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"Ready to go on" - Pronti a ripartire!

08 Juli 2020
Status der Registrierung:

COVID measures and situation in Italy (last updated 26th June 2020)

Official link: 

**Please keep in mind that there is a daily update/feeding of the  official Ministry of Health web page

From June 3, people are allowed to travel freely from and to the following States:

  • Member States of the European Union (EU): besides Italy Member States of EU are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Hungary;
  • non EU States of the Schengen Agreement: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland;
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;
  • Andorra, Principality of Monaco;
  • Republic of San Marino and State of the Vatican City.

Travelling to and from States and territories other than those listed above, will continue to be permitted only for proven work needs, absolute urgency or for health reasons.

Entry in Italy is not allowed in case of:  

  • positive diagnosis for COVID-19 in the 14 days before travelling;
  • showing even a single symptom of COVID-19 in the 8 days before travelling;
  • close contact (e.g. less than 2 meters for more than 15 minutes) with a confirmed positive case of COVID-19 in the 14 days before travelling;
  • visiting, in the 14 days before arriving in Italy, States or territories other than:
    • Member States of the European Union (EU): besides Italy Member States of EU are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Hungary;
    • non EU States of the Schengen Agreement: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland;
    • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;
    • Andorra, Principality of Monaco;
    • Republic of San Marino and State of the Vatican City.

Public health recommendations and measures for people entering Italy

  • Maintain at least 1 meter security distance between yourself and others both in open and closed places.
  • Implement preventive hygienic measures:
    • regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
    • avoid direct contact with other people such as hugging and shaking hands;
    • follow good respiratory hygiene: cover your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze;
    • avoid sharing bottles and glasses;
    • avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth;
    • avoid taking antiviral drugs and antibiotics without medical prescription.
  • It is mandatory to wear a mask.

    Masks must be used in the community setting in closed places that can be accessed by public, including public transport, and all the time when it is not possible to guarantee social distancing.

    The use of masks is not required in:
  • children less than 6 years of age;
  • disabled people that cannot wear a mask for a long period and their caregivers.
  • Avoid crowded places and ban of gathering.
  • In some circumstances the measurement of body temperature could be implemented (e.g. in some shops, hotels, public offices, etc.).
  • It is possible to download the IMMUNI app on your mobile phone. If used correctly, the app sends an alert in case of a possible contact with a positive person, and further information.
  • We recommend you to keep a travel diary with visited places, people met and relative dates.

What to do if you show COVID-19 compatible symptoms while you are in Italy. 

  • Seek medical help. Immediately inform the Department of Prevention of the Local Health Agency:
    • ask the staff of the hotel/accommodation facility to help you to contact the health services;
    • call the regional hot line. You can find the number on the website of the Ministry of Health at the following link: Covid-19 - Regional telephone information hotlines
  • If you develop severe symptoms, call the national emergency number 112
  • Avoid visiting the Hospital Emergency Room
  • Wear immediately a medical mask
  • Inform the reception of your health condition, so that they can take all prevention measures to protect the staff and other guests
  • If possible, move to a single room with dedicated bathroom
  • Self-isolate and remain in your room with the door closed but ensuring adequate natural ventilation
  • Respect the ban to go around, following the instructions of the health staff
  • Avoid contact with other tourists and with the staff of the hotel/accommodation facility
  • Wash your hands with soap and water and implement the other hygienic measures 
  • Follow good respiratory hygiene and dispose tissues properly putting them after use in double bags
  • Be available at the daily calls of the health staff in charge of monitoring your health conditions during the health surveillance
  • Avoid taking drugs without medical prescription.

Remember: public healthcare is free in ItalyMore information are available on the website of the Ministry of Health:


Use of public transport

  • Buy your ticket on-line whenever possible;
  • When travelling, maintain 1 meter security distance from other people;
  • Sit only in the places allowed and indicated by appropriate signs;
  • Wear a mask to cover nose and mouth.

Sport, recreation and cultural activities

  • Wear a mask to cover nose and mouth in crowded and close paces;
  • Visit parks, villas and public gardens is allowed avoiding gathering of people;
  • Access to places of worship is allowed following organizational measures that avoid gatherings of people;
  • Museums and other cultural sites can be visited respecting social distancing measures;
  • Theatres, cinema, concerts will re-start on 15 of June;
  • Activities of spas, thermal baths, cultural and social centres are suspended;
  • Practice sports in open spaces, including public parks and equipped areas, is allowed keeping at least 2 meter distances for sport activities and at least 1 meter distance for other activities. Children less than 18 years of age and disabled people can be accompanied by one person.

Travelling  and movement within Italy

As of June 3, it is possible to travel within our country, without self-certification. Some regions require further measures (notification of arrival, registration, temperature check).


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