay)
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Firma PERCONI GmbH zajmująca się branża specjalistyczna chętnie nawiąże współprace z ambitnymi ludźmi stawiającymi na rozwój w branży Ślusarskiej . Z pewnością dla każdego znajdzie się stanowisko odpowiadające kwalifikacjom. Na tym stanowisku będziesz wykonywać różnorodne zadania z zakresu obróbki i heftowania metali. Do głównych zadań należeć będzie produkcja detali, pojedynczych części oraz komponentów wykonanych z metalu.

  • German
  • Basic
Fizetési tartomány:
Not provided
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Is your job more than just a job? Do you do your job with passion and commitment? Do you always give 100%? Us too! For our customer in the healthcare sector in the Wilsdruff area, we are currently looking for a skilled nursing professional with warmth and compassion. Apply online now! Our working environment and the openness of our teams promote equal opportunities for all people - including those with disabilities, whose applications we welcome. Carrying out basic care in inpatient geriatric care Responsibility for providing food Documentation of care measures carried out Contact person for ...

Germany, Wilsdruff, Saxonia
  • German
  • Good
Fizetési tartomány (Hourly):
23 - 25 EUR (Gross pay)
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Il Centro per l'impiego di Pompei ricerca, per conto di un'azienda, 1 capo commesso/a. Mansioni: Promuovere la migliore customer experience in linea con i valori del brand. Favorire un elevato livello di coinvolgimento della clientela e guidare, motivare e formare il team di store. Gestire efficacemente il post-vendita, consolidando la relazione con la clientela e fidelizzarla. Implementare azioni utili ad assicurare il raggiungimento del target, monitorando costantemente i KPI. Capacità e competenze richieste: E' necessario avere un'esperienza nel ruolo di Capo Commesso; forte orientamento al ...

Italy, Torre Annunziata
  • Italian
  • Fluent
Fizetési tartomány:
Not provided
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C.G. ENGINEERING SRL [Società di servizi specializzata nell’ingegneria civile e strutturale, con sede a Bergamo e Milano, che opera in settori quali edilizia residenziale, impianti oil&gas / chimici / petrolchimici, energia, infrastrutture, ed opere civili] è alla ricerca di candidati da inserire in ambito presentazione pratiche comunali, preventivazione costi e contabilità dei lavori, rilievi e tracciamenti, stato avanzamento lavori, redazioni POS e Piani di Sicurezza, allestimento ed organizzazione del cantiere, gestione contratti. C.G. ENGINEERING SRL [A service company specialized in civil ...

  • Italian
  • Fluent
  • English
  • Good
Fizetési tartomány (Havonta):
1300 - 2500 EUR (Net pay)
Elérhető az alábbi eseményen:

C.G. ENGINEERING SRL (Società di servizi specializzata nell’ingegneria civile e strutturale) è alla ricerca di candidati per la posizione di BIM Specialist / BIM Operator, con mansione di Progettista / Modellatore 3D / Disegnatore cad, di opere in carpenteria metallica. C.G. ENGINEERING SRL (Service company specialising in civil and structural engineering) is looking for candidates for the position of BIM Specialist / BIM Operator, with the role of 3D Designer / Modeller / CAD Designer, of metal carpentry works.

Italy, Bergamo
  • Italian
  • Fluent
  • English
  • Good
Fizetési tartomány (Havonta):
1300 - 2500 EUR (Net pay)
Elérhető az alábbi eseményen:

C.G. ENGINEERING SRL (Società di servizi specializzata nell’ingegneria civile e strutturale) è alla ricerca di candidati per la posizione di Ingegnere strutturista. La risorsa si occuperà di progettazione strutturale di strutture in acciaio e/o in cemento armato, in ambito impianti industriali Oil & gas. C.G. ENGINEERING SRL (Service company specialising in civil and structural engineering) is looking for candidates for the position of Structural Engineer. The resource will deal with the structural design of steel and/or reinforced concrete structures, in the field of industrial Oil & Gas ...

Italy, Bergamo
  • Italian
  • Fluent
  • English
  • Good
Fizetési tartomány (Havonta):
1300 - 2500 EUR (Net pay)
Elérhető az alábbi eseményen:

C.G. ENGINEERING SRL [Società di servizi specializzata nell’ingegneria civile e strutturale] è alla ricerca di candidati per la posizione di Disegnatore CAD/BIM di opere in carpenteria metallica e cemento armato. C.G. ENGINEERING SRL [Service company specialising in civil and structural engineering] is looking for candidates for the position of CAD/BIM Draftsman of metal carpentry and reinforced concrete works.

Italy, Bergamo (BG)
  • Italian
  • Fluent
  • English
  • Good
Fizetési tartomány (Havonta):
1300 - 2500 EUR (Net pay)

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