Mulighetsdager Norge - Sverige (08 September 2022)
Zu dieser Veranstaltung
“Borders? I have never seen one. But I have heard they exist in the minds of some people.”
― Thor Heyerdahl
Mulighetsdager Norge - Sverige er et onsite og online arrangement som har som formål å guide dere fra sør til nord mellom to kongeriker.
Næringer i regionen skal få muligheten til å markedsføre sin aktivitet og
sysselsetningsbehov, mens mulighetssøkere skal bli kjent med arbeidsmarkedet, utdanningstilbud, grensetjenesten samt hvilke aktiviteter og arrangement som pågår i området.
Den 08. september vil du kunne:
- fra kl. 13.00 til kl. 15.30 se livepresentasjoner, søke jobber samt chatte med arbeidsgivere og EURES-rådgivere.
- Markedsføring i Norge, Sverige og resten av Europa gjennom European Job Days portalen
- En egen messestand der du markedsfører virksomheten, framtidige satsinger og sysselsetningsbehov.
- Mulighet for å intervjue kandidater.
- For påmelding eller mer informasjon, ta kontakt.
For mer informasjon send en epost til:
NAV Øst-Viken: laura.carmen.skibsted@nav.no
Arbetsförmedlingen: arne.arvidsson@arbetsformedlingen.se
Mulighetsdager Norge - Sverige, Strömstad
Mulighetsdager Norge - Sverige, Charlottenberg
*Noen av bedriftene er ikke tilgjengelige for chat, men de har spesifisert hvordan de ønsker at du skal sende din søknad.
*Some of the companies will not be available for chat, but have specified in their ads how they want you to send in you application.
Work in Norway
Looking for work in Norway
Information to job seekers from NAV, the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration
Looking for jobs in Norway requires at least good English skills – but in many cases Norwegian skills, and then a good dictionary or translation tool.
A useful brochure to read is “New in Norway”. It contains lots of valuable information about the public services in Norway (moving to Norway, children and schools, health, taxation, etc)
The official guide Work In Norway gives you a step by step guidance for your formalities when working in Norway: recognition of your education, taxes, social security, and more.
The labour market
Population: 5 435 536 pr 30th March 2022
Developments in the Norwegian economy
The Norwegian labour market has recovered fully after the downturn due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The unemployment rate is very low (2,1% in May 2022) and the demand for workers very high.
What is the demand for workers?
Tourism and hospitality: cooks and chefs; waiters/waitresses; bartenders; hotel workers; both permanent staff and seasonal staff (summer and winter)
Construction and civil works:
Carpenters; electricians; drivers of construction engines and cranes; roofers; plumbers; welders
Engineers (water and water treatment; civil works: roads, tunnels, bridges, railway and building; HVAC).
Transport: lorry drivers C and CE; bus drivers D and DE
Health care: nurses and specialized nurses (theatre nurses, intensive care nurses …); doctor specialists (mental health, substance abuse treatment, oncology, neurology, rheumatology, internal medicine, radiology…); pharmacists; optometrists.
IT: professionals within software development/ system development; digital communication; information security and computer security; data analysis; AI; machine learning; service design.
Services: Car mechanics, heavy vehicle mechanics, construction engines mechanics; machine mechanics
NB! Please note that many of these professions require a good knowledge of the Norwegian language, especially those which require a contact with customers, clients or patients.
Looking for work
We recommend that you register your CV on the EURES portal www.eures.europa.eu, where Norwegian employers are likely to be looking for European candidates.
Where to find the jobs
The easiest way if you don’t speak Norwegian is to search for jobs on the EURES portal www.eures.europa.eu. Indeed, all the job vacancies published on the national NAV job portal are listed on this portal. You can then use the search function in your own language and access the job vacancies. Check first the job vacancies “with EURES flag”, it means that the employers are actively looking for European candidates to these jobs.
You can also access the job vacancies in English which are listed on the NAV job portal.
If you understand Norwegian, you access most of the job vacancies in Norway on the NAV job portal www.arbeidsplassen.no.
Recruitment agencies
The private recruitment agencies have a big share of the job market in Norway, and there are numerous. You should consider registering at a few of them. A few examples:
There are many more recruitment agencies, you can find them via the Yellow Pages www.gulesider.no. Write “bemanningsbyrå” in the search field.
Trade Unions and professional bodies
Trade Unions and employers Unions are very present and play an important role in the Norwegian society. And they can be a good source of information about the job market, working conditions, salaries etc. in their respective branch or sector. You can find them in the brochure “New in Norway” in the chapter “Trade unions”.
