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À propos:

Stai per concludere i tuoi studi di laurea triennale o magistrale e vuoi intraprendere un percorso formativo di stage per accrescere e sviluppare le tue competenze? Il nostro Internship Program è l'opportunità giusta per te! Il nostro Internship Program offre un percorso di formazione e crescita in un contesto aziendale innovativo, multiculturale e performante. Avrai un progetto formativo con obiettivi chiari e trasparenti da dover raggiungere e sarai supportato per l'intero percorso. Il programma si sviluppa in 6 mesi (con eventuale possibilità di proroga di altri 6 mesi) all’interno di uno ...

Proposé par:
Pays du lieu de travail:
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
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À propos:

We are looking for a high calibre candidate to join our Project Management Office (PMO) as a Tender & Sales Administration Specialist. The Tender & Sales Administration Specialis t is responsible for submitting Tenders on time and in required quality, collecting all needed documentation and approvals. He/She is responsible for both Tender Management and Document Management. Main activities will be: T ender Management: Analyze the tender regulation, documentation and requirements verifying their compatibility with the product and services provided by the company and support sales team to define ...

Proposé par:
Pays du lieu de travail:
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
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À propos:

Per le nostre sedi di Brescia, Reggio Emilia/Modena, Teramo, Padova/Treviso, Pordenone, Monza/Brianza/Como, Roma, stiamo cercando Account Manager con esperienza da inserire nel nostro team commerciale. Non si tratta di una comune attività di vendita, ma di un’esperienza arricchente che ti permetterà di svilupparti in un contesto con una forte cultura aziendale che si distingue per risultati eccezionali e lavoro di squadra. In qualità di Account Manager avrai il compito di sviluppare i nostri clienti e di scoprire in che modo possiamo supportarli con le nostre soluzioni innovative. Ti troverai ...

Proposé par:
Pays du lieu de travail:
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
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À propos:

TUKUMA NOVADA PAŠVALDĪBAS IESTĀDE “PAŠVALDĪBAS ADMINISTRĀCIJA” izsludina pretendentu pieteikšanos uz amata “Projektu vadītāja” (prof. kods 2422 01) vakanci UZ NENOTEIKTU LAIKU Amata mērķis – sekmēt pašvaldības sociālo, ekonomisko un vides attīstību, plānojot pašvaldības attīstību un administrējot investīciju resursus. Tev uzticēsim: 1. veicināt investīciju piesaisti un nodrošināt pašvaldības un ārējā finansējuma ( valsts budžeta, Eiropas Savienības struktūrfondu, citu fondu līdzekļu) līdzfinansēto investīciju projektu plānošanas procesu, sagatavošanu un ieviešanu, pēcprojektu uzraudzību ...

Pays du lieu de travail:
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
1633 - 1795 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

RGIS Specialisti in Inventari Srl, a leading multinational in inventory services and solutions for retail and industries, is looking for staff for the position of: Inventory Worker for all city in Italy What you will do: After a training course, you will be responsible for: • Counting the products present in our customers' stores, supermarkets and warehouses. • Using innovative barcode readers collaborating with the store staff and warehouse workers. What we are looking for: • Flexible availability to work evening or night shifts but also morning or afternoon in some periods • Mobility for ...

Pays du lieu de travail:
Fourchette salariale (Hourly):
9 - 15 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Arbejdsopgaver: Du vil komme til at arbejde med mange forskellige typer opgaver bl.a.: Udvikle og implementerer strategier for QA, Miljø (eksternt og internt) og H&S Kvalitetsansvarlig for produktion og produkter Sikkerheds ansvarlig for Alumichem i Danmark Varetage opgaver i forbindelse med interne og eksterne krav til Alumichem i Danmark. Medvirke til miljøforbedringer i virksomhedens løbende udvikling Opsamle relevante data og rapporterer til Alumichems ledelse Hvad bliver din rolle? Som vores nye HQSE vil du Have en nøglefunktion i at håndtere vores Kvalitet, sikkerhed og indsats inden for ...

Proposé par:
Pays du lieu de travail:
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
50000 - 60000 DKK (Gross pay)

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