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Description de l’offre d’emploi


Cut, shape, join and finish metal to make, repair or maintain aeronautical structures


City : Hamburg  and other German cities                                                                                                                                  


Informations détaillées relatives à ce poste
Secteur professionnel:
Domaine d’enseignement:
Expérience professionnelle:
Work experience is required
Durée de l’expérience professionnelle:
Up to 2 years
Compétences linguistiques:
  • English
  • Good
  • German
  • Fluent
Fourchette salariale:
Not provided
Date of expiry:
Link for more information:

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About organisation

A major stakeholder in aeronautical sub-contracting, DERICHEBOURG Atis aeronautique offers its extensive know-how and experience for comprehensive servicing throughout an aircraft's life cycle :- Industry- Airworhiness management- Logistics Pour en savoir plus
