GENERAL MANAGER CON PARTICOLARE ESPERIENZA E COMPETENZA DI FOOD & BEVERAGE MANAGEMENT Ricerchiamo una figura che posso coordinare i tre diversi business della struttura: - RISTORANTE - EVENTI - HOTEL Al momento ciascun business ha un suo caporeparto ed il compito principale della figura che cerchiamo è far comunicare in armonia tutti i reparti e farli funzionare efficientemente. La figura che cerchiamo ha esperienza di direzione hotel e sa operativamente gestire le seguenti attività: Definire il proprio posizionamento, il segmento di mercato cui ci si rivolge, gli obiettivi che si intendono ...
Lavora al front office sia in turni diurni che notturni. Accoglie gli ospiti e offre informazioni e suggerimenti riguardo il soggiorno. Gestisce le prenotazioni e gli arrivi, annota i dati del cliente, l'assegnazione della stanza, si occupa delle richieste del soggiornante durante la permanenza, del cambio valuta e del disbrigo delle pratiche per la partenza del cliente. He works in the front office on both day and night shifts. Welcomes guests and offers information and suggestions regarding their stay. Manages reservations and arrivals, notes the customer's data, assigns the room, deals with ...
Accoglie il cliente e interpreta le sue esigenze, individua il tipi di massaggi che possono giovare al cliente, si occupa di praticare specifiche tecniche di manipolazione corporea per dare una sensazione di relax e favorire il benessere psico-fisico, fornisce informazioni e consigli ai clienti. Welcomes the customer and interprets his/her needs, identifies the types of massages that can benefit the customer, practices specific body manipulation techniques to give a feeling of relaxation and promote psycho-physical well-being, provides information and advice to customers.
Accoglie i clienti, presenta il menù e la carta dei vini, consiglia i clienti, prende gli ordini, gestisce e coordina le figure del suo rango, serve il vino, supervisiona l'ordine e la pulizia del ristorante Welcomes customers, presents the menu and wine list, advises customers, takes orders, manages and coordinates the figures of his/her rank, serves wine, supervises the order and cleanliness of the restaurant
We are opening a new restaurant "Opium" in Santa Eulalia, Albufeira and looking for a experienced team to serve our clients. Our restaurant manager is profissional and has many years of experience in Algarve, so you will learn a lot with his experience. The restaurant serves most meat but as well international dishes. The working hours are for dinners and once a week a lunch to complete 40 hours week schedule. We look waiters for day and evening swifts
Presenta e serve i piatti, ritira piatti, bicchieri e posate, mantiene la tavola sempre in ordine, controlla l'assetto e la dotazione dei tavoli, gestisce la pulizia di tutta l'attrezzatura necessaria durante il servizio. Presents and serves the dishes, clears plates, glasses and cutlery, keeps the table always tidy, checks the layout and equipment of the tables, manages the cleaning of all the equipment necessary during service.
Please join our team of the Restaurant "Il Cavallo" as soon as possible with the following tasks: as a Pizzaiolo in full-time unlimited contract - you are autonomously planning, organising and coordinating your station - you contribute creatively to our menue conception - you are consciously handling food - you are a professional in processing high-quality products - you take care of new colleagues and are responsible for instructing our young vocational trainees - you keep control of our quality standards - you grant tidiness, safety and hygiene according to HACCP Standards Our requirements ...
Germany, Chieming (next to lake Chiemsee), Southern Bavaria
Garantisce l'ordine, la pulizia e l'igiene delle camere: si occupa del cambio della biancheria da letto e degli asciugamani, dell'igienizzazione dei bagni, della pulizia dei vetri e rimozione della polvere, della pulizia dei pavimenti. Guarantees the order, cleanliness and hygiene of the rooms: takes care of changing bed linen and towels, sanitizing bathrooms, cleaning windows and removing dust, cleaning floors
Join our team as soon as possible as a WAITER / WAITRESS - CHEF DE RANG in full-time, part-time or seasonally. Restaurant service Your tasks as a Chef de Rang: - qualified service at the table dishes and drinks respecting our standards - Contact person for our guests starting with a warm welcome - Mise en place for a perfect and uninterrupted serving process - cashier tasks - responsibility for your own service station Your profile as a Chef de Rang: - vocational training in the sector of restaurant service or hotel service or - remarkable expertise in this profession - affinity and interest ...
Boredom is your enemy, and you know how to bring life and energy to every event? We're looking for you! Your tasks: Coordinating and executing birthdays and events in consultation with the supervisor Generating innovative ideas to enhance business operations and client satisfaction Assisting clients with any difficulties, uncertainties, and needs Preparing the venue for events and celebrations Handling payments in coordination with the reception Daily monitoring of work schedules and reservations What we offer: Excellent work atmosphere – we make work fun Well-paying job – after all, we're not ...