Work in Norway
Zu dieser Veranstaltung
The Online Job Day event will take place ONLINE on 16th of February from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. (CET)
Are you a jobseeker looking for new job opportunities in Norway?
Then you are at the right place!
Norwegian employers are recruiting candidates from all sectors, for example:
- Hospitality (HoReCa): Hotel, restaurant, cafe, events, related activities
- Tour guides, activity guides
- Transport: bus drivers, lorry drivers
- Shops, hairdressers
- Fish and agriculture
- Industry
- IT
- Healthcare
- Building and construction
- Childcare
If you are interested to find various job opportunities and meet with the potential employers from Norway, then register as a jobseeker for this event and find out your options!
On 16th of February, you will have the opportunity to gain some more insight on how to search for a job and information on living and working conditions in Norway.
If you are an employer in Norway, the event will be an ideal opportunity for you to promote your job offers in the cross-border region and throughout Europe. You can meet a wide range of jobseekers with different language skills, qualifications, and experience. Do not hesitate, register as an exhibitor now!
Join us online on 16th of February 2023, from 12 a.m. to 4 p.m. (CET).
Participation is free of charge for both exhibitors and jobseekers.
We look forward to welcoming you on 16th of February!
Jobseekers toolkit
Jobseekers toolkit for Norway
Public Employment service
www.ec.europa.eu/eures EURES, the European Job Mobility Portal
NAV Service Centre EURES Phone: 0047 55 55 33 39 (press 2)
Email: eures@nav.no (Information about jobs search in English)
Looking for work
We recommend that you register your CV on the EURES portal www.eures.europa.eu, where Norwegian employers are likely to be looking for European candidates.
Where to find the jobs
The easiest way if you don’t speak Norwegian is to search for jobs on the EURES portal www.eures.europa.eu. Indeed, all the job vacancies published by NAV are listed on this portal. You can then use the search function in your own language and access the job vacancies.
You can also access job vacancies in English which are listed on the NAV website www.arbeidsplassen.no. Use “english” as key word search
How to create your CV and cover letter
You can login on Europass website and create your documents: https://europa.eu/europass/en
Recruitment agencies
The private recruitment agencies have a big share of the job market in Norway, and there are numerous. You should consider registering at a few of them. A few examples: - www.manpower.no www.adecco.no www.proffice.no www.jobzone.no
There are many more recruitment agencies, you can find them via the Yellow Pages www.gulesider.no. Write “bemanningsbyrå” in the search field.
Public services
www.nyinorge.no New in Norway guide - practical information from public administrations
www.nav.no/en the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration
https://helsenorge.no/foreigners-in-norway Healthcare and social security
www.sua.no Service Centre for Foreign Workers in Oslo
https://www.skatteetaten.no/en/person/foreign/Tax information for foreign workers in Norway
www.udi.no the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration
www.politi.no the Norwegian Police
www.arbeidstilsynet.no The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority
www.toll.no Customs
www.grensetjansten.com Cross border service Sweden/Norway
www.innovasjonnorge.no Innovation Norway
www.ssb.no Statistics Norway
www.mattilsynet.no Norwegian Food/Animal Safety Authority
www.government.no Information from the Government and the Ministries
Cities & Municipalities
To find the website of any municipality: www.name-of-municipality.kommune.no
www.aftenposten.no Oslo
www.aftenbladet.no Stavanger
www.bt.no Bergen
www.adressa.no Trondheim
www.nordlys.no Tromsø
www.fvn.no Kristiansand
Recognition of Education and Qualifications
www.nokut.no Recognition of foreign education
www.helsedirektoratet.no/English Authorisation and Licence for Health personnel
Trade Unions
www.lo.no The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions
www.akademikerne.no The Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations
www.ys.no The Confederation of Vocational Unions
www.unio.no The Confederation of Unions for Professionals
Start your own company in Norway
www.altinn.no/en see “start and run business”
Language courses in Norway
www.ntnu.edu/learnnow free online Norwegian language course
www.kompetansenorge.no/English See “Immigrant integration” for all the accredited language course providers in Norway
www.folkeuniversitetet.no/ Class room courses
www.aof.no Class room courses
https://felles.oslovo.no/ Courses in Oslo
Study in Norway
www.studyinnorway.no the guide to higher education in Norway
www.diku.no Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education
www.samordnaopptak.no/info/english/ The Norwegian Universities and College Admission service
Traineeships and Internships in Norway
www.trainee.no The Norwegian trainee guide
http://aiesec.org Student organization - Internships
www.karrierestart.no Job portal and lots of advice and other relevant information
www.europlacement.com (Intern and internship in Europe)
www.finn.no/eiendom market place for rental “bolig til leie” and purchase «bolig til salgs»
www.hybel.no rentals and home share agency
www.utleiemegleren.no rentals agency
www.visitnorway.com the official Travel guide to Norway
www.gulesider.no the Yellow Pages in Norway
www.petro.no News website for the oil and gas industry
Informastion for Exhibitors
The event is organized by EURES NAV in Norway.
