Zu dieser Veranstaltung
Are you a Polish employer who is looking for qualified employees from EU/EEA countries? Take part in the European Job Day Work@PL2024
Work@PL2024 will be held on December 6th, 2024. The aim of this project is to enable Polish employers from selected sectors to reach job seekers from other EU/EEA countries. This will be a fantastic opportunity to promote your job vacancies across the whole of Europe. Taking part in Work@PL2024 means that your company has the chance to register an Employer's account, manage job advertisements and conduct private online chats with candidates on the day itself. Thanks to your participation you’ll be able to contact a wide range of job seekers with various language competences and qualifications, allowing you to find the workers you’re looking for.
Are you looking for work in Poland?
Follow the Work@PL2024 profile early, to access information about employers and search for interesting job advertisements. In order to apply for vacant positions you will need to register your account as a jobseeker prior to the event itself. On 6th December, 2024 you’ll then have the opportunity to communicate with employers via individual online chats and to listen to presentations about living and working conditions in Poland accompanied by public online chats.
Informacja dla pracodawców
Jesteś polskim pracodawcą, który poszukuje pracownika z zagranicy?
Zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w Europejskim Dniu Pracy Work@PL2024!
Europejskie Dni Pracy to ogólnoeuropejskie internetowe targi pracy, które łączą osoby poszukujące pracy z pracodawcami w innych europejskich krajach.
Wydarzenie jest doskonałą okazją do promocji ofert pracy Państwa firmy w całej Europie.
Biorąc udział w tym przedsięwzięciu macie Państwo szansę na pozyskanie kandydatów o poszukiwanych kwalifikacjach oraz różnorodnych kompetencjach językowych.
Rejestrując konto Wystawca, możecie Państwo zarządzać zamieszczanymi tam ogłoszeniami oraz projektami rekrutacyjnymi. W dniu 6 grudnia br. w godzinach od 10:00 do 14:00 będziecie Państwo mogli porozmawiać z kandydatami za pośrednictwem indywidualnych chat’ów on-line. Udział w targach jest bezpłatny.
Na stronie www.europeanjobdays.eu, wybierz wydarzenie Work@PL2024, kliknij w żółty kafelek register for this event, a następnie create new account. Następnie wybierz I am an Employer i uzupełnij wszystkie wymagane pola (Mandatory Field). Jeśli masz jeszcze wątpliwości jak się zarejestrować, obejrzyj tutorial https://europeanjobdays.eu/en/video-tutorials
Konto zostanie aktywowane po sprawdzeniu Państwa danych przez organizatora, co może potrwać 1-2 dni. Po pozytywnej weryfikacji, otrzymacie Państwo link aktywujący konto.
Następnie po zalogowaniu się mogą Państwo sprawdzić jakie możliwości prezentacji Państwa firmy oraz umawiania kandydatów na rozmowy on-line zawiera platforma!
Opis firmy oraz treść ogłoszeń powinny być zamieszczone w języku angielskim. W razie potrzeby do tekstu w języku angielskim można dodać treść w innym języku np. polskim.
Proszę pamiętać, że indywidualne rozmowy z kandydatami w dniu targów przy wykorzystaniu kamerki / słuchawek lub tradycyjnego czatu z wykorzystaniem klawiatury zwiększą Państwa szanse na pozyskanie najlepszych kandydatów!
Ostateczny termin rejestracji polskich pracodawców upływa 4 grudnia br.
Serdecznie zapraszamy!
Organizatorami wydarzenia są Wojewódzkie Urzędy Pracy w Warszawie, Białymstoku, Katowicach, Krakowie, Poznaniu i Zielonej Górze, Komenda Główna OHP, Lubelska Wojewódzka Komenda OHP, Wielkopolska Wojewódzka Komenda OHP, Podlaska Wojewódzka Komenda OHP, Podkarpacka Wojewódzka Komenda OHP, Łódzka Wojewódzka Komenda OHP i Małopolska Wojewódzka Komenda OHP.
Information for employers
Are you a Polish employer looking for an employee from abroad?
We invite you to take part in the European On-line Job Day Work@PL2024!
Europan Job Days are paneuropean internet job fairs, that connect jobseekers and employers from different european member states.
This event is an excellent opportunity to promote your company's vacancies throughout Europe.
By taking part in this project, you have a chance to recruit candidates with the desired qualifications and various linguistic competences.
By registering an Exhibitor account, you can manage the advertisements and recruitment projects posted there. On December 6 this year from 10:00 to 14:00 you will have the opportunity to talk to candidates via individual online chats. Participation in the fair is free of charge.
On the website www.europeanjobdays.eu, select the Work@PL2024 event, click the yellow register for this event tile, and then create new account. Then select I am an Employer and complete all mandatory fields. If you still have doubts about how to register, watch the tutorial https://europeanjobdays.eu/en/video-tutorials
The account will be activated after the organizer checks your data, which may take 1-2 days. After positive verification, you will receive a link to activate your account.
Then, after logging in, you can check what possibilities the platform offers for presenting your company and arranging candidates for interviews!
The company description and the content of advertisements should be published in English. If necessary, content in another language, e.g. Polish, can be added to the text in English.
Please remember that individual conversations with candidates on the day of the fair using a webcam/headphones or traditional keyboard chat will increase your chances of acquiring the best candidates!
The deadline for registration of Polish employers is December 4 this year.
We sincerely invite YOU!
This event is dedicated strictly to polish employers willing to recruit jobseekers from EU/EEA countries. The organizers will not accept employers from any other countries.
The event is organized by the Voivodeship Labor Offices in Warsaw, Białystok, Katowice, Kraków, Poznań and Zielona Góra, Main Headquarters of the Voluntary Labour Corps and Provincial Headquarters of the Voluntary Labour Corps in Lublin, Poznań, Białystok, Rzeszów, Łódź and Kraków.
If you are not a citizen of the EU/EEA
If you are not a citizen of the EU/EEA or Switzerland
You may participate in this event and use the www.europeanjobdays.eu platform to search for jobs and meet the employers, but you need to remember about legal obligations and administrative procedures to go through to get access to the Polish labour market.
You should also be aware that the employers may decide not to go through with your application, due to the expected length of immigration procedures related to your hiring.
If you are interested in taking up the employment in Poland, please note that third-country nationals can work in Poland, if they have a valid work permit or another document entitling them to work, or if they are an exempt from the obligation to have such a permit. In addition, every foreigner residing in Poland must have a valid residence permit.
As a rule, your future employer will arrange the work permit on your behalf. A foreigner,
on the other hand, arranges the right of residence at the Polish representation (embassy
or consulate) in their home country or in the country where they are legally staying.
The following information may also be useful:
Employment for non-EU nationals: http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=470&langId=en
EU immigration portal: http://ec.europa.eu/immigration/
Rules on taking up employment in Poland by third-country nationals:
Office for Foreigners:
The EURES network assists exclusively jobseekers from the 27 European Union Member States, as well as Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. If you are a resident of another country, we unfortunately can't help you.
We wish you good luck in your job search.