Career in Lithuania
Zu dieser Veranstaltung
The amazing event Career in Lithuania will offer you a great opportunity to start your career in Lithuania and to ensure your relocation to Lithuania as smooth as possible.
EURES specialists, huge list of employers are ready to assist you!
Different experience, knowledge, new opportunities and contacts – all in one place, one day. Completely free!
Don't miss the opportunity to learn about:
- Labour market situation
- Aspects of social security relevant to migrants
- Job mobility programs providing financial support to employers and jobseekers
- Job, career and business prospects in Lithuania
Let’s meet here on the 5th of May! We are ready to help You!
Information for Jobseekers
Dear Participant,
Thank you for your interest in Career in Lithuania event, taking place online on the 5th of May.
In order to get the most of this event, you should:
- Improve your profile / CV
Pay attention to your language, technical or soft skills, as well as educational fields. You can add your picture and, if you have one, your Skype account ID. If you haven’t done so yet, we strongly advise you to have your CV uploaded in English or have it retrieved from the EURES portal. You can as well add your LinkedIn profile or any online portfolio.
Watch the video
- Apply for jobs & confirm your attendance to interviews
There will be plenty of jobs waiting for you in the platform. Browse through these vacancies and apply as soon as possible to those matching your skills and expectations. Uploading your CV is not enough, the employer can only view your profile/ CV when you apply for their jobs.
Companies may also invite you for one or more online interviews, to take place on the event day.
In case you are pre-selected, you will get a notification by the employer(s) on possible timeslots for the interview, to which you should answer as quickly as possible.
If you have already applied, you might have some invitations pending your confirmation. Please check on a regular basis.
Watch the video
- Prepare for the interview(s)
In order to better prepare, you should thoroughly research available information on the participating companies, their main projects and recruitment needs. Select the companies you want to approach, or who have invited you for an interview, identify the questions you may want to ask and try to anticipate possible questions from the employer.
A cared personal look is important (even if the interview is online) and a good level of English combined with a positive attitude, will prove highly beneficial.
Please make sure, ahead of the day of an online interview, you have access to:
- PC, laptop, tablet / iPad or another mobile device plus a headset with a microphone and a webcam;
- a stable internet connection
If you have an interview time slot confirmed – please go to 'my job intervies" section on your dashboard menu and simply click the button "start the video call" to meet the employer on the time agreed. More information you will find in access to online chat on your dashboard menu. (In addition, you can indicate a range of communication tools such as Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and any other tool of your choice which can be used by exhibitors to get in touch but we highly reccomend the above mentioned solution).
- If you don't have any pre-set interviews...
On the event day, you can still make exploratory contacts with employers and get advice with info points on different services supporting your job search or mobility project by contacting available info points or companies through chat with exhibitors which will activate on the day. (To join the chat you need Skype installed pn your device)
- If you are not an EU/EEA or Swiss citizen
Please bear in mind that, while you may participate in this event and use the www.europeanjobdays.eu platform for job search and meeting employers, you will have additional legal obligations and administrative procedures to go through to get access to the European labour market.
We advise you to check beforehand for additional information:
- the basic EU labour market accessing principles for different non-EU country nationals,
- the EU Immigration Portal
You should also be aware that employers may decide not to go through your application, due to the expected length of immigration procedures related to your hiring.
- Still having some doubts?
Additional information on the event:
Daiva Kniežienė, tel. +370 658 24243, Email: daiva.knieziene@uzt.lt
Goda Maciulevičienė, tel. +370 658 25939, Email: goda.maciuleviciene@uzt.lt
We look forward to meeting you online on May 5th, and wish you luck for your job search!
Information for Exhibitors
Thank you for registering to take part in our Career in Lithuania Job Day taking place on May 5th.
In order to make the best of your participation, we now advise you to:
- Improve / update your company profile
This profile is your public introduction to potential applicants, what your main activities and projects are, and should reflect what your organisation expects from them in terms of values and HR policy.
In order to reach out to jobseekers all over Europe, we strongly advise you to add at least a small introduction in English (if this is the company’s working language).
If you haven’t done so yet, you should as well add your logo, your website and social media accounts.
We also recommend you to add an introductory video (if you have one available on Youtube or Vimeo) in order to make the profile more appealing.
- Add company Skype ID
In order to participate in one-to-one explanatory chats and/or calls during a live online event using Skype, you need to have a valid Skype account (not Skype for Business!) and provide a Skype ID in your profile. (We suggest to have one Skype account dedicated for E(O)JD events only).To do so please update your profile settings under "EDIT MY ORGANISATION" in the Dashboard menu.
Once Skype ID is provided, your profile will be listed under the "CHAT WITH EXHIBITORS" section on the event day. Please remember to be logged in to the Skype account so that jobseekers can reach you during a live online event. For more deatils please go to online chat access on your dashboard menu.
Please note that one single Skype ID can be assigned to one company profile.
- Make sure all your vacancies are published well in advance
When drafting the job profiles, pay attention, not only to profile and skills requirements, but also to working conditions offered (including potential supports to relocation and accommodation, and/or others). This info is very important if you also want to attract jobseekers from other countries.
If jobseekers apply for your vacancies in advance you can pre-select a few for interviews and schedule your event day better. It will also allow candidates to be better prepared when chatting with you on the day.
Please check out our video tutorials to find out how to publish your vacancies, pre-select applicants and schedule interviews.
- Get prepared to counduct job interviews
When the event is live and a job interview has been successfully scheduled, you will find your interview agenda in the Dashboard under the "JOB APPLICATIONS / INTERVIEWS" section.
To start an interview, simply go to your dashboard and click on "Start video chat" when the interview is due.
Default audio-video chat tool will allow you to connect jobseekers without the need of any external logins.
(Please note that the the candidates can also indicate a range of other communication tools such as Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger to be used during an online job interview. When available, you will be able to browse and copy the ID linked to communication tools indicated by the jobseeker and use them externally. At the very least, the traditional email and / or phone system can be used).
- Still having questions?
If you have any doubts, please send us your questions using the contact form or contact us:
Daiva Kniežienė, tel. +370 658 24243, Email: daiva.knieziene@uzt.lt
Goda Maciulevičienė, tel. +370 658 25939, Email: goda.maciuleviciene@uzt.lt
We look forward to welcoming you online on May 5th, on the European Job Days platform and wish you a very successful event!
Informacija darbdaviams
Mieli darbdaviai,
Lietuvos Užimtumo tarnyba bei EURES Lietuva komanda Jus kviečia dalyvauti Europos darbo dienų renginyje „Karjera Lietuvoje“! Tai puiki galimybė darbdaviams, darbo ieškantiems ir į Lietuvą planuojantiems sugrįžti tautiečiams susitikti virtualioje erdvėje nesvarbu kurioje Europos šalyje šiuo metu gyvena. Nepraleiskite šanso susitikti su puikius gebėjimus turinčiais kandidatais iš viso pasaulio!
Ką Jūs turėtumėte padaryti?
- Užregistruokite laisvas darbo vietas jau dabar (https://www.europeanjobdays.eu/en/video-tutorials)
- Sutarkite laiką pokalbiams su pasirinktais kandidatais
- Šauniai pristatykite savo kompaniją
- Bendraukite su kandidatais virtualaus renginio metu
- Pakvieskite naujus darbuotojus pradėti savo karjerą Lietuvoje
Dalyvavimas renginyje „Karjera Lietuvoje“ yra visiškai nemokamas. Jums tereikia prisijungti prie interneto iš savo kompiuterio ar kito mobilaus įrenginio. Tai puiki galimybė sutaupyti įdarbinimui skirtą laiką, energiją ir išlaidas!
Virtualaus renginio dieną, gegužės 5 dieną, EURES Lietuva komanda pristatys pranešimus apie Lietuvos darbo rinkos situaciją, finansines galimybes teikiančias Europos darbo mobilumo programas, socialinės apsaugos aspektus, darbo perspektyvas Lietuvoje.
Susidomėjote? Detalesnės informacijos Jums suteiks:
Daiva Kniežienė, tel. +370 658 24243, el. p. daiva.knieziene@uzt.lt
Goda Maciulevičienė, tel. +370 658 25939, el. p. goda.maciuleviciene@uzt.lt
Susitikime gegužės 5 dieną!
Informacija darbo ieškantiems asmenims
Mieli darbo ieškantys asmenys,
Lietuvos Užimtumo tarnyba bei EURES Lietuva komanda Jus kviečia dalyvauti Europos darbo dienų renginyje „Karjera Lietuvoje“! Nepraleiskite šanso susitikti su puikias karjeros galimybes siūlančiais darbdaviais iš Lietuvos!
Ką Jūs turėtumėte padaryti?
- Užsiregistruokite renginiui (https://www.europeanjobdays.eu/en/video-tutorials)
- Išsiųskite savo CV
- Sutarkite laiką pokalbiui (per Skype)
- Šauniai pristatykite save darbdaviui
- Bendraukite su kompanijomis virtualaus renginio metu
- Gaukite darbą ir pradėkite savo karjerą Lietuvoje
Dalyvavimas renginyje „Karjera Lietuvoje“ yra visiškai nemokamas. Jums tereikia prisijungti prie interneto iš savo kompiuterio ar kito mobilaus įrenginio. Tai puiki galimybė sutaupyti darbo paieškai skirtą laiką, energiją ir išlaidas!
Virtualaus renginio dieną, gegužės 5 dieną, EURES Lietuva komanda kartu su darbdaviais pristatys pranešimus apie Lietuvos darbo rinkos situaciją, finansines galimybes teikiančias Europos darbo mobilumo programas, socialinės apsaugos aspektus bei darbo perspektyvas Lietuvoje.
Susidomėjote? Detalesnės informacijos Jums suteiks:
Daiva Kniežienė, tel. +370 658 24243, el. p. daiva.knieziene@uzt.lt
Goda Maciulevičienė, tel. +370 658 25939, el.p. goda.maciuleviciene@uzt.lt
Susitikime gegužės 5 dieną!