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Description de l’offre d’emploi

Operatori su macchinari CNC di diversa complessità, per vetreria industriale

Operators on CNC machines of varying complexity, for industrial glassworks

Veranno considerati anche manovali che possano apprendere il funzionamento di macchinari CNC di diversa complessità, per vetreria industriale. 

SI applica il CCNL delle vetrerie industriali

Labourers who can learn the operation of CNC machinery of varying complexity, for industrial glassworks, will also be considered.

The CCNL for industrial glassworks applies

SI offre alloggio in appartamento condiviso con colleghi (8 persone)  e prnzo nei giorni lavorativi.

The company offers accommodation in a shared flat with colleagues (8 persons) and lunch on working days.

Exigences professionnelles

Veranno considerati anche manovali che possano apprendere il funzionamento di macchinari CNC di diversa complessità, per vetreria industriale. 

SI applica il CCNL delle vetrerie industriali

Labourers who can learn the operation of CNC machinery of varying complexity, for industrial glassworks, will also be considered.

The CCNL for industrial glassworks applies


Esperienza in macchinari CNC base e complessi

Presentazione della scheda professionale rilasciata dal Serizi per l'Impiego (o referenze)

Specificare, nell'eventuale candidatura via e-mail, in oggetto: CNC vetreria

Experience in basic and complex CNC machinery

Presentation of professional card issued by the Employment Services (or references)

Please specify in the subject line of any e-mail application: CNC glassworks


SI offre alloggio in appartamento condiviso con colleghi (8 persone)  e prnzo nei giorni lavorativi.

The company offers accommodation in a shared flat with colleagues (8 persons) and lunch on working days.

Informations détaillées relatives à ce poste
Secteur professionnel:
Domaine d’enseignement:
Expérience professionnelle:
Work experience is not required
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Italian
  • Basic
Required skills:
tend CNC laser cutting machine
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
1300 - 1500 EUR (Net pay)
Date of expiry:

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About organisation

EURES Italy is looking for you!EURES Italy promotes conscious, quality and circular professional mobility.Its actions are aimed at matching demand and supply of labor according to the legal status of the subjects in mobility."We have a wide array of job openings across many fields of expertise. EURES Italy is arranging this online recruitment event together with other countries, where you… Pour en savoir plus
