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International Career & Employers' Days!

10 - 11 November 2020
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552 Stellen auf dieser Veranstaltung verfügbar

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AGM Solutions si occupa di studiare ed implementare soluzioni tecnologiche ed innovative offrendo servizi per ICT Governance, ICT Security & GDPR Compliance. Per un nostro importante cliente, con sede a Torino e Milano, ricerchiamo 2 Security Analyst. Il profilo dovrà essere in possesso delle seguenti caratteristiche: - Laurea in Informatica, Ingegneria o discipline affini - Conoscenza dei concetti di networking e security networking (routing, firewalling, proxy, reverse-proxy, IDS, IPS) - Capacità di analisi dei log; Malware Analysis; - Competenze di security, in particolare sulle tipologie ...

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THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND LAW OF UNICAS OFFERS: Bachelor Degree Programme in Economics and Business /siti/corsi/economia-e-commercio/presentazione-del-corso/economics-and-business.aspx Master Degree Programmes in Global Economy and Business and in Economics and Entrepreneurship /siti/corsi/global-economy-and-business/iscriversiadmission.aspx

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THE DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING "Maurizio Scarano" OF UNICAS OFFERS: Master Degree Programme in Telecommunications Engineering THE DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING OF UNICAS OFFERS: Master Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering Master Degree Programme in Civil and Environmental Engineering

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Über uns:

FARMACISTI GERMANIA Un gruppo di farmacie con sede in diverse città della Germania è alla ricerca di 10 farmacisti. Ai candidati è richiesto essere in possesso del livello B2 in lingua tedesca o, in alternativa, essere disposti a frequentare un corso gratuito per raggiungere tale livello. Prossimo corso di tedesco il 23 Novembre 2020 con durata di sei mesi. Le lezioni si svolgeranno dal lunedì al venerdì per un totale di 4 ore al giorno. Frequenza online via Skype Requisiti di partecipazione: -laurea in farmacia; -abilitazione alla professione; Una volta arrivati in Germania si svolgerà un ...

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Would you like to take the opportunity to work for a European Agency? If you have a good proficiency in English and previous experience in web publishing and content management this could be your chance to work in a multicultural and dynamic environment. We are looking for a Web Technical Support Assistant. Job responsibilities: Supporting the Web Content Management team in: managing web publishing requests; mantaining guidelines and manuals for web publishing; providing support to users; managing support tickets and requests. Skills required: Excellent knowledge of English (at least C1 level) ...

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Would you like to take the opportunity to work for a European Agency? If you have a good proficiency in English and knowledge of plant protection products residues this could be your chance to work in a multicultural and dynamic environment. We are looking for a scientific assistant for the Pesticides Residues unit. Job responsibilities: Assist in the coordination of the assessment of evaluation reports prepared by member state regulatory authorities in the area of pesticide residues in food and feed, in view of setting Maximum Residue Levels; Assist in the proofreading of reasoned opinions ...

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Über uns:

Per azienda cliente selezioniamo ingegnere meccanico junior. la risorsa inserita all'interno di un team di lavoro si occuperà di organizzare gli interventi tecnici, aggiornare i documenti, compilare i piani di manutenzione, redazione offerte , progettazione, assistenza tecnica e manutenzione, service analitico presso la clientela. E' richiesta laurea triennale in ingegneria meccanica o similare, disponibilità a brevi trasferte. L’azienda offre interessante opportunità di crescita professionale nel medio periodo e prospettive di assunzione. Sede di lavoro: Genova

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Für die folgende Veranstaltung verfügbar::
Über uns:

Would you like to take the opportunity to work for a European Agency? If you have a good proficiency in English and experience in the assessment and epidemiology of foodborne pathogens along the food chain this could be your chance to work in a multicultural and dynamic environment. We are looking for a scientifc assistant for the Biological Hazards and Contaminants unit. Job responsibilities: support the drafting of scientific opinions by extracting data from dossiers draft clear, concise and structured scientific reports using appropriate scientific terminology perform literature reviews ...

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Land des Arbeitsplatzes:
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