The largest trade union is LO www.lo.no/english.
The largest employer’s union is NHO www.nho.no/en.
When you find a job, it is recommended to apply for membership in a trade union (many workers in Norway are member of a trade union). You can ask on your workplace which trade unions are relevant to you.
Applying for a job
You can either apply for advertised jobs or send open applications to targeted employers. Both are common in Norway. It is indeed important to send open applications as many job vacancies are not advertised on the traditional job databases. Use the business directory Yellow Pages www.gulesider.no to find companies in the professional categories most relevant to you. You can search by using keywords in English.
The golden rule when applying for a job is: 1 application for 1 job. You should indeed always match your application, your CV and your skills & competence to each single job vacancy or each employer you apply to. Avoid using a standard application letter. When sending an open application, always check the employer’s website to match yourself to its activities/products/services.
You will see that most of the job ads are in Norwegian – it is the national language - but you can use a translation tool (egs. google translate) to get an idea of the job. Then you can apply in English, as most Norwegians speak quite good English.
It is not common in Norway to mention the salary in the job ads, that’s why you won’t find much salary information.
In each job ad there should be the name of a person to contact at the company/employer: use them! If you have questions about the job, the salary or possibilities for accommodation, don’t hesitate to contact the person mentioned and ask him/her – even before you apply. This will also allow you to check if the job is interesting for you, if you are qualified for the job and if the company seems interested in receiving your CV.
When applying for jobs, you might experience not getting an answer from the employers. In that case, you should call or mail the employer/recruiter. We recommend anyway that you always follow up any application you send, either just after the last date of application (søknadsfrist) or about 8-10 days after having sent your application. Use this follow up to get information about the appreciation of your CV to such and such job.
Use also LinkedIn and Facebook, as many Norwegian employers are present there and use these social medias to recruit.
Remember to bring along to Norway all your certificates of education and work, translated into English or –preferably- Norwegian.
Recognition of higher education and qualifications; regulated professions
NOKUT www.nokut.no/en is the Norwegian authority to contact for the recognition of foreign qualifications in Norway.
There are 4 main types of recognition:
higher education (Bachelor, Master, Ph.D.)
vocational education and training
tertiary vocational education
teacher qualifications – school and kindergarten
NB: about 180 professions and crafts are regulated in Norway, which means that you must obtain an authorisation to practice your profession or craft to be work as such in Norway. Check if your profession or craft is regulated in the “List of regulated professions” on www.nokut.no/en.
Examples of regulated professions and crafts: electrician; crane operator; forklift truck operator; health care personnel; accountant/auditor …
2) Example of a CV when applying for jobs in Norway
General rules on writing a CV
A CV should not be more than 1 page long, if possible.
No photo required, unless stipulated in the job ad, but otherwise allowed.
Do not use sentences, but bullet points, to describe your work experience or studies/trainings.
Translate abbreviations or shortly describe what they mean, unless they will not be understood by the recruiter.
Mention the website of your previous place(s) of work, so the recruiter gets an idea of where you have worked / what you have worked with.
Mention 1 or 2 references at the bottom of the CV. References – with full name, professional role, e-mail and/or phone number – should be able to speak English or a Scandinavian language in case they are contacted by an employer/recruiter.
NB! Electronic/digital CV and applications are more and more common. You might need a translation tool as the application form is often in Norwegian.
Application letter
The application letter should be typed and be approximately half a page long (no photo). Think about the following:
Read the job vacancy carefully, and make sure you respond to what it asks for.
Your letter should explain why you want this specific job. Describe your motivation for applying for this job, and why you want to move to Norway.
Make it clear to the recruiter that you are familiar with the company, the required qualifications and especially how your skills and qualifications match the job or the company.
Send your application by e-mail or as required in the job description (for eg. digital application)
Example of a letter of application for a job as a lorry driver.
Sir, Madam,
I refer to your job vacancy for a lorry driver published on the NAV website www.arbeidsplassen.no.
As you can see from my attached CV, I am a professional lorry driver, with the proper vocational certificate, and furthermore ADR certificate. I am very fond of my profession, that I discovered during my military service. I have driven both nationally in my country Ireland, but also, for the last 3 years, all around Europe.
I consider myself a reliable person, eager and serious at work and very social. Because driving is not only sitting at the wheel, it is also meeting the customer at the end of the trip. And that is a part of my job that I enjoy very much.
I was on holiday in Norway last summer and really enjoyed the country, and especially the roads without too much traffic! That is why I would like to work in Norway. Furthermore I heard that Norway needed lorry drivers.
