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Connecting internationals with opportunities for working, investing, studying, and living in the Oslo region

Oslopolitan is your one-stop shop for information regarding living, working, studying and investing in the Oslo region.

Powered by the Oslo Region Alliance and the Oslo Business Region, the website and social media channels will provide you with information, tips and guides for finding the best possibilities for you in the region. 


Here are some great resources:

Here are some great places to find a job in the Oslo region: 

-, Norway's largest online job posting, link has jobs filtered by working language (mostly): 

- The Hub, a place for start-up and scale up positions:,%20Norge&countryCode=NO 

- Indeed, a website that posts jobs from elsewhere: 

Not convinced Oslo is the right place for you? Hear from Shruthi from India, Jan from Switzerland and Zheng from China - all who have moved to Oslo and working for Oslo-based companies:

Hot jobs

Follow our Expats of Oslopolitan account if you are curious to what it is like to live and work in the region:

Register here:


Tips - what you need to know about job searching in Oslo:

Organisation details
Contact details:

Contact information:

Special Adviser Mari Strømsvåg

Tel: +47 975 83 987


Event participation(s)
