Electrical Engineer
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Art der Arbeitsstelle:
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Beschreibung des Stellenangebots
- Preparation of studies and projects in the area of electrical engineering;
- Preparation of records, procedures and work instructions;
- Collaboration in the preparation of measurement and budgeting maps;
- Collaboration in the preparation of specifications;
- Collaboration and supervision in the preparation, installation and connection of electrical and instrumentation cables;
- Planning and scheduling tasks and work;
- Analysis of electrical diagrams, technical documents, specifications and instructions;
- Monitoring on the ground;
- Supervision of testing and commissioning;
- Communication with the customer in a commercial and technical environment.
Anforderungen an die Stelle
- Know and understand the organization;
- Develop and put into practice the skills acquired throughout the academic career,
- Deepen knowledge in different areas of electrical engineering;
- Develop knowledge in the areas of installation of electrical and instrumentation equipment;
- Development of budgeting methodologies;
- Develop time and resource management skills;
- Ability to structure reasoning from the perspective of analyzing and solving problems;
- Ability to innovate