Construction, cleaning and transport / warehouse services EURES
About the organisation
Welcome to construction, cleaning and transport / warehouse services EURES stand. Here you can find short introductions to these service sectors and useful links to relevant resources.
We hope you will find many interesting career opportunities at Finland Works recruitment event!
Cleaning industry
The cleaning industry affects society in many ways. In fact, functioning cleaning not only enables the basic functions of society, but also brings coziness, increases safety, and maintains health. According to Statistics Finland the cleaning and real estate sector employed 68920 cleaning workers, 25752 property maintenance employees and supervisors, and 5151 cleaning supervisors in 2016. The cleaning sector is a rapidly developing and diverse sector offering varied working environments and tasks. The industry includes a huge range of different jobs, career paths, actors, events, and opportunities. The employment situation in this industry is good.
(Source: SSTL Puhtausala ry. At the address: https://puhtausala.fi/tietoa-alasta.)
Construction industry
The construction industry is extensive and varied and offers work for a wide range of experts. Construction sites require builders, supervisors, project managers, designers and many other professionals. The construction industry, i.e., construction and the construction products industry, together employs around 250,000 people in Finland. About a third of those working on the construction site are employed by the main contractors, the rest by subcontractors or temporary agency employers. The Finnish Construction Trade Union (Rakennusliitto) offers information about general agreements as well as about wages and working conditions. Please note, the wages apply to minimum wages for blue-collar professions. Below you can find link to their site as well as other useful links to relevant resources.
Sources and more information:
The Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT (CFCI)
Wages and working conditions - Rakennusliitto
Website of Occupational Safety and Healt Administration in Finland – Construction industry
Occupational safety card (tyoturvallisuuskortti.fi)
Transport and warehouse service industry
Road transport is the most important mode of transport in Finland for both goods and people. The transport sector needs around 5000 new employees every year. The road transport sector employs around 150 000 people, including ancillary occupations, of whom around 15 000 work as bus drivers and 70 000 as freight transport drivers.
The employment situation is generally good. The logistics sector needs new skilled workers for transport, warehousing, and planning tasks. The need for new employees is increased by the retirement of many professionals in the next few years. Fluctuations in economic cycles affect the volumes of foreign trade and goods transport, which is reflected in the demand for logistics services and the employment situation in the sector.
Many logistics tasks require a lot of employees, and not all work can be automated in the future either, or it is not worth it due to costs. The warehouses can be partially automated, but loading and unloading, as well as picking, sorting and clearing work, as well as transports, will continue to provide employment in the future. In addition to companies in the sector, logistics employs a significant number of people indirectly in various industries.
Sources and more information:
Logistiikkapalvelut - Ammattitieto - Työmarkkinatori (tyomarkkinatori.fi)
Kuljetusala | Kuljetusala.com
Finnish Freight Forwarding and Logistics Association (FIFFLA) – general conditions
Transport Workers’ Union - collective agreements
Finnish transport and logistics SKAL
Portals for job seekers
Vacancies - Henkilöasiakkaat - Job Market Finland (tyomarkkinatori.fi)
Jobs in Finland
Hot jobs
Vacancies advertised with the Finnish public employment services (JobMarket)
Construction sector vacancies.
Logistics and warehouse vacancies.
Cleaning services vacancies.
Transport and driving vacancies
The following jobs in construction are being promoted at this event: