Region Västra Götaland is offering permanent positions to specialists
Are you looking for a professional career where you have the opportunity to develop your clinical skills as well as spending time with your family in the beautiful outdoors? In Västra Götaland health, family and the nature are very important. Values that also reflects in our vision "A good life".
Permanent positions
We are looking for specialist in:
- Family medicine
If this sounds interesting to you
Please send your application to:
kjell.pettersson@vgregion.se con copia a eures.nordicos@sepe.es
Our first meeting will be at Santa Marca December 17th, but you can also visit us at Nordic Jobday en España December 16th.
If we feel a mutual interest you will be invited for a recruitment visit where you will get to see the Healthcare center, meet potential colleagues and see the surroundings.
We are looking forward to receive your application as soon as possible.
See you in Madrid
Best wishes
Kjell Pettersson, Recruiter, Närhälsan
About us
Region Västra Götaland is governed by democratically elected politicians and with just over 50,000 employees is one of Sweden’s biggest employers.
It is tasked with offering good healthcare and dental care and providing the prerequisites for good public health, a rich cultural life, a good environment, jobs, research, education and good communications. All together, these provide a foundation for sustainable growth in Västra Götaland.
Healthcare and medical treatment (90%)
- Growth and development matters.
- Culture.
- Close co-operation between the public sector, industry and academy.
- More info: http://www.vgregion.se/sv/Vastra-Gotalandsregionen/startsida/NY-jobbsida/Recruitment-abroad/