Engineers Mobility Days 2015
221 emplois disponibles pour cette manifestation
Please note that the number of jobs displayed on this page may have decreased.
Required profile: Software Engineer – Algorithms development and application No of available posts: 10 Place of work: Milan Deadline for applications: 20 April 2015 Description of the task: This position is for an engineer looking to build, deliver, and impress. You will be part of a small and dynamic team charged with creating, building and improving mobile optimized experiences. Your output is directly related to the user experience, thus you will allow analysis, understanding and interpretation of everyone’s daily tasks as well as boosting rehabilitation efficiency in clinical environment ...
- English
Research and Innovation Centre (CRI), Department Genomics and Biology of Fruit Crop (GBPF), Applied Genomics Rosaceae (GAR) at Mach Foundation offers a temporary position as Researcher in plant science – berries quality. Requirements necessary for participation: - PhD in Plant Science or related subject. Foreign candidates, need knowledge of written and spoken Italian (minimum level corresponding to A1), which will be verified during the interview for all candidates admitted to the interview phase. Furthermore, knowledge of written and spoken scientific English will also be verified (to be ...
- English
Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus (HiOA) er landets største statlige høgskole, med rundt 17 000 studenter og 2000 tilsatte. HiOA har studiesteder i Pilestredet, på Kjeller og i Sandvika. Vi skal være et attraktivt studie- og arbeidssted som samvirker aktivt med storbyregionens samfunns-, arbeids- og kulturliv. Vårt mål er å bli et ledende universitet i Norden med en profesjonsrettet profil. PhD position in Service Life Prediction of Existing Concrete StructuresFakultet for teknologi, kunst og design, Institutt for Bygg- og energiteknikkThe Faculty of Technology, Art and Design, Department of Civil ...
- English
- Fluent
- Norwegian
- Fair
Job description: The successful candidate will work primarily on the development of various types of silicon radiation detectors (pixel-, 3D-, strip- and drift-detectors). The candidate is expected to follow the entire development flow, starting from TCAD simulations, to the design of the device layout and finally taking care of the electrical and functional characterization up to the module level. This activity will be carried out in the framework of research collaborations with Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) as well as ...
- English
The FBK Center for ICT focuses research on key areas of Information Technology with the aim to produce added value for the market, cultural growth, and social welfare. The SE Research Unit, is looking for 2 candidates to carry out research activities in the field of Requirements engineering for software evolution and dynamic adaptation. Job requirements The ideal candidate should have: • PhD degree to be completed within related to any of the following specific research areas: requirements engineering, adaptive software, software evolution, business intelligence, machine learning and ...
- English
Tirocinio Area Ing. Immobiliare/Energetica/Ambientale Operatore leader nell'ingegnerizzazione dei sistemi gestionali integrati applicati ai contesti patrimoniali e territoriali, con peculiare specializzazione nei settori del Real Estate, dell'energia e dell'ambiente. Affianca i propri clienti, pubblici e privati, nella ricerca e nell’avvio di soluzioni tese all’innovazione, all’efficienza e alla competitività. Al fine di potenziare il proprio organico con altri profili specializzati nell’ambito della gestione dei servizi tecnologici dell’energia e del Property e del Facility Management ...
Refreshing Us 2015 Estamos à procura de candidatos com potencial para fazer carreira na CGI! Não percas esta oportunidade!!! E divulga pelos teus contactos! Procuramos neste momento contratar jovens finalistas ou recém-graduados, na área das TI ‘s com conhecimentos em Linguagens de Programação, Redes e Automação e Renováveis! Razões para fazeres parte da CGI: • Inovação – criamos novas oportunidades para o futuro! • Oportunidades lá fora! • Os nossos clientes – trabalhamos com os líderes de mercado • Damos condições para que realizes o teu potencial • Sucesso e liderança – formamos e ...
Service Desk Technicians As part of the development strategy of the business of CGI in Portugal we are currently recruiting Service Desk Technicians to join our Service Desk team in Lisbon. Candidates Profile: Fluency in Swedish or Finnish or Estonian & Finnish or Norwegian & Swedish or Danish & Swedish; Fluency in additional language(s): English, Spanish or Portuguese; Experience in user support (helpdesk or call center); Knowledge of PCs Operating System and standard software (Preferential); Knowledge of Hardware, Network Protocols, Microsoft Office, Anti-virus (Preferential) ...
German Technical Support Service for Wacom Teleperformance Portugal is part of the Teleperformance group, worldwide leader in Customer Experience Management and shared services for international markets. With our team of 5.000 employees we are providing services to around 56 countries in 28 different languages. In 2015, Teleperformance Portugal is considered for the sixth time the best company to work for in Portugal by the Great Place to Work Institute. Furthermore, we were awarded for the second time by Exame Magazine as one of the best companies to work for in Portugal and the best company ...
- English
- Good
- German
- Fluent
Are you enthusiastic about new technologies and consumer electronics? Fascinated by the LEGO® Products? And would you like to find the next technology that takes the LEGO® Brand into the future by integrating digital and physical play experiences? Deliver the technologies that bridge the digital and physical In the LEGO Group we have a growing focus on One Reality products - products that bridge digital and physical play. As Technology Scout, it is your responsibility to identify emerging technologies that cater to this need, and work with the internal producers on maturing the technologies ...