Online Job Summit: Where Talent Meets Opportunity
210 Stellen auf dieser Veranstaltung verfügbar
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Are you looking for an employer who offers you a quick and uncomplicated start? Who will provide you with the best possible support during and after your induction? Who remains strong even in times of crisis and remunerates your efforts fairly? Then you've come to the right place. To strengthen our team at our client, a manufacturer of renewable energy in Magdeburg, we are looking for a motivated and committed forklift driver (m/f/d) to start immediately on a full-time basis.
- English
- Fair
- German
- Basic
You have probably never found a new job so quickly and easily! We are currently looking for a wood mechanic for our customer in Wörrstadt. Simply apply with your name, email address and CV - it couldn't be easier or faster! Randstad values equal opportunities and welcomes applications from people with severe disabilities. Carrying out the processing of work pieces and furniture Machine operation and woodworking Maintenance work on machines as part of the maintenance plan Processing of other materials such as metal, glass and acrylic Participation in the continuous improvement process
- German
- Good
Einlagerung und Bereitstellung von Rohstoffen und Materialien für die Produktion Kommissionierung der Ware und Vorbereitung für die Produktion Innerbetrieblicher Transport der Waren und Materialien zwischen den Produktionsbereichen Durchführung von Qualitätskontrollen der eingelagerten und bereitgestellten Ware Ordnungsgemäße Lagerhaltung unter Einhaltung der Hygiene- und Sicherheitsstandards der Lebensmittelbranche Sicherstellung eines reibungslosen Ablaufs im Lagerbereich in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Team
- German
- Basic
- Romanian
- Very good
Depozitarea și pregătirea materiilor prime și a materialelor pentru producție Comisionarea mărfurilor și pregătirea lor pentru producție Transportul intern al mărfurilor și materialelor între zonele de producție Efectuarea controalelor de calitate pentru mărfurile depozitate și pregătite Menținerea ordinii în depozit, respectând standardele de igienă și siguranță din industria alimentară Asigurarea unei desfășurări fără probleme a activității în depozit în colaborare cu echipa
- German
- Basic
- Romanian
- Very good
You ask yourself: "Where is the job that will make me completely happy?" It's a good thing that you're reading this job advertisement, because we currently have a position for an installer in Koblenz to fill. Could this be your dream job? Then put your professional happiness in the hands of Randstad and apply online now! People with disabilities are very welcome here. Carrying out assembly and installation work for heating, plumbing and ventilation Completion of service and maintenance tasks Implementation of minor repairs in customer service Documentation of work carried out Planning and ...
- German
- Good
Dein zukünftiges Aufgabengebiet Du schweißt Rohre, Behälter oder Bleche nach Vorschrift Du arbeitest nach Plänen und technischen Zeichnungen Du bist verantwortlich für die Qualitätssicherung Du musst Brennen können Löten, Nieten, Kleben Nachbearbeitung der Werkstücke Montage, Demontage und Endmontage Anlagen- und Konstruktionsbauteile montieren Schweißgerät einstellen, Werkstoffe und Hilfsmitteln
- German
- Very good
Dein zukünftiges Aufgabengebiet Du bist für die Errichtung und Montage von EMSR-Einrichtungen inklusive Prüfarbeiten und Inbetriebnahmen zuständig Du montierst Kabelwege auf und mit Hebebühnen und Gerüsten (arbeiten in Höhe) Darüber hinaus bist du für den Bau und die Installation von Schaltschränken, Bedienpulten und Unterverteilungen zuständig Du führst turnusgemäße DGUV V3-Prüfungen an ortsfesten Betriebsmittel und Anlagen aus Du beachtest und hälst die einschlägigen technischen Regeln (z.B. Ex-Schutz, Materialbestimmungen etc.) sowie die Kundenstandards ein Du protokollierst die ...
- German
- Very good
Dein zukünftiges Aufgabengebiet anfallende Reparaturarbeiten on Torantrieben und in der Verladetechnik je nach Kundenbestellungen Instandsetzungsarbeiten on Torantrieben und in der Verladetechnik je nach Kundenbestellungen Wartungsarbeiten von Torantrieben und in der Verladetechnik je nach Kundenbestellungen Kundendienst und Werkstattarbeiten Zeichnung lesen Flexen, Schleifen, Bohren, Stanzen, etc. Auftragsannahme Umgang mit Messmittel Hersteller Schulungen Scheren Arbeitsbühne fahren und bedienen in Höhe arbeiten
- German
- Very good
Jobs with heart - with Randstad you will find the position in which not only specialist knowledge counts, but human warmth and empathy are also valued. For our customers in the social sector, we are currently looking for a full-time or part-time remedial teacher in Dresden. Take the next step with Randstad and apply online now. We also welcome applications from people with disabilities and people with equivalent status. Carrying out basic care Supporting residents through activities Supporting activities (work in the workshop)
- German
- Good
We bring people together - that is our mission. Every day we offer promising jobs in the fields of chemistry, pharmaceuticals and life sciences. Today we would like to bring you together as a chemical technician (m/f/d) with one of our business partners in Lahnstein. The best way to apply is directly online! Applications from people with disabilities are of course welcome. Manufacturing chemical products according to process instructions Operating and monitoring the reactors according to operating and process instructions Carrying out in-process controls in the company laboratory Documentation ...
- German
- Good