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Ihre Stelle suchen

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Über uns:

We are looking for native speakers or excellent level of French or German, one of the two is necessary, to join our staff who work in tourist facilities in Italy. The resource will have a fundamental role of coordination and information towards foreign guests. The tasks can be of various types such as sports, entertainment, miniclub, Hostess, Steward and Fitness. No previous experience in the sector is necessary Minimum availability June - mid September Food, accommodation and travel at the expense of the agency.

  • French
  • Fluent
  • German
  • Fluent
Gehaltsspanne (Monatlich):
600 - 700 EUR (Net pay)
Angeboten von:
Für Veranstaltung verfügbar:
Über uns:

We are looking for native speakers or excellent level of French or German, one of the two is necessary, to join our staff who work in tourist facilities in Italy. The resource will have a fundamental role of coordination and information towards foreign guests. The tasks can be of various types such as sports, entertainment, miniclub, Hostess, Steward and Fitness. No previous experience in the sector is necessary Minimum availability June - mid September Food, accommodation and travel at the expense of the agency.

  • French
  • Fluent
  • German
  • Fluent
Gehaltsspanne (Monatlich):
600 - 700 EUR (Net pay)
Angeboten von:
Für Veranstaltung verfügbar:
Über uns:

Società di servizi cerca per importante cliente a Monza personale di ambo i sessi per mansione di customer service. I candidati dovranno avere una perfetta conoscenza della lingua tedesca. Il lavoro è stagionale inizia a fine aprile e finisce a fine settembre è organizzato su due turni di 8 h dalle h 7 alle h 22, dal lunedì alla domenica con 40 h settimana. Gli interessati potranno candidarsi inviando un curriculum al seguente indirizzo: Service company is looking for male and female staff for customer service for an important client in Monza. Candidates must have a ...

Italy, Monza
  • German
  • Fluent
Gehaltsspanne (Monatlich):
900 - 1000 EUR (Net pay)

Tutorials für Arbeitsuchende ansehen

Applying for a job and scheduling a job interview as a jobseeker
Registration for Jobseekers