I know that the weather conditions can be harsh in Norway, but having driven many times over the Alps and around Eastern Europe, I am quite used to it.
I am working in Ireland right now, but I can leave my job with 2 months notice.
Do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions, or to call Mr. Kenny, my boss and referee mentioned on the CV.
Looking forward to your answer,
Best regards
John Jobseeker
We strongly recommend that you start learning Norwegian as soon as possible. Not only will speaking Norwegian considerably increase your job opportunities, it will also be very important for your social life and your integration in Norway – no matter how long you intend to stay. Furthermore, getting a social network could also increase your chances to find a job. Many people indeed find a job through personal contacts.
These websites provide online Norwegian language courses (examples):
www.ntnu.edu/learnnow (free of charge)
Many municipalities in Norway provide Norwegian language courses. These courses are payable. To find the website of a municipality, use this template www.nameofthemunicipality.kommune.no. For eg., the website of the municipality of Oslo is www.oslo.kommune.no.
You can find other approved providers of Norwegian language courses in Norway on the official website for adult learning Skills Norway.
Useful tip: when in Norway, practice your Norwegian skills actively by meeting people, participating in your local community or join local associations or clubs.
Public services
www.workinnorway.no the official guide to working in Norway
The brochure New in Norway A « must read »! practical information in English (and other languages) about the different public services in Norway.
www.nav.no/en the Norwegian Labour and Welfare administration, included social security.
www.sua.no Service Centres for Foreign Workers
www.arbeidstilsynet.no The Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority – with important information about wages and working conditions in Norway.
www.skatteetaten.no/en official tax information
www.udi.no the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration
www.studyinnorway.no information about studies in Norway
www.studyinnorway.no/living-in-norway information about the Norwegian society, way of life, culture and more
www.toll.no Customs
www.politi.no the Norwegian Police
www.norway.no All Norwegian Embassies and Consulates abroad
www.invanor.no Innovation Norway
www.ssb.no Statistics Norway, the national bureau of statistics
www.fhi.no Norwegian Institute of Public Health
https://reopen.europa.eu/en Reopen EU, provides information on travel and health measures in EU and Schengen Associated countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland) during the COVID-19 pandemic.
www.klartale.no “easy to read” newspaper in Norwegian, for foreigners in the process of learning Norwegian.
https://www.newsinenglish.no/ https://www.thelocal.no/
https://norwaytoday.info/ https://www.norwaynews.com/
Recognition of qualifications
www.nokut.no Recognition of foreign qualifications and diplomas
http://helsedirektoratet.no/English official information on “Authorisation and licence for health personnel”
Trade Unions
www.lo.no The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions
www.akademikerne.no The Federation of Norwegian Professional Associations
www.ys.no The Confederation of Vocational Unions
www.unio.no The Confederation of Unions for Professionals
Start a business in Norway
https://www.altinn.no/en/start-and-run-business/ start and run business in Norway
Study in Norway
www.studyinnorway.no Studies in Norway
www.samordnaopptak.no The Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service
Internships (short term stays)
For researchers
www.euraxess.no EURAXESS Norway
www.forskningsradet.no The Research Council of Norway
www.forskning.no online newspaper on Norwegian and international research
www.norwayexports.no Norwegian export companies and business sectors
www.visitnorway.com the official Tourism portal
www.gulesider.no Yellow Pages in Norway
www.oslointernationalschool.no Oslo international School
https://internationalschool-oslo.no/ Norlights International School Oslo
www.deutscheschule.no Deutsch-Norwegischen Schule in Oslo
https://lfo.no/en/ Lycée français d’Oslo
www.isstavanger.no The international School in Stavanger
www.biss.no British International Schools of Stavanger
http://www.sdis.no/ Sandnes International School
http://uwcrcn.no Red Cross Nordic United World College
www.isob.no International school of Bergen
https://aais.no/en/ Aalesund International School
http://this.no Trondheim international School
www.birralee.no Birralee international School Trondheim
https://fagerhaugoppvekst.no/en/ Fagerhaug International School in Stjørdal
www.skagerak.org Skagerak International School in Sandefjord
http://istelemark.org International school Telemark in Porsgrunn
www.aischool.no International school in Arendal
https://www.minskole.no/kis Kristiansand International School
www.kischool.org Kongsberg international School
https://cisschools.no/ Children’s International Schools in Fredrikstad, Moss, Sarpsborg and Ullensaker
www.gjovikis.no Gjøvikregionen International School in Gjøvik
www.askeris.no Asker International School
https://www.trint.org/ Tromsø International School
A widely used website is www.finn.no/eiendom.