It is part of the EURES, European Job Days www.europeanjobdays.eu and a outcome of the European cooperation for labor mobility within the EU / EEA and Switzerland.
We welcome employers and organizations to participate
Register new account:
Video: https://youtu.be/PobxwCdu8DI
If you already have an account and wish to register for Work in Norway 2023:
Video: https://youtu.be/n1hniFDyHtg
Visitors can choose to continuously apply for the vacancies that are registered on the event page. They can also choose to only participate in the program that is broadcast during the event day and then apply for the vacancies that have been published.
If your organization consists of several departments that want to participate in our job fair, we recommend that each department registers its own account. In this way, each department is exposed separately, and it becomes easier to handle applications. In addition, each department receives interview planning tools and chat channels that are their own.
Register vacancies:
To achieve a good result with your recruitment, we recommend that the ads are published as soon as possible and are in English. In the advertisement, you have the opportunity to refer applicants to your own career page, but note that our platform is built on the basis that applicants must apply for the services through the platform, which means that the vast majority do so. Therefore, it is important that you continuously go in and look through your ads to find the candidates. Video: https://youtu.be/WDIyUr68hsQ
Book online interviews:
You can book and hold interviews during the event day with candidates who have applied for vacancies. The interview tool is integrated into the platform.
You do this by booking 30-minute interviews (so-called "slots"). You can access it at your "Dashboard".
Chat with candidates during the event day:
You can chat with candidates spontaneously visiting our event. To do this you need a valid Skype account (not Skype for business!). You enter your Skype ID either when you register your account or later in the "Edit my organization" function in your "Dashboard".
It is important that you are logged in to your Skype account throughout the event day so that the candidates can get in touch with you. It is only possible to use one chat channel per account.
Record a short film in English
We recommend that you record a promotional film where you inform about your organization, your vacancies and how candidates can contact you. We broadcast the film during the event day. In this way, you reach everyone who participates, even those who may have missed your published vacancies.
NOTE! The film shouldn’t be longer than 5 minutes and if your movie is in your native language, it needs to be subtitled in English.
You will receive a broadcast program about a week before the event day, then you know when your film is broadcasted and can take the opportunity to join the general chat in the broadcast window to promote your business.
Jobbseekers shortlist for this Event
Jobseeker - Get the most out of the event by following this quick guide:
- Create your profile and upload your CV right now, Find out how!
- Apply for jobs right away and keep checking for new postings!
- Prepare for interviews
- Check out the event agenda (available closer to the event)
- Get to know the employers by visiting their stands
- Chat with exhibitors on the day of the event, click on 'Chat with Exhibitors
Exhibitors available for chat during the event
Arundo Analytics 13.00 - 14.00
Audhild Viken AS - during the event
Brødrene Langset AS 12.00 - 14.00
Expats in Halden Fredrikstad Sarpsborg Aremark Hvaler 14.00 - 16.00
EURES services in Norway 12.00 - 14.00
Favn Servering - during the event
Frati Gruppen - during the event
Full On - 12.00 - 14.00
Gränstjänsten Sverige Finland Norge 12.00 -13.00 and 14.00 - 15.00
Hitramat AS 12.30 -14.00
Hotel Union Geiranger AS 12.00 - 16.00
Langset Yards 12.00 - 14.00
Promek AS 12.00 - 16.00
Scandic Hotels 12.00 - 15.00
The Norwegian Directorate of Higher Education and Skills 14.00 - 15.00
Tide Buss AS - during the event
Valsøya - during the event
XLgruppen 12.00 - 16.00