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Description de l’offre d’emploi

We are looking for professional sausage makers to our customer in Huittinen.

Person we are looking for can adjust speed of manufacturing, can use machines specified and understands sizes of different sausage types. Work is made with machines Handmann 620- and 100 and Risco. Work is mostly morning shift.

If you have good motivation and you are eager to learn new you can be person we are looking for.

Working time:  40h per week. Work amount can vary in different times and periods. Summer is always peak period in production.

Salary:12-13e per hour/gross, depends on specialisation, so salary can be higher.

Type of employment contract: Paid work

Possibility for accommodation: Yes

Exigences professionnelles

Hygiene teaching and hygiene passport and salmonella test is made before working. Previous work with making sausage needed. 

Restrictions liées au poste

Work includes touching of pig meat. 

Informations détaillées relatives à ce poste
Expérience professionnelle:
Work experience is required
Durée de l’expérience professionnelle:
Up to 1 year
Compétences linguistiques:
  • English
  • Fair
  • Finnish
  • Fair
Fourchette salariale:
12 - 13 EUR
Date of expiry:

About organisation

Econia provides highly motivated and skilled human resources for both short- and long-term assignments. With our extensive national and international networks, the most suitable resources are always available to our customers. We will take care of all of the statutory obligations of the employer. In addition to temporary staffing, we can also meet your direct recruitment needs and supply… Pour en savoir plus