It is a private website where anyone (private persons and real estate agencies) can put an advertisement. “Bolig til salgs” means housing for sale, “Bolig til leie” means housing for rent.
Other relevant websites (non-exhautive list):
- https://www.utleiemegleren.no/english agency specialized in rentals.
- www.hybel.no website for rentals
Since the housing ads are most often in Norwegian, here are some relevant keywords translated into English:
leie pr måned = rental price pr month
depositum = deposit, caution
boligtype = type of housing
leilighet = flat, apartment
2 roms leilighet = flat with 2 rooms in addition to kitchen and bathroom (for egs. 1 living room and 1 bedroom)
Hybel = studio, very small flat
sokkelleilighet = a studio or flat which is part of a villa, on the ground floor, with its own entrance door
tomannsbolig, 2 mannsbolig = villa divided into 2 separate independant apartments. It can be divided vertically ("horisontaldelt): there is an independant flat on each floor. Or it can be divided vertically ("vertikaldelt"): each independant flat has 2 or more floors.
firemannsbolig, 4 mannsbolig = villa divided into 4 separate independent apartments
bruksareal = the size of the livable part of the apartment/the house (bathroom, bedroom, kitchen…)
møblert = furnished (with furniture)
delvis møblert = partly furnished
umøblert = not furnished
husdyr = pets
ikke husdyr = pets not accepted
ikke røyk = smoking not allowed
primærrom = primary rooms or necessity rooms: kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living room
soverom = bedroom
stue = living room
spisestue = dining room
peisestue = living room with a fireplace
kjøkken = kitchen
bad = bathroom
bod = small room for storage
hvitevarer = "white furniture" as fridge, freezer, washing machine, dish washer, oven, cooking plates etc
P-plass, parkeringsplass = parking lot
heis = elevator
barnevennlig = children friendly
gulvvarme, varme i gulv = floor heating
strøm = electricity
vann = water
Bredbåndstilknytning = connection to broadband
NB: please note these important points:
- in Norway, the WC are in the bathroom.
- some rentals will include electricity and/or water (in the rental price), some rentals won't.
In the brochure New in Norway, you will find relevant information about housing in the chapter ”Moving to Norway”.
Covid-19 information (entry in Norway, public health information) on Reopen EU.
For more information, please contact:
NAV EURES Norway Service Centre
Chat with EURES Norway, Fridays 10.00-13.00 (CET)
NAV EURES Norway, 2022
Network for Expats in Halden, Aremark, Sarpsborg, Fredrikstad, Hvaler
What is the purpose of Network for expats?
Sist endret 14.07.2022 14:49
The network for expats will help companies and enterprises in Søndre Viken to recruit and retain expats with a high level of formal competence.
Contact for Expats
Sabine Larrieu-Hellestad,
Email: sabine@haldennu.no,
Mobile phone: +47 981 36 616
Targeted Mobility Scheme
Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) Sweden makes it easier to move, work and to recruit in Europe. The mobility scheme provides both mobility services and financial support!
Jobseekers interested to take part in TMS must contact a EURES Adviser or a Public Employment Officer to get mobility support services, such as:
- information on labour market and living conditions in EU countries
- job search
- job matching and contact with potential employers
- preparing for job interview, taking up a job abroad etc
It is obligatory to receive mobility services from EURES/PES in order to apply.
Are you:
- citizen or long-term resident in an EU country, Norway or Iceland
- Willing to relocate for a job in another EU Member State, Norway or Iceland for at least 6 months?
- Aged 18+
If yes, TMS can make it easier for you to relocate! You may be eligible for financial support to cover some of your costs for:
- A job interview (contribution towards travel and accommodation costs depending on the distance)
- Relocation for you & your family
- Language course (reimbursement of max EUR 2200)
- Recognition of qualifications (may include for example translations and fee for the licence to practice, max EUR 440)
For more information and how to apply: http://www.euresmobility.se
Are you:
- A business with a maximum of 250 employees?
- Based in an EU country, Norway or Iceland?
- Willing to recruit from another EU country, Norway or Iceland?
- Able to offer employment for at least 6 months?
- Willing to establish a recruitment cooperation with EURES
If yes, TMS can make it easier for you to recruit. You may also be eligible for financial support if you offer an integration programme to your newly recruited worker(s) relocating from another EU country, Norway or Iceland.
For more information and how to apply: http://www.euresmobility.se
Funded by the European Commission, Targeted Mobility Scheme (TMS) combines tailor-made employment assistance with financial support. In collaboration with EURES (European Employment Services), the aim is to match skilled candidates across Europe with employers with hard to fill vacancies, including mobility services and various financial supports.