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27 November 2018 - Work in Portugal! [27 November 2018] Auditorium #1
Diese Sitzung ist beendet, Sie können jedoch die Tagesordnung unten noch einsehen.
An intro on how the event will work
What might lead you to choose Portugal as a destination to live & work.
And... what you should have into account.
Some testimonials from European citizens living (and working) in Portugal
Some information about labour law, wages, social security & taxes in Portugal
Company presentations & chatting with employers
Company presentations
Company presentations
Company presentations
Company presentations
Company presentations
Some options you might have to learn the Portuguese, either from your home country or already in Portugal
Some tips on how you can make the best use of EURES financial mobility schemes to support you in:
- participation in onsite interviews
- moving to Portugal
- learning the Portuguese language
- getting your professional recognition
- bringing your family with you
Only applicable to EU citizens (and, in case you are under 35, also to Norwegian citizens)
Company presentations
Company presentation
Company presentations
Company presentations
Company presentations
Company presentations
A short intro to High Commission for Migrations' services & supports you might get online and/or when you're already in Portugal
Useful not only for EU/EEA citizens but also for third country nationals
Some tips on how to optimize your job search in Portugal and the best strategies when applying and when approaching a Portuguese employer.
Se está decidir regressar a Portugal, veja e ouça o que os que já o fizeram nos podem contar
Se está decidir regressar a Portugal, veja e ouça o que os que já o fizeram nos podem contar
During this period you will be able to chat to companies and information & advisory services participating in the event.
And you may as well have your online recruitment interview (on Skype or via Chat), if you apply beforehand to job vacancies and you're invited for one (or more).