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"La nostra azienda partecipa all'International Career Day di Genova nel contesto del Salone Orientamenti 2020

Available at "CHAT With EXHIBITORS"  fron 11:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00 central european time on November 10th and 11th

Il Gruppo MESA  - comprendente le aziende MESA, Proactive Compliance Technologies, OvernetEducation e MEVB - è il partner d’eccellenza delle aziende  per la trasformazione digitale.  Ci occupiamo di consulenza direzionale da oltre quindici anni, affiancando manager e imprenditori con metodologie innovative al servizio del cambiamento. Sviluppiamo e implementiamo tecnologie innovative per l’automazione intelligente dei processi aziendali quali sostenibilità, integrated risk management e controllo di gestione. Abbiamo un centro di formazione specializzato in ambito IT e manageriale.

MESA Group  - truogh its companies MESA, Proactive Compliance Technologies, Overnet Education and MEVB -   offers services in the field of management consulting,  technology innovation and training.

Settled since its foundation within the Campus the University of Genoa holds in Savona, MESA benefits today of this continuous collaboration that favors the emergence of new ideas and innovation.

Our value proposition is to bring added value to customers by assuming the strategic role of the mediator who speaks the language of both business and technologies.

MESA, value innovations 


Available at "CHAT With EXHIBITORS"  fron 11:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 17:00 central european time on November 10th and 11th

Hot jobs

Business Analyst

Data Scientist

SQL Developer

Informations sur l’organisme
Coordonnées de contact:

MESA Legino University Campus, Via Magliotto 2, 17100 Savona (SV) - Italy

Phone +39 019 861818 – Website

Event participation(s)

à passé
Participation: En ligne