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are Plan is a family owned company, we pride ourselves on having great communication between care and office staff members. Our Receptionists, Client Care Co-Ordinators, Client Care Managers, HR and Recruitment staff are always here to help. This puts our carers at ease knowing that we are available to answer any questions or concerns they have. We have ongoing activities throughout the year for all staff to participate in to build a better bond among work colleagues. At Kare Plan we love to motivate our employees by encouraging carer development. We hire internally for roles such as Rapid Responder and office opportunities, helping our carers progress. We also provide state of the art training with tools such as our 'age simulation suit' to gain further insight and experience in how our clients might be feeling when doing daily tasks such as making a cup of tea. We also have our 'geriatric patient care manikin' which helps with learning patient care such as pad changes, patient moving and handling. We provide a wide range of training for our carers from Stoma and Catheter care , Dementia and Alzheimer’s care and infection prevention and control. With this training we ensure that all of our carers are fully confident and comfortable providing the best care possible to all of our clients. Kare Plan our mission is to provide the best training and support possible for all staff to ensure that our clients feel that we are more then a home care company, but that we are one big family who care!

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