Welcome, Willkommen, Vítejte to Germany and the Czech Republic!
Zu dieser Veranstaltung
EURES Bayern der Regionaldirektion Bayern der Bundesagentur für Arbeit organisiert und lädt Sie in Kooperation mit der Europäischen Kommission, EURES Tschechien cross-border und der öffentlichen Arbeitsverwaltung (PES - public employment services) Deutschland und der Tschechischen Republik zu unseren European Online Job Day am 19.10.2021 ein.
Lernen Sie EURES, Arbeitgeber und Stellenangebote aus Bayern und Tschechien kennen. Vernetzen Sie sich mit Arbeitsuchenden und Netzwerkpartnern aus den EU-Mitgliedsstaaten. Besuchen Sie am Tag des Events unseren mehrsprachigen Live-Stream und erfahren Sie Relevantes zu Arbeit, Bildung und Leben in Deutschland und Tschechien.
For the first time after decades of enjoying the freedom of movement, we felt geographical borders temporarily arising due to the pandemic. The traditional, successful and strong partnership between the PES as well as EURES of both Czech Republic and Germany, however, became even stronger during these challenging times, thus giving evidence for how important a cooperation and a real bond within the EU could be.
In the philosophy of a borderless Europe, free movement and diversity, EURES Bavaria and the Bavarian headquarters of the Federal Employment Office (Bundesagentur für Arbeit), the Czech PES (Úřad práce) and EURES cross-border Czech Republic are pleased to invite you to our traditional EOJD for the cross-border region supported by ELA (European Labour
This event will take place online on Tuesday, 19th 2021, from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm CET.
Join our live streaming and broadcast about living and working in Germany and the Czech Republic, especially for our cross-border region. Get connected with employers, jobseekers, EURES and stakeholders from Germany and the Czech Republic. Get to know our labour markets and relevant economic aspects that will support you in your career.
For the first time we do invite you to an interesting live stream about internship, study, vocational training, the dual educational system in Germany and the educational system in the Czech Republic. Experts will answer your questions via live chat in German, English and Czech language. Furthermore, we want to support you in finding exciting and attractive employers and potential employees in Bavaria and the Czech Republic as well as in the cross-border region.
If you want to get to know the amazing cross-border region Bavaria – Czech Republic, just join our event in October. EURES Advisers and PES experts as well as our Welcome Centers from Germany and the Czech Republic are looking forward to meeting you. You can browse through the job offers and profiles of the candidates, chat with all actors involved and exchange your CV with employers. You can even have an online job interview.
Register on www.europeanjobdays.eu and have a look at all the exciting job offers published already weeks in advance of the event.