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Description de l’offre d’emploi

The desire to get involve, the ability to work in a team and in contact with customers are some of the main characteristics that the company looks for in the people who work in its restaurants.

McDonald's offers a concrete job opportunity, thanks to stable contacts and the possibility of rapid professional growth. Joining McDonalds' means working in a context with a strong, young, inclusive and group identity.

We are looking for dynamic, empathetic dining room HOSPTALITY LEAD with an excellent interpersonal skills, predisposed to contact with customers and teamwork.

We offer part time contracts for 18, 24 or 3o hours per week.

Exigences professionnelles

Predisposition for contact with the public, ability to work in a team, availability to work night/dailly shift and on weekends.


Meal Voucher

Informations détaillées relatives à ce poste
Domaine d’enseignement:
Expérience professionnelle:
Work experience is not required
Compétences linguistiques:
  • Italian
  • Good
Fourchette salariale (Mensuellement):
500 - 1000 EUR (Net pay)
Date of expiry:
Link for more information:

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About organisation

In Italia da 35 anni, McDonald’s conta oggi 700 ristoranti in tutto il Paese per un totale di 35.000 dipendenti che servono ogni giorno 1 milione di clienti. I ristoranti McDonald’s italiani sono gestiti per il 90% secondo la formula del franchising grazie a 140 imprenditori locali che testimoniano il radicamento del marchio al territorio. Anche nella scelta dei fornitori McDonald’s conferma la… Pour en savoir plus
