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Help2Harvest2021 - Horticulture Recruitment Event – Ireland

à passé
Date de la manifestation:
22 avril 2021
Type de manifestation:
En ligne
Statut de l’inscription:

Concernant cette manifestation

Welcome to “Help2Harvest2021” - Horticulture European Online Job Day, Ireland


Are you a jobseeker looking for a career in the Horticulture sector in Ireland?


We all know how important trips to the shops to buy food have become in the past year.  Ireland’s farmers and food producers are looking for you to help keep our local shops and supermarkets filled with local produce.


The Department of Social Protection and EURES Ireland are teaming up the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine to recruit workers for the Horticulture sector across Ireland.


You are invited to apply for these opportunities by attending the “Help2Harvest2021” online recruitment event.


  • Find and apply for jobs

You can search and apply for jobs that match your profile, make contact with employers and book one or more job interviews in advance of the event.


  • Step by step to succeed

On 22nd of April you can join us online and virtually attend a programme of interesting presentations by employers, EURES Ireland and other exhibitors.


  • Talk to us

Chat online with EURES Advisers and employers and ask questions during Q&A session after each presentation


In order to participate online, you need to register for the event in advance. Registration for jobseekers will be open from the 29th March 2021.


Are you an Irish employer looking for candidates that may be out of your local reach?

A range of recruitment services will be available to employers, including publishing vacancies on the event’s website, automatic screening/matching/interview scheduling in advance of the event and jobseekers will be waiting to speak with you on the day. The event will be widely advertised in Europe through targeted social media campaigns, social media platforms and online.

In order to participate in the online event, you need to register and upload your jobs in advance. The registration for jobseekers will open from the 29th March 2021 and from that day we will promote your jobs to jobseekers in Ireland and Europe.

Save the date and join us online on 22nd April 2021

EURES Ireland