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Work in SLOVEnia

Career opportunities in Industry, ICT and TECH
Datum događanja:
14 studenog 2023
Vrsta događanja:
Na internetu, Recruitment event
Status registracije:

20 poslovi dostupni za ovo događanje

Jobs recorded for this event: 47

Please note that the number of jobs displayed on this page may have decreased.

Na raspolaganju za događanje:

Our Customer Engagement crew is seeking a new developer, who is known as a great problem solver and hacker ☺ If you want to join a team, famous for their humor and fun team-buildings, upload your CV and discover the people behind the code 😊 #yourmission Involve in the development of custom applications using a rich Microsoft technology stack Design business processes and follow with integrations using Dynamics 365 platform and various Azure cloud services Serve as a Subject Matter Expert (SME) within all aspects of Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement platform to include technical requirements ...

Mjesto rada:
Slovenia, Ljubljana
Jezične vještine:
  • English
  • Good
  • Slovenian
  • Basic
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
2000 - 3000 EUR (Gross pay)
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

This vacancy is published only in Slovene since proficiency in the language is required. Kot Skladiščnik (m/ž/d) boste odgovorni za izvajanje fizičnih aktivnosti skladiščnega poslovanja in manipulacije za servisiranje internih in eksternih kupcev, skladno z zakonodajo, internimi predpisi, dobrimi praksami in poslovnimi cilji. Pridružite se naši ekipi kot Skladiščnik in uživajte v hitrem in nagrajujočem delovnem okolju s konkurenčnim plačilom ter možnostmi rasti in razvoja. Postanite del naše ekipe danes! Vaše ključne odgovornosti: • Prevzem, vzorčenje, skladiščenje, izdaja materiala ...

Mjesto rada:
Slovenia, Ljubljana
Jezične vještine:
  • Slovenian
  • Fluent
Raspon plaće:
Not provided
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

This vacancy is published only in Slovene since proficiency in the language is required. Smo tovarna leta 2022 in prvi slovenski industrijski center za biotehnologijo, ki izdeluje biološke zdravilne učinkovine za težko ozdravljive bolezni. Uporabljamo najsodobnejšo opremo z visoko stopnjo avtomatizacije.Smo najuglednejši delodajalec že tretje leto zapored. V Bioloških učinkovinah Mengeš želimo našo rastočo ekipo razširiti z novimi člani, ki bodo kot Tehniki v industrijskem centru za biotehnologijo sledili standardnim operativnim postopkom in v strukturiranem okolju uporabljali dobre proizvodne ...

Mjesto rada:
Jezične vještine:
  • Slovenian
  • Fluent
Raspon plaće:
Not provided
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

This vacancy is published only in Slovene since proficiency in the language is required. Če si želite stopiti v svet, kjer se vsak nov dan piše z nenehnim napredkom, vas vabimo v našo ekipo. Postanite Operater v naši proizvodnji farmacevtskih učinkovin v Mengšu. Poleg odličnih delovnih pogojev, nenehnega razvoja in možnosti osebnega napredka, boste postali del dinamičnega kolektiva, ki si deli cilje in vrednote. Vaše ključne odgovornosti: • Izvajanje operacij v proizvodnih procesih. • Odgovornost za pravočasno in točno pregledovanje in dokumentiranje evidenc o serijah. • Pravilno in pravočasno ...

Mjesto rada:
Jezične vještine:
  • Slovenian
  • Fluent
Raspon plaće:
Not provided
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

With Eurosender, you don’t simply start a new job. When you join us, you become a member of the team behind digital logistics. We are a modern digital platform that connects shippers and logistics companies worldwide. Our centralised solutions cater to every logistics requirement, providing access to the best transporters at discounted rates. We are growing our organization at a fast pace while building it solidly with our core values always in sight. That means you will work with a collaborative, bold, and progressive team of individuals from all over the world on a mission to empower ...

Mjesto rada:
Slovenia, Ljubljana
Jezične vještine:
  • English
  • Fluent
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
1203 - 3000 EUR (Gross pay)
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

With Eurosender, you don’t simply start a new job. When you join us, you become a member of the team behind digital logistics. We are a modern digital platform that connects shippers and logistics companies worldwide. Our centralised solutions cater to every logistics requirement, providing access to the best transporters at discounted rates. We are growing our organization at a fast pace while building it solidly with our core values always in sight. That means you will work with a collaborative, bold, and progressive team of individuals from all over the world on a mission to empower ...

Mjesto rada:
Slovenia, Ljubljana
Jezične vještine:
  • English
  • Fluent
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
1203 - 3000 EUR (Gross pay)
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

- Implementation of installation work on construction and production facilities in the EU, USA and Latin America. The work is carried out in the area until the completion of of the several-month project, after completion the vacation is used and sent to another work site. - The employee will be employed in Slovenia and posted to work in other countries. - The employer provides free accommodation in apartments in the place of work.

Mjesto rada:
Slovenia, Ptuj
Jezične vještine:
  • English
  • Fair
  • German
  • Fair
  • Croatian
  • Very good
  • Bosnian
  • Very good
  • Serbian
  • Very good
Raspon plaće (Mjesečno):
2500 - 3000 EUR (Net pay)
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

Bringing life-changing medicines to millions of people, Novartis sits at the intersection of cutting-edge medical science and innovative digital technology. As a global company, the resources and opportunities for growth and development are plentiful including global and local cross functional careers, a diverse learning suite of thousands of programs & an in-house marketplace for rotations & project work. With a strong medicines pipeline our current transformation will not just deliver growth for our business but continue to allow us to bring innovative medicines to patients quickly. You will ...

Mjesto rada:
Jezične vještine:
  • English
  • Fluent
Raspon plaće:
Not provided
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

Help us with personalized medicines preparation. We are looking for External Materials Planner, who drives the tactical purchasing process for all materials to ensure materials availability and execution plan feasibility in accordance with Site policy. You will be responsible for the site Master Data processes aimed to ensure accurate and timely creation and maintenance of the master data in the ERP System, in accordance with local and global requirements. Key Responsibilities: - Ensures, defines and governs consistent master data throughout the whole master data life cycle - Ensures that ...

Mjesto rada:
Jezične vještine:
  • English
  • Fluent
Raspon plaće:
Not provided
Na raspolaganju za događanje:

We are seeking an Associate Director DD&IT Supply Chain who will have responsibility to capture and scope DDIT demands from business and collaborate with other DDIT functions to ensure quality and compliant services are delivered to stakeholders. This role will work directly with the DDIT Supply Chain team and reports to the Director DD&IT Supply Chain. Key Responsibilities: • Lead initiatives to identify opportunities, gather requirements and work directly with customer teams to identify and develop business cases and ensure business sponsorship. • Partner with senior business stakeholders ...

Mjesto rada:
Jezične vještine:
  • English
  • Very good
Raspon plaće:
Not provided