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À propos:

L’Area Didattica del Politecnico di Milano è alla ricerca di un/a tirocinante da inserire presso la sua Students Affairs Unit a supporto della gestione degli Esami di Stato dei propri laureati. In particolare, la risorsa selezionata sarà coinvolta nelle attività di: - Conferma della veridicità delle autocertificazioni sui titoli fornite dai laureati politecnici a terze parti per lo svolgimento dell’Esame; - Supporto agli utenti tramite gestione dei ticket di richiesta, chat e sportello; -attività di back office legate all’iscrizione e allo svolgimento degli esami di stato per l’esercizio delle ...

Lieu de travail:
Italy, Milan
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Italian
  • Very good
  • English
  • Good
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
800 - 801 EUR (Net pay)
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

SKONTO PREFAB ir uz eksportu vērsts būvniecības pakalpojumu uzņēmums, kas specializējas dzelzsbetona, metāl konstrukciju projektēšanā, ražošanā, piegādē un montāžā. Aicinām pievienoties mūsu komandai: Būvniecības tehniķis/-e No kandidāta sagaidām: Augstākā izglītība būvniecībā (saigām studentus sākot no 2.kursa); Vēlams iepriekšēju pieredzi projektēšanā; Prasmi strādāt ar datorprogrammām (AutoCAD, vēlams - Tekla); Spēju strādāt komandā, atbildību, precizitāti. Piedāvājam: Stabilu darbu lielā, uz eksportu vērstā uzņēmumā; Profesionālās attīstības iespējas; Atalgojumu no EUR 1400 līdz EUR 1700 ...

Lieu de travail:
Latvia, Riga
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Latvian
  • Good
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
1400 - 1700 EUR (Gross pay)
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

SKONTO PREFAB ir uz eksportu vērsts būvniecības pakalpojumu uzņēmums, kas specializējas dzelzsbetona, metāl konstrukciju projektēšanā, ražošanā, piegādē un montāžā. Aicinām pievienoties mūsu komandai: Būvkonstrukciju tāmētājs/-a No kandidāta sagaidām: Augstāko izglītību būvniecībā (aicinām studentus sākot no bakalaura 2.kursa); Vēlams iepriekšēju pieredzi projektēšanā; Prasmi strādāt ar datorprogrammām (AutoCAD, vēlams - Tekla); Spēju strādāt komandā, atbildību, precizitāti. Piedāvājam: Darbu stabilā uz eksportu orientētā uzņēmumā; Profesionālās attīstības iespējas; Atalgojumu no EUR 1400.00 - ...

Lieu de travail:
Latvia, Riga
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Latvian
  • Good
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
1400 - 1800 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

The Department for Energy Science is looking for candidates who want to do a doctorate in Energy Engineering. Your research will focus on the transformation of the Swedish power system in order to support the green transition and meet Sweden’s climate goals. The research is based on applying the TIMES model framework, which is widely used across the globe to analyse energy transitions at local, national, or global scales. Project description The project is about exploring the conditions and opportunities for Swedish hydropower to contribute with additional flexibility to the power system. This ...

Lieu de travail:
Sweden, Luleå
Compétences linguistiques:
  • English
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Luleå University of Technology is in strong growth with world-leading competence in several research areas. We shape the future through innovative education and ground-breaking research results, and based on the Arctic region, we create global social benefit. Our scientific and artistic research and education are conducted in close collaboration with international, national and regional companies, public actors and leading universities. Luleå University of Technology has a total turnover of SEK 2 billion per year. We currently have 1,500 employees and 17,900 students. In the coming years ...

Lieu de travail:
Sweden, Luleå
Compétences linguistiques:
  • English
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

NOTE THE SHORT PUBLICATION DATE- APPLY DIRECTLY AND ONLY THROUGH THE EMPLOYER'S WEBSITE Luleå University of Technology is in strong growth with world-leading competence in several research areas. We shape the future through innovative education and ground-breaking research results, and based on the Arctic region, we create global social benefit. Our scientific and artistic research and education are conducted in close collaboration with international, national and regional companies, public actors and leading universities. Luleå University of Technology has a total turnover of SEK 2 billion ...

Lieu de travail:
Sweden, Luleå
Compétences linguistiques:
  • English
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Proposé par:
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

SKONTO PREFAB ir uz eksportu vērsts būvniecības pakalpojumu uzņēmums, kas specializējas dzelzsbetona, metāl konstrukciju projektēšanā, ražošanā, piegādē un montāžā. Aicinām pievienoties mūsu komandai: Dzelzsbetona izstrādājumu sagatavotājus Uzņēmums piedāvā: gabaldarba atalgojuma modeli (“pēc padarītā”) ar iespēju pelnīt atbilstoši ieguldījumam EUR 1500 – 2500 (bruto); veselības apdrošināšanas polisi pēc pārbaudes laika; nelaimes gadījumu apdrošināšanu; stabilu darbu neatkarīgi no sezonalitātes, sociālas garantijas; darba apģērbu un darba apavus no pirmās dienas; dienesta viesnīcu netālu no ...

Lieu de travail:
Latvia, Acone
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Latvian
  • Good
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
1500 - 2500 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

NOTE THE SHORT PUBLICATION DATE- APPLY DIRECTLY AND ONLY THROUGH THE EMPLOYER'S WEBSITE Luleå University of Technology is in strong growth with world-leading competence in several research areas. We shape the future through innovative education and ground-breaking research results, and based on the Arctic region, we create global social benefit. Our scientific and artistic research and education are conducted in close collaboration with international, national and regional companies, public actors and leading universities. Luleå University of Technology has a total turnover of SEK 2 billion ...

Lieu de travail:
Sweden, Luleå
Compétences linguistiques:
  • English
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

SEDE DI LAVORO: CINISELLO BALSAMO La risorsa si occuperà del servizio di sala - prime colazioni/ bar e ristorante - presso hotel ORARIO DI LAVORO E CCNL: Full time con orari articolati su 2 turni (6.00-12.40 / 16.00-22.40) – 6 gg/7- Turismo Federalberghi RETRIBUZIONE: Inquadramento Apprendistato 5° livello - RAL € 17.000 (prima annualità) in crescendo a scaglioni per le successive + premio produttività a fine anno WORK LOCATION: CINISELLO BALSAMO The resource will be responsible for the restaurant service - breakfasts/bar and restaurant - at the hotel. WORKING HOURS AND COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT ...

Lieu de travail:
Italy, Cinisello Balsamo
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Italian
  • Very good
  • English
  • Good
Fourchette salariale (Yearly):
17000 - 17050 EUR (Gross pay)
Disponible pour l’événement::
À propos:

Luleå University of Technology is in strong growth with world-leading competence in several research areas. We shape the future through innovative education and ground-breaking research results, and based on the Arctic region, we create global social benefit. Our scientific and artistic research and education are conducted in close collaboration with international, national and regional companies, public actors and leading universities. Luleå University of Technology has a total turnover of SEK 2 billion per year. We currently have 1,500 employees and 17,900 students. In the coming years ...

Lieu de travail:
Sweden, Luleå
Compétences linguistiques:
  • English
  • Very good
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided

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