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Building Ireland

Jobs in construction and engineering
Datum događanja:
11 svibnja 2023
Vrsta događanja:
Na internetu
Status registracije:

ENG - Information for Jobseekers: how to participate in this online event.

1. In order to participate online in this recruitment event, you need to register in advance of the event.  To create an account and register click here.


2. Apply for posted jobs in advance of the event! 

You can now browse and apply for jobs that match your profile, make contact with employers and book one or more job interviews.

To browse the jobs click here or download a breakdown of the job vacancies by sector, experience, English language skills here.

REMEMBER: Registering for this event and uploading your CV is not enough. If you want employers to view your CV and be able to invite you for an interview you must apply for the job vacancy directly and before the day of the event. 


3. Attend your scheduled interviews.

Online Interviews with employers will be taking place on 11th May and  12th May.

Companies may invite you for one or more online interviews.  In the case where you are pre-selected, you will get a notification by the employer(s) on possible timeslots for the interview, to which you should answer as quickly as possible.

  • To check if you have any interview invitations waiting for you

    to approve: Log in to   regularly and check your ‘notifications’. You will be also notified by email.
  • Confirm your interview in ‘my job applications’ on your dashboard
  • Check ‘How to join a job interview’ on your dashboard when you log in to  
  • On the day of the event – log in and join your virtual interview.

We will host on online information session a week before the event to explain how to apply for jobs, confirm and attend your online interview. The webinar will include Questions and Answers session in English, Polish and Spanish.

This webinar will take place on Monday, 8th May at 6pm (Central European Time). You can join it via this link: 


4. On 11th May you can join us online for some great presentations and chats with exhibitors! 

Presentations will include: *Employers presentations; *Financial supports available for you if you relocate for work to Ireland; *Presentation on various aspects of Living and Working in Ireland. You can also interact and ask questions to the presenters via live chat.  During the event, employers and EURES Advisers will be available online on a chat to answer your questions. If you don't have any pre-set interviews, this may be still your chance to get more information on job requirements and to apply for jobs of some interest to you. 

If you have any questions before the event, you can contact EURES EURES Ireland:     



Deadline for job applications: 14th May

You can submit your application for jobs advertised for this event until end of Sunday, 14th May or email your CV to for other job opportunities in the construction sector in Ireland.


Your Checklist before the event

28 Irish employers have joined the event, with over 90 job opportunities (over 333 vacant positions) waiting for you to apply.

Please see below some important details that you should keep in mind before joining the online event:

  1. Apply for all suitable positions before the day of the event – employers cannot view your CV if you do not apply for their jobs
  2. Have your CV in English uploaded
  3. Apply only for those jobs that you are qualified to do (you have relevant skills and experience)
  4. Log in to  regularly to check ‘Notifications’ or check your email to see if you have any interview invitations pending and confirm your availability for online interview
  5. Get ready for your online interview before the day of the interview: Check ‘How to join a job interview’ on your dashboard when you log in to  

During and after the event:

  1. Follow the presentations of interest to you: you can see the agenda here:
  2. Use ‘one – to- one’ private chat with exhibitors if you have questions to employers
  3. If you are invited for an interview - log in and join your virtual interview
  4. You can still apply for jobs and get the online interview with employers on 12th May or after the event

Wishing you a successful event!