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Description de l’offre d’emploi

Under the rules of a Restaurant  team  Hotel, with the support of the Maitre, la Costa Beach and Golf Resort, looks for a person with at least one season experience, during mid June, July & August for learning how a Restaurant of a modern vacation Resort  works and practicing all his knowledge. We will show all the procedures in a Restaurant like, mise en place of the different services, Show Cooking Buffet, a la carte, Gastronomic Menu, or events  accommodation, orders etc.

Exigences professionnelles

Knolwedge abut mixing cocktails, ingredients, Mojitos Caipirinha, Blody Mary


English and French are required

Some other experience in a hotel or a Restaurant


Housing, share with other employees





Restrictions liées au poste

French and experience are required

European passport to work in Spain

Informations détaillées relatives à ce poste
Secteur professionnel:
Expérience professionnelle:
Work experience is required
Durée de l’expérience professionnelle:
Up to 1 year
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Spanish
  • Fair
  • French
  • Very good
Required skills:
build team spirit, develop personal skills, encourage teambuilding
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
1300 - 1400 EUR (Gross pay)
Date of expiry:
Link for more information:

About organisation

Our Company works since year 1991 under the brands laCosta Resort Hotel & Villas and ApartamentsGolf. La Costa Golf & Beach Resort is a family Resort with 122 rom 4 stars hotel and 70 luxury apartments with great charm located a few meters from Playa de Pals, in Costa Brava. In the middle of a natural environment , we work to… Pour en savoir plus
