We are looking for SPECIALISED Doctors (M/F) in the region of NORTH RHINE-WESTPHALIA
in all fields of residency, such as:
- Surgeon and Orthoepedist
- Internist
- Radiologist
- General Practians
- and many more
Your profile:
- completed studies in medicine and completed residency
- work experiences desirable
- German language Skills, not less than B1-level
- Interested in living and working in Germany
- Willingness of shiftwork and working overtime if necessary
- Endurance, flexibility, adaptability
further desirable:
- advanced English language skills (B1)
- driver’s licence category B (car)
The employers will support your first steps in NRW with relocation services:
- Support in relocation (accommodation, Administration Civil Service, etc.)
- a mentor in the enterprise
A first job interview is possible via Skype/ telephone.
You are interested?
Please send us your CV or EUROPASS (www.europass-info.de) via email:
Please use the keyword „Doctors-NRW“ for your application.
ZAV Internationaler Personalservice NRW, Karl-Harr-Str. 5, 44263 Dortmund, Deutschland
www.zav.de/arbeiten-in-deutschland | www.make-it-in-germany.com