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20 mai 2021 - Digit’allJobs moving Europe [20 May 2021] Auditorium #1
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Nastja Raj | Blaz Finzgar - EURES Slovenia
Silvija Seres - Investor & Techie
Key-note speech about:
- how digitalisation changes the need for new knowledge and new business models
- the new hybrid worklife balance after Corona
- the need for life-long learning for all of us
Speaker's bio: Silvija Seres
Silvija's project: Lørn.tech
Wayne Howe - LinkedIn Ireland | Miguel Salvador - EURES Sweden LinkedIn Tech Group
Main hints on how to improve your LinkedIn profile for a successful job search within the Digital sector.
A few insights on what ICT / Tech employers are looking for / valuing the most on a LinkedIn profile.
Speakers' bios:
Ana Margarida Silva (Moderator) | Manuel Garcia | Ulrich Petré | Joaquim Nascimento
Speakers' bios:
- Ana Margarida Silva (Moderator) - EURES Portugal National Coordination Office
- Manuel Garcia - APDC (Portuguese Association for Communications Development)
- Ulrich Petré - ICT/Digitalisation Expert @VDAB
- Joaquim Nascimento - Algarve Tech Hub
Joanne Mangan - Employer's Lead Grow Remote
Speaker's bio: Joanne Mangan
Joana Glória invites Katharina Kugler
Speakers' bios:
- Joana Glória - Lagos Digital Nomads
- Katharina Kugler - humanplus
Darren Fitzpatrick - McAfee
Speaker's bio: Darren Fizpatrick
Balazs Lengyel - ELA | Gaabriel Tavits - EURES Trainer | Geraldine Hegarty - Revenue Commissioners | Carla Caló - BOLD
Speakers' bios:
- Balazs Lengyel (Moderator) - ELA (European Labour Authority)
- Gaabriel Tavits - EURES Training Expert (Labour Law, Social Security & Taxation Issues), University of Tartu
- Geraldine Hegarty - Revenue Commissioners' Office, Ireland
- Carla Caló - BOLD by Devoteam
Carl-Emil Molin - CEO Vipo Nordic
Speaker's bio: Carl-Emil Molin
Barry Conry - EURES Adviser Ireland
The Digit'allJobs Team
What you can still do today (and in the days to come)?
Make the best use of this time to get in touch with Exhibitors online, both Companies, Info Points and EURES Advisers from 18 different countries.
You can find them HERE: http://bit.ly/DigitAll_EUREScountries