Clone of Cuochi - Camerieri - Inservienti
You are invited to work in the beautiful Hotels, Rugard Thermal Strandhotel, Arkona Strandhotel Grand Hotel Binz on the Isle of Rügen in the following departments:
Restaurant - Sala
Sky Bar
The Grand Hotel of Binz belongs to the best 5 stars Hotels on the island Rügen. It has more than 120 comfortable rooms and four exclusive Maisonette Suiten. The excellent RUIANI Restaurant and the Shaker´s Bar are located inside the Grand Hotel. The unique Beauty department with the Thai Bali spa offers a symbiotic wellness oasis with asian and european treatments for relaxation, health and physical well-being. Our first-class hotel is located directly at the peaceful beach promenade of the Ostseebad Binz.
The Hotels have a very international team and train young people from all over the world. In the past worked successfully with different international Hotel management schools and universities.
Salario mensile 1.800,00 Euro/lordo
Vitto e alloggio incl. Wifi a150,00 Euros/mese
Formazione per avanzamento di carriera,
Lezioni di tedesco.
Sport e attità ricreative con colleghi, uso piscina
Orario: 40 ore / settimana
1 – 2 giorni liberi / settimana
Servizio di turno / servizio al weekend
Contratto: stagionale o permanente
Requisiti Conoscenza del Tedesco o l’Inglese (min. A1/A2). Per camerieri B2 di tedesco
Orientamento al servizio
Buone capacità relazionali
Per ulteriori informazioni e candidarsi, contattare e/o inviare il CV in tedesco a EURES ITALY - Pistoia
Contatto: Biancangela Fabbri(EURES Adviser)
E-Mail: Tel.: +39 05519986184 - 3334873123
indicare nell' oggetto: Arkona - Binz ed il profilo: Aiito Cuoco-cameriere-